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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. It means don't get in the way of the natural flow of all things.
  2. I think it depends on how clean your mind is. If it's full of lust you won't be able to stop wet dreams from manfesting. Purification of the mind is the key. For this there are many ways.
  3. Okey i watched the video. It seems he's pointing to nothingness/self realization which is a bit different. I think in the death book you quoted he is referring to total dissolution.
  4. I think he means total dissolution. A final goal in buddhism i think. Dissolution is somewhat different then self realization i think. Gonna watch the video now.
  5. "Everybody is acting from good intentions" and "All people are acting in pursuit of happyness unless they found inner fulfilment" are two very different statements imo. I personally don't even agree with the first one unless i bend my interpretation around it heavily.
  6. Haha nice I really like when he does these things. Would like to see him on pornhub next. ? guy has no limits. He can convert anybody into a seeker.
  7. Wow, I can't believe he's coming even to Lithuania. I'll be damned. It's like the war isn't on his mind at all, haha.
  8. Naaaaah ? This is something i keep trying to convey. Identity with the ego is not an assumed illusion. "As soon as look for it there's nothing there" u say. That's not true. When u look for it, doesn't fade, and it can be found. It's almost solid stuff that u can become aware of like the body. It has a psychic existence of its own. That's a big difference compared to what u sayed. At that point you can disidentify from it but even then ego doesn't fade so quickly. It is only realized to be not your true nature but is still lives on just becomes more transparant perhaps. To fully make the ego fade takes very long time to dissolve it. And there are practices to do it.
  9. @Judy2 I wish people would chose their words more carefully. What does illusory identity even mean? Seems like a poor choice of words. Identification with body-mind is real i would say. It's just not our real nature. So it's a false identity..i think that's a better choice of words.
  10. ? But not quite. What triggers me the most is when people say sense of self is just an illusion. It doesn't exist. It's like unicorn. Just an invented concept that can't be found ever. I take that to be a lie. It's my direct experience everyday that ego is a solid thing that can be made aware of as one advances in conciousness work. This level of awareness is what causes the disidentification from ego and self realization.
  11. @Kksd74628 would it be fair to say then when "I" disappear it is realized in that moment that it was just a sensation. Therefor it's not my real nature. Is this the same as u speak?
  12. @Kksd74628 that's not what vegan is saying. You say sense of self needs to be destroyed. I say say sense of self needs to be seen as not my real self(pure awareness) and trancended. And veganawake is saying it doesn't even exist haha.
  13. Yea. And sorry for my previous tone. Sometimes i get a "forum syndrome" ?
  14. I would recommend to stop all practice you were doing, espesially kriyas and breathing practices if u did for a period of time and simply sit in silence. Kind of do nothing technique. That would calm some of the distorted energy manifestaions imo.
  15. "I" and "you" are bad words do describe the self ime. The self which is pure beingness is devoid of any sense of I. It's devoid of any sense altogether. No self is good definition of it imo. My favorite definition of self is just nothingness. And nothingness is not an I. And nothingness is not a you. It's just beyond everything. Like isness. Isness can't be called an I. It just is. Not word can define isness. Not even "I" or "you".
  16. @Judy2 yea ego exists in its own way. Neo advaitists are a bullshit spreaders. U can literally become aware of your ego as a solid stuff in your psyche. It's almost physical. Buddhists spend decades trying to dissolve the damn thing. They are not trying to dissolve a unicon-like concept that doesn't exist.
  17. This was helpful. This is the fist time im interested in the politics lol.
  18. Good video. Just watched it. I heard the same arguments from other teachers aswell. Escpesially the draining of energy/Ojas that happens and not being useful when it comes to karmic realms. No real progress can be made without adressing it. It looks like it's a sensitive topic for him also, haha.
  19. Yes his username was literally sadhguru ? he was diamond 2 then, but i think he's like a master tier player now.
  20. That's true. Maybe someone else will do it, haha. I saw once a guy named sadhguru when playing league of legends. He crushed me like an ant on bottom lane. He must have been on shambhavi effect to do that i think
  21. U mean shambhavi mahamudra? I used to practice it but only for six months or so. Honestly If i had to recommend people the simplest, fastest way out of depression into a happy exhuberent life, I'd say to do shambhavi but nobody ever believes it's true lol.
  22. Ayayai.. I don't know what to say. I'm really moved by your determination and passion for self-improvement tho. Some of those questions are beyond my capacity to answer i believe. I could try to give u an amateur opinion of mine if it helps. I also maintain constant awareness whereever i go during the day and night. Staying as the watcher is my number 1 practice lol. I've been doing that for a few years now. It's my favorite practice really. Ironicly im not able to think of something to say that would be of significant help to you. The only things that come into my mind are very cliche, like, "keep putting your awareness back when u notice it's gone" and a.... yea, that's it ? see not much advice. You probably knew that already anyways. I do resonate and know how it feels to get lost in mind during meditation and then getting upset about it, haha. Somehow it is possible to go beyond that into a space of natural effortless state of pure witness with practice. Perhaps "keep putting the attention back when you notice it drift" is the only advice lol. Or maybe im just a bad advice giver, idk. ?
  23. I guess there are many ways of doing it. Each system of spirituality has its own way. Not all spiritual systems aim at purifying the mind tho. Some paths adress it more and some less. The buddhism is probably the most fixated system on purification of the mind. A classic vippasana retreat is a good example of that. Vippasana itself is a practice to become 100% free from cravings at the root level of the mind. Few traditions ever focus that much on purification of the mind as vippasana does imo.
  24. Buddha gave the answer already i think. ? Purify your mind ? It's funny how such a simple answer and solution never sinks in for many people.