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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @BenG i see. Fair enough. if you're new to nonduality it may take some time to grasp this that all manifestaion comes from nothing. Manifestaion can cease to exist. When everything dissapears. That which is left is called Nothingness/absolute/Shiva is the Source of all things. If it's not sinking in at the moment it's okey. I don't know if I can say something to make it more clear.
  2. That which has no quality of it's own is called Nothing. It's consciouness, pure awareness, Shiva. The creation that comes out of nothingness is Love/Shakti/Manifestaion Both are ultimately one. There's no duality. All creation is ultimately nothing because it comes out of nothing. But you can't call the source Love. The source is Nothing, the manifestaion is Love. That's why consciouness/nothingness is more fundamental than love. And consciouness is what you are, and consciouness has no quality. So... do you see what I'm pointing at? ? Nothingness and love is sort of the same. But if you want to be 100% logical than your fundamental nature is nothing. Your manifest nature is Love. Manifestaion is a secondary thing. Nothingness is absolute. In cessation love and creation dissapears. Obviously love is not the absolute thing then.
  3. You have stomach ache? Man I can't believe how similar we are, except for that grampa story ?
  4. That's a normal procedure of things. Yes. Everything gets recontextualized to be love when your eyes become pure enough to see it. Ego is distorting reality. Undistorted reality is love. That's why they sey truth is love. In that sense yes. But your true nature is nothingness beyond any quality. And you're also love becouse it comes out of you. Lol but nothingness is more fundamental.
  5. Yeah we can point to anything and say it is love. All creation is love. But you need to be in a higher state of consciouness to see that. Everything is love but misinterpreted to be something else because of ego and low conciousness. That's fine. Everything is love is a good teaching. But nirvana is beyond it. Creation is love. Source of creation is nothingness. ShivaShakti bro.
  6. There's probably some truth to it I intuit. But I wonder whether it's the highest truth? It seems more logical that nirvana would be the highest truth not God consciouness. That video on sadhguru exclusive shows that all these masters like buddha all knew about the infinite mind and god and love and choice to move beyond it and sayed it's still not the end. It feels more convincing to me personally.
  7. That's true. I don't really know what I'm saying. But it feels logical. Plus it's my experience also. I haven't heard a good counter argument that there is something beyond primordial consciouness without any quality. All qualities and states are secondary manifestaions from that which never comes and goes and has no quality. You'd have to be some super logic bending avatar to disprove that ? All those secondary manifestaions are you also. Thats okey. But it's not your fundamental nature.
  8. Nice try. But no. Nothingness is not love. And Im not talking about human emotions. You should make more effort to understand what Im saying before replaying.
  9. @Shin no bro. Leave love alone. Love is a quality. Consciouness is without any quality. Consciouness is your fundamental nature. Yet you're love also because love came out of nothingness. So we sort of agree. But the ultimate is nothingness. Love is secondary. Love is a manifestaion, not the source of manifestaion.
  10. @Raptorsin7 Exacly. Shakti means energy. The whole cosmos is one energy and that energy is love. All creation is love. But all creation comes from nothingness/shiva. So conciousness is more fundamental than love but they go together also.
  11. Idk about the shivashakti thing. But that consciouness is beyond any quality im certain. And the most appropriate name for it is nothing. Not love. Love comes out of that abidence of nothing. That's my experience actually. But it's also logical Love is like state more. But the primordial emptyness without any quality never comes and goes. And is the source of all things. That Im sure of.
  12. Appareatly not. That which is beyond all qualities can't be called love. The only appropriate name would be Nothing. And it's a higher truth then god consciouness. God love consciouness is a thing. But it's not the ultimate. At least that's what sadhguru and buddha says. Plus it makes total sense to me. Love is not consciouness, love is a manifestaion of consciouness. Consciouness has no qualities. It's Nothing. Your true nature is nothing at all. Love is Shakti, consciouness is Shiva. ShivaShakti. Creation is shakti, the source of creation is Shiva. Creation is love, the source of creation is nothingness.
  13. @RMQualtrough sorry the video is on sadhguru exclusive app... It is this video but it's not full. He only talks about the 4th body in here, the infinite mind. There are 3 more bodies beyond that.
  14. plus there's a video where sadhguru talks about 7 bodies saying 5 and 6 body feels like god, feels like everything, feels like there's nothing beyond it and get stuck there. But it's not shoonya/nirvana. It's not the final 7th body. It's an interesting watch
  15. I don't think you would use the word god in cessation. You would use nirvana or nothingness. There can't be anything that transcends nothingness. Love still has a quality. So it's not the highest. That which is beyond all qualities. Shiva is the highest. That makes sense to me at least at the logical level. When man pursues experience, he becomes the body. When he pursues knowledge, he becomes the mind. When he pursues God, he becomes the Heart. When he pursues Truth, he becomes Nothing. ~ Mooji
  16. @Inliytened1 I mean there are stories of ramana maharshi sitting and worms infesting his leg and he wouldn't bother about it. He would not even bother eating for survival, others had to put food into him to keep him alive because was so beyond the survival drive. Later he started to take care of himself tho. But still, makes you think, isn't it.
  17. @Inliytened1 yeah that subconscious survival instict I was also thinking about. I believe that instict is there because the intensity of awareness is not at its peak. If you hit the peak intensity of awareness. Samadhi or smth. Than even bear attacking you will make no difference to you. That's how I see at least. Total elimination of fear requires Total disillusionment. That implies the peak intensity of awareness. P.s is that dog in your avatar your husky? ?
  18. Yeah. Body can heal itself and body can maintain itself and has a natural maintenace of itself. But fear in my opinion is 99% if not 100% psychological not bodily. Body is just a veichle an instrument a car that you drive. Car has no fear. Fear is in the psyche. Psyche controls the body. That's how I see it. Idk, if it's true.
  19. @VeganAwake fear is resistence. Resistence is suffering. If fear happens than it's because there is a lack of insight that you can't die and you don't even exist.
  20. Fear and acceptance never go together. It's like resistence and acceptance never go together. In total acceptance there can't be a spot of resistence. Otherwise It's not a total acceptance, it's partial acceptance. To say I accept my resistence is just mental cleverness.
  21. @Consilience If there's no resistence to anything at all, can there be any fear?
  22. @Consilience Fear is a form of resistence. And the end of resistence is the end of fear. Would you agree?
  23. @VeganAwake there's no such thing as bodily fear. Have you ever seen a corpse in fear? No. Fear is always psychological.