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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Only if one achieves a state of zero bias can he observe reality as it is and not as he would like it to be. All bias is essentially a distortion of reality to suit your personal agenda and therefore a fake version of reality, aka delusion. To reach zero bias state either ego has to be trancendended or dissolved. Maybe there are some other ways also idk.
  2. I think delusion has to do with the ego. Ego interprets reality for it's own survival all the time. All interpretations of reality are distortions of reality. Only a place where there is no judgement, no interpretation, just pure seeing without any interpretation is the true clean perception of reality. It's called samadhi. So unless you're in samadhi, your perception is in some way distorted by the ego. If u experience suffering, you are deluded also because only delusions can cause suffering. So the simplest way to tell if you're deluded is. Are u beyond suffering? If no, then you're still in delusion.
  3. Hmm, good point. I wouldn't know how to explain that. Maybe the body makes full priority of the production of sperm cells right after the ejaculation so all the energy goes there and causes the low energy for a day and then goes back to normal functioning the next day. And then when the spem cells reach its full count, the testies still continue to produce sperm but because the bank is full, now they get reabsorbed back into the body, storing and cultivating more and more energy at this point. Idk. Im just speculating.
  4. As far as i understand, the body goes into a "repair mode". It tries to recover from semen loss and it takes enourmous energy to generate semen cells. Even to produce normal body cells it takes energy, but semen cells are of a different nature that require manyfolds more energy because it carries a possibility of a new life or smth. It's like if u get sick, all energy goes to heal that sickness and u feel weak. Or when u eat full stomach heavy meal, all energy goes into digestion and u feel sleepy. Same way the production of semen cells is not a joke for the body, it takes enourmous energy to produce them. Hence the explanation. That's why u get more energy when u do no fap because now u can use all that extra energy that u would otherwise use for semen production to some other activity. U have more energy to use at your disposal. Your body is not busy rebuilding something over and over just to be thrown out again ?
  5. I think it's a normal response. People who say they don’t feel any energy loss after masturbation probably never experienced what it's like to be full of energy. So they are always in that low state of energy so it doesn't make any difference to them, plus i would imagine they just sit all day somewhere not doing anything active. It makes no difference whether u have lots of energy or no energy when all u do is watch youtube videos or smth. The real impact of ejaculation becomes very appareat when you try be focused on some goal u want to achieve that requires determination and commitment, then it becomes very visiable how much the motivation drive drops low after masturbation. At least for me it's very noticeable. It feels like falling from 9floor for me ?
  6. I think if a person is stressed out and anxious. Masturbation can function as a stress relief and make a person feel more relaxed, somewhat sleepy, calm etc. And it gets associated with better mood and positive effects probably. In my opinion when only when a person who is not stressed out but exuberant, alive, vibrant and a in good state of mind by his own nature then he's going to experience big energy and motivation loss after ejaculation. But this may not be noticable from once in a week jerk off. But 2-3 times in a row would be a devastating experience imo.
  7. Interesting post. I've heard that some chose instead of creating their own energetic container, to merge with a deity or an ascended master like Jesus (some gnostics try this i think). Basicly the same thing but different container for the soul. Mantak chia btw teaches and initiates people towards these practices. I believe having transmittions is of paramount importance if u chose to follow this path. But he doesn't teach lucid dreams. He teaches to do astral travel while meditating. Leaving the body, flying around, doing some strange practices there, lol. Might be interesting for u. Tho i don't understand whether there really is wisdom in that. Im sceptical about these ambitions of immortallity. Many teachers speak negatively about it. Espesially ascended masters like buddha, shiva, krishna. Makes it very queationable path to follow.
  8. @Tortured Soul Universe is one organsim. That means nobody is older then anybody. We are as old as the universe because we are the universe.
