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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. The thing that people don't understand is that to achieve total silence, absolute trancendence of the mind is needed. Absolute trancendence of the mind implies that the meditator has hit the peak intensity of consciouness, because only if the peak intensity of awareness is attained, mind can be trancendended fully and absolute samadhi stillnes can be accomplished. The only requirement to understand everything in the universe is not thinking or contemplation, it's consciouness. If somebody wants to know everything in the universe, all he needs to do is to hit peak levels of consciouness and all things will be known effortlessly. And that's where buddhism leads to. Higher and higher states of awareness towards peak states of awareness and total trancendence. Understanding there is inevitable once the peak awareness is attained.
  2. Tau Malachi. Christian gnostic combined with Kabbalah. Legendary guy of insane caliber of wisdom and consciouness. Has the best understanding of christianity that I know. Legit awake. Has studied all spiritual traditions from the age of 8 like buddhism, taoism, advaita, shivaism, shamanism and what not.
  3. Take a shower right before going to sleep. Meditation before sleep is also good but not as good as a shower.
  4. Okey let me clarify a little bit. Personal sense of self need not dissapear. You can trancend desire without the person dissapearing. By cultivating the awareness you can learn to discern what is you and what is your person. If awareness trancends the person, the person will still be there, but you will know it's just a mask not your real nature.
  5. Okey how about this. Desire is seen, desire to escape the desire is also seen. That which is aware of both is beyond all desire. But it's not enough to believe this or to accept this as a phylosophical idea. It has to become your living experience. ... Yes your personal sense of self will dissapear. But you will find something that is beyond the person. Your real self beyond life and death. Only an illusion will die. The awareness you are cannot die.
  6. A desire is a movement of the mind. A desire to end a desire is justna deeper layer of movement of the mind. When your awareness trancends all movement of the mind, all desire will end. If your mind stops you're not going to dissapear anywhere. Your ego and personal sense of self is going to dissapear only.
  7. That's fine, at least you're honest now. Instead of pretending to be on the "next level".
  8. @Sugarcoat Nobody cares about trancending the mind. But everybody cares about absolute fulfillment without exception. All the things humans do, chase money, women, sex, status, fame, friends, relationships, entertainment, pleasures etc. etc. All of it is to achieve perfect fullfilment. And none of it worked for anybody ever. So if you're wise you don't follow a path that never worked for anybody ever. You chose a path that worked for somebody, path that Jesus discovered, or a path that buddha discovered, or a path that some other sage master discovered etc. Then you're wise. You just underrestimated what you're dealing with and what it takes to become free. The proper choice was not to quit but to become more serious about your own salvation. And if I were to give a small personal advice, find a higher quality spiritual material to study from or a high quality spiritual practice to do. It will give you 10x more results and those results will then motivate you and inspire you to go forward towards better and better life. When people don't get results from meditation my usual thought is that they're probably doing some low quality nonsense. ? "So you’re absolutely sure that meditation gets to that?" Of course.
  9. @Sugarcoat you dropped meditation and nothing changed really. You're still looking for ultimate fullfilment like everybody else. And you're not gonna find it while playing video games or eating potato chips. You will only find the ultimate fullfilment if you trancend the mind. And without meditation that is impossible.
  10. The point is to arrive at what all human beings desire for: Absolute fulfillment.
  11. Probably you just don't understand the point of meditation. If you did, you'd be meditating 24/7.
  12. I don't think it depends on genetics. My father eats only white bread and milk his whole life and he's more healthy then I am. Runs 10km every day. And if I eat a single junk food ill be sick to my stomach. And I have my fathers genetics lol. Im pretty sure it's about one's spiritual evolution. If one is not evolved like a pig or a boar, then he will be very robust and physically rooted. A pig or a boar is very hard to kill actually because of how physically rooted they are. A deer on the other hand we can say is much more spiritual animal, it not so physically rooted anymore. A single arrow can kill it. It's like that with humans also i believe. More evolved a human becomes, less physical he becomes and more heavenly he becomes. Therefor not very robust and strong in the body anymore. But strong in spirit. Another way of saying the same thing: the more conscious you become, less stupidness you can tolerate.
  13. You say 'how do I submit'. There is no how. The digree of experiencial realization that everything is one, will reflect your degree of submittion. Your digree of submittion is just a reflection of how deeply you know the truth.
  14. Submit to reality is not the best choice of words. Better would be, realize that everything is one experiencially. Then total acceptance of the entire universe is inevitable. Also 'submit' is not an action. Submit is a consiquence. It's the consiquence of realizing the oneness of existence experiencially.
  15. Yea, i grew up on this practice from the very beginning of my spiritual journey. It's in my blood and bones this practice. I used to do this practice in my dreams even lol. It's the most powerful practice if done right imo. But I would say majority of people are not doing it right. Or are not getting the technique right. If done right, the question will gradually pull the awareness out of the mind and trancend deeper and deeper layers of personal identity. If done wrong, there's a danger of becoming deluded and fake enlightened. Which is quite common imo. If self-inquiry is too confusing just do aware of awareness, the results are pretty much the same, but with less potential for confusion and mental masturbation.
  16. Yea I also think void doesnt have a sense of self. Total no self. But the void still exists. And would argue that that void without any sense of self is your true nature. For me existing as nothing and absolutely no self means the same thing actually. When there's absolutely no self there's just beingness. Beingness is both nothing and everything and has no center and has no sense of self in it.
  17. I would say 'exist as nothing'. When there is stright up no self. Awareness still remains. That awareness is void. That awareness has no personal sense of self and has no center. It's bottomless. And that's your true nature. That's how I would interpret at least. Edit. When all sense of self dissapear. There is something that is aware that all sense of self has dissapeared. That which knows that all sense of self dissapeared is you. Formless, bottomless, untanganble awareness.
  18. Okey I just watched this short video of rupert spira He literally says the blankness of deep sleep gets permiated with awareness and pure knowing more and more as we become more and more concious in a waking state. Lol. Either im not getting something or I was right afterall...
  19. @RMQualtrough okey okey. You sound convincing. Ill take your word for it. ? But I still think it's possible to be concious in deep sleep, or anesthesia or cessation samadhi states. At least the teachers that I listen to say that, like sadhguru or goenka for example.
  20. @RMQualtrough your 100% sounds like 1% to me. But whatever, rupert spira is not the only example of such phenomena.