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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Well it doesn't trigger me at all when a sage says it or rupert spira says it. But when leo says is, it's like pure pain in my system that I have to meditate to rebalance myself. So imagine if he just caused that pain to 1000s of people online. All that pain probably boomeranged back at him by the laws of karma. Im just guessing and perhaps projecting here but i think there was an upheaval of pain in leo when he released that video that's why he removed it. Otherwise he would play his usual card "I only speak the truth, whether you like it or not is not my problem"
  2. I personally think there's some kind of flaw in Leo's understanding of solipsm. It's based on truth and there're elements of truth to it. But there's something that smells like fish also. The spreading of that disharmonious smell is what caused a backlash of suffering and pain probably so he had to remove it. (I could be projecting here) When truth is shared, it doesn't smell like fish it smells like pure love and harmony. When rupert spira speaks about solipsm it has a certain truth vibration of harmony to it. When false teachings are shared, escpesially on a large scale, the natural consiquence is that of pain and suffering. (According to buddha) but also it makes sense.
  3. Lol. What is the big fuss all abou? Even I want to see that video now to see what leo sayed to invoke such reaction. Did the audience go mad or smth? I wonder what happened lol. Lol. ? they should remove some of those points from you if you behave good for a period of time imo.
  4. @Spiral Wizard you should've just asked for that person who warrned you to elaborte further imo.
  5. Yea, that's a good point. I wish there was a way to measure people's progress properly tho.
  6. It's a pretty common answer given by many spiritual traditions that whenever someone pops into enlightenment for no reason or is just very gifted at spirituality the explanation is usually given that those beings did their share of spiritual development and work in their previous lives. So they are just continuing from where they left off. At least that's what they say. The story of how echkart tolle got his name is really cool tho.
  7. I think your social self image that you had created is going through some change now and it will hurt a little bit which is natural. Like having a new haircut and meeting your friends feels awkward for a few days and then things get to normal. I would say just meditate on that feeling of psychological pain and discomfort by putting your awareness on the feeling and holding it. This would resolve much of that conflict imo. Or just wait, your self-image will adjust automatically if you give it enough time and space. In short, just own it.
  8. It should. A horny old man hunting for some flesh and pretending to be charming. It's kinda gross imo.
  9. I think i can predict what leo will say. "You're manifesting the entire universe". *cheeky smile*
  10. Lol. I agree with @Medhansh . I won't press anything. But i definitely don't consider leo the most awake anything lol.
  11. What about every path leads to truth. Are there many truths? Or one truth?
  12. Sombody should make an annonimous poll to see what people think.
  13. Still just an empty statement inside me just like every other statement. And still doesn't smell like truth very much.
  14. @Carl-Richard one might as well say there are no other bodies. Everything is one body. Yea cool. But for practical reasons we can categorize different bodies as individuals. Same way ego and their content can be categorized into seperated mental bags or smth. At least it makes sense to me
  15. Again feels off. See, as far as im concern you're just a part of my dream making statements. And there are many parts of me who make different statements. And some smell like truth and some don't. So from my point of view, it would be wise to chose what eminates truth rather then the opposite.
  16. @Leo Gura i don't think u got my point. I was pointing to energetic different between someone who speaks the truth and someone who doesn't.
  17. @Leo Gura and also some parts of me when they speak, energetically it feels like truth. Like truth has a crrtain quality and vibration. Just energetically it is possible to tell who is speaking the truth and who isn't. An opinion smells very different then truth u know. And some parts of me eminate ėhat truth vibration when I listen to them kuke buddha christ(acim) and other parts of me dont eminate that vibration but claim to be all knowing and all understanding. Which is confusing because energetically it feels off.
  18. That's cool. But some parts of me say there're souls and some parts of me say there isn't. And some parts of me say everything in between. Just sayin
  19. @Leo Gura i think that would be where you and other teachers disagree when u say mahasamadhi ends all others aswell. When other teachers say a mahasamadhi would end only that one soul. Other souls would still continue untill they fully awaken. Just sayin.