  9. Here's a mindblower insight. We are all the same age. The age of the universe.
  10. Prayer is feminine, it needs receptivity, surrender, openness so that you have no will of your own and love just flows through you. Zen is masculine, it needs very intense laser sharp awareness that penetrates through the mind into the primordial eternal reality. Zen is easier to explain and give instructions and practices. Prayer you won't find any instructions anywhere. Because there is none. Prayer is not something u do. It's something that happens through u. Can't be tought. But can be transmitted somehow. Acim is your best chance to understand the magic of prayer imo. It's a mystical thing how it works. Even when u experience prayer u still will not know how it works. Because it's not logical even. Good luck
  11. Prayer is a way of being where you are filled with god's love and glory and your cells are singing hallelujah to creation. Best way to learn this is be exposed to someone who radiates that energy and can transmit it to you. I don't think it's possible to explain prayer through words and instructions. ACIM can teach u prayer. Not through instructions but through the grace of holy spirit and Christ. Take care
  12. The trick is to rise the awareness beyond the effort where effort itself becomes observable phenomena. Then being present becomes natural and effortless because u realized that effort to stay present has no impact at all on your presence which is already there prior to your intention to stay present. If that doesn't make any sense, then just meditate every day and rise your awareness little by little. Formal sitting practices are essential. Maintaining awareness in daily situations is very important as well
  13. @Consilience I think doer does exist and that intention and the doer are one and the same imo and ime. Doer is made out of intention. When your teacher is saying find the doer who's doing the technique. Try to become aware of the intention to meditate. Or the intention to focus. And that will lead your to a doer. Doer is an observable phenomena. Once the doer is found as an observable phenomena, final insight happens that doer itself is just a sensation. Sorry for my lecturing. ?
  14. Hi. I practice and live in the present for a couple of years now. It’s my natural state now. If u need help or support i can teach u some tricks. #Writting this while being present.
  15. The danger is in huge ignorance about how to use psychedelics properly in today's world. I think all the wisdom of proper useage is gone. Even shamans these days have weak knowledge in that regard in my perception. People really underrestimate how complex process it is to use psychedelics for spiritual growth. Even something as simple as making traditional chinese tea is actually insanly complex and sophisticated process that would blow your mind. All those subtle elements are gone now. People are using psychedelics like cave men these days without any clue what it does to their system and what's the long term impact. Very poor attitude in that regard. This gives rise to very accidental results also and many possibilities for damaging yourself. Also (this is my personal opinion it may not be true) the violent nature of psychedelics can cause subtle damage to the energy system and that would impair ones speed of growth when it comes to sober practice. Psychedelics also drains Ojas/life energy which is a very common argument all around like ayruveda, daoism and it makes a lot of sense to me tbh. Draining Ojas creates premture aging, fatigue, slowing down of spiritual progress (because u need to cultivate ojas to grow, not drain it.) etc. Maybe there are more idk.
  16. God is amazing. But there is a void of nothingness where no other word comes close to discribe it except Shi-va. And it's indescribable. Literally. All logic and sense making and symbolic meaning goes out the window. So stay open i would say.
  17. I made my entire family do yoga Ye, influence is a thing.
  18. @Raptorsin7 depends what u call as progress i guess. If healing the mind and traumas is what u call progress then maybe. If self realization is the goal then deff no. And different meditation techniques give different emphasis on self-realization vs healing the mind. Usually they converge at some point. Some focus only on self-realization like zen and leave all personality disorders/traumas away. That's actually the fastest way, ignoring all the personal bs and jumping over it. This method if done successfully will arrive a seeker towards self-realization and abiding in the state of nondual self-realization purify the mind automatically. And that’s what those guys in the video fail to understand and abiding in that state fixes all mind problems without any effory or intention. Other schools focus on purification a lot, trying to fix the person before doing the spiritual work. That's fine too. It depends on what is the state of evolution and development of a seeker. Accordingly a path is made for him/her. Healing the mind(the goal of therapy) has it's place and no spiritual tradition ever denies the significance of it. But it's just a preparatory step. And actually if purification of the mind is your goal, u can find 10× times more effective ways of doing that then therapy in spirituality. And + all therapy systems are created by ignorant people and those systems have many flaws in them which is really lame and doesn't lead anywhere ultimately. It's not the highest quality material to study from. Why study all that nonsense when u can directly learn from buddha or christ... be smart about it. It will save u lots of time and useless learning.
  19. @Raptorsin7 the point is that their criticism is faulty. People watching and not benefiting is not echkart tolle's fault. Not everyone who reads zen becomes a zen master but at least they are listening and trying in the right direction, that's important. How much benefit each draws is upto them. But material itself is authentic and legit and valid. That's all that matters. And really Echkart Tolle is the worst example they could've chosen to make a point. His teaching literally leads to dissolution of pain body, peace of mind, freedom from addictions, self realization, enlightