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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Consilience Fear of death is impossible when there's a clear recognition that there is no you. No exceptions.
  2. @Consilience To say "I'm not afraid to feel afraid" is like saying I'm not afraid of fearing snakes when there are no snakes to begin with. @Nahm lol ?
  3. @Consilience why do you say it's impossible to not feel fear if fear is only an illusion? Caused by a false belief in the self. Is full disillusionment not possible? It's like saying it's impossible to not be afraid of ropes. I say nonsance. Once the recognition that a snake is a rope happens fear goes away totally. Not partialy, not weaker, totally, no exceptions. I'm talking about an ultimate insight. An ultimate insight into no self which comes from hitting the peak intensity of awareness. Full buddhahood. Full disillusionment. I'm talking seeing through all illusions without a trace of it left. If there is not a single trace of illusion left, there's not a trace of fear left.
  4. @Nahm I can die peacefully now... ? Thank you Nahm for being a man of reason ?????
  5. Do you really spend a lot of time thinking about these things? ? Well, how would I know. But I think it's true. Not that I have any evidence or proof smth. Transmittions are definitely real. So super powers are not very far from this, imo. Occult is probably also real, black magic also etc.
  6. ? lol. Possible. Could happen. Tho I'm very uncomfortable and akward in such situations . ? but I could do it probably. We can see. ? Im 24. From Lithuania currently. Now you know all my secrets ?
  7. @Breakingthewall Aaa. Okey. I see your point. This is where I would disagree. This. I would say if you see the snake is not real, the snake is only a rope. Creation will not stop. Rope will not dissapear from existence. The rope will remain, only the belief that the rope is a snake will go away. That's what is happening when awakening happens. Realization happens that there is no you. Existence still continues, but the fear of death is gone. P.s. no I have not arrived at the ultimate disillusionment. Some degree of disilliusionment yes. But far from total. Do I look like a Buddha to you? ? I'd not be here shitposting with you guys ?
  8. Haha. Well the intention is at least pure. What I would do in this situation, if i wanted to help people I would become like a vipassana teacher, or isha hatha yoga teacher. That's me. Because well I like these things. But the point you see. To become one of those things that spread consciouness in humanity and makes you survive. Well this is what you're already doing but in your own version really ? Idk, it's just the only thing that pulls my attention these days. Some pilgrimages, visiting temples, meditation, yoga, rising consciouness, meeting awake beings, just pulls me. It's like meeting a god. What is there not to like about it ? My life is simple. I saved up some money to travel, now I just live daily life taking care of a dog, chilling with parents, meditating, shitposting on forum when I get tired of meditation ? stuff like that.
  9. No qualifications needed? ? Interesting. Lets hope it's not just an initial hype ?
  10. I think I will move to some ashram or meditation center once the lockdown calms down a little bit. I had plans to move to portugal to meet mooji long ago but everything is getting postponed now because of covid. Once I get there I will know what to do next. Now that is all I now. ? I just want to meet him. Say hello. Stay there for some time if possible. He's been a huge influence on me.
  11. Well... I've heard some really good logical arguments that it's true. A very high intense energy flowing through the body will make the body vibrant and healthy etc. But there are some obvious examples of people who get physical ailments even if they are awake. I would say if you're really awoke than all ailments caused by the mind, stress anxiety etc would be gone. Only physical problems if you eat ice cream everyday could still happen. A Body itself is basicly a one big disease anyways. I dying corpse that is going to the grave sooner or later ? Plus things like karma is there... it's complex thing.
  12. @Raptorsin7 yeah I think pressure is normal. I had it also but I fixedit through hatha yoga and some kriya. Some people get strong headaches for some reason. Probably depends on how fat is one's ego and toxic your mind is. But you know headaches can be something physical also not just spiritual. So it's dangerous to assume too many things Lol.
  13. @Raptorsin7 Haha lol ? Okey okey. No Im not trying to make anybody enlightened here. My main point is to give a solid logic proof explanation. That you're not enlightened until there's no longer a drop of fear in you. This is relevant on this forum because everybody thinks he's enlightened because they understand intelectually that the self is not real. And I wanted to show that it is not enough to have this understanding. A real insight that comes from awareness is missing. A real insight removes all suffering. Hmmm.. is this answer okey? This is just advaita debate games Im playing. Not trying to enlightened anyone. But it has a healthy purpose. This understanding can prevent people from falling into false enlightenment. This whole thread is about the dangers of neo advaita. So i think it's appropriate here to speak about these things.
  14. @Tim R i hope i understood that your point that insight is an illusion. Your explanation was that is just a re-cognition. Like simply changing a perspective. Seeing a thing from different perspectives at multiple times and all of them are real. That's what I understood from your post. My reply was. Yes there can be multiple perspectives that are real. But that's not the case with illusions. Illusions don't have multiple perspectives that are real. Illusions only exists when the true perspective is not seen. I hope this is better now ?
  15. ??? What do you mean? Why do you say something is stopping me from sharing this? Explain.
  16. This true seeing of unreality of all illusions is the end of fear. End of fear means total psychological non resistence anymore. No resistence means no suffering anymore. Because suffering is caused by psychological resistence. Intelectual understanding that there is no self will not remove the suffering. It has to be a consiquence of awareness. A true seeing has to happen that removes all illusions. Than we can say enlightenment has happened. Amen.
  17. @Tim R hmmm... it feels like you want say something but you holding back ? I hope you truly understand what I wrote and not just say you do to run away ?
  18. So do you see what this means? A false belief that I am mortal and there is a self is the same example like with a snake. Once you see the self is not real, and nobody ever dies. Would that revome all fear of death in you or no? Bro you are 1cm away from understanding this. It's exacly like snake and a rope thing. Self is an illusion. Awareness of this illusion destroys fear of dying... man... this is so simple guys... so logical.
  19. Okey true. I changed the word there because I felt it was appropriate in this context. Awareness is what enables a true seeing. A true sight. An Insight . Awareness is the destroyer of all delusions. Hopefully this answers something in you ?
  20. Sorry if I missed some point. I really liked your post tho. Why do you say insisting. Im only saying what is logical. There can't be fear of snake if you have the right perception that a snake is not real. It's just a rope. I don't see any logical flaw in this.
  21. Yes it's different in this case. Cube can be looked at from different perspectives and both are real. Illusion can't be looked at and sayed it is real. You can’t ever see a rope as an illusionary snake and and say it is true. It is never true. No matter how you look at it. A rope is never a snake. It's an illusion. A false perseption. It something that doesn't exist. And true perseption removes the illusion of a snake.
  22. Seeeee.... I like this. I liked your post bro but look. There is such a thing as a false cognition, false perseption. And than once you see the false perception. Than you see the true perseption. Like seeing a snake and feeling danger. And than you see the truth that the snake is a rope. Re-cognition. Realization of truth. Truth will set you free. Free from what? Free from delusions and fear.
  23. Hmmm.. okey. Actually this thing happens to many people who start meditation but the explanation is usually different than yours. When you meditate energy goes into your head strongly and then there are blockages of ego that resistrict the flow of energy properly and it becomes like an uncomfortable pressure somewhere on the face. Ways to remove this is. You simply continue meditating and that pressure will move to the forehead and will become comfortable and not noticable anymore. You can do this through meditation or others do it through hatha yoga, hatha yoga makes the flow of energy clean and balanced without any resistences. If I'm right and if it is what I think it is. This pressure won't go away as you grow it will only intensify and go to your forehead at that point it will be very comfortable. Purification of the mind helps because ego is the thing that blocks the proper flow of energy. You purge some trauma and the energy flows better. Psychedelics helped you to experience what it feels like when the energy is blowing at a very intense rate. Then that energy just brakes all the blockages and just goes into your forehead where it's not even noticable. Thats how I see it. I could be totally wrong tho ?
  24. That's not the point. It's clever but it's not enough. True fearlessness is zero fear altogether. When you see the illusion that the snake is not real. Is there any room for fear? Only if there is doubt. Perhaps the snake is real. Only then fear is possible. Fear and illusion go together. Awareness of illusion destroys all fear. If there is even a spot of fear, that means there is a spot of false belief and indentity. Full trancedens of a false identity leaves no room for fear. Sometimes the recognition of false identity is partial and not full than the fear will become weaker. But if the recognition of illusions is total. Fear is impossible. There has to be an element of illusion for fear to exist. There has to be an element of unawareness for fear to exists. If awareness hits the peak, illsuions are gone. Fear is impossible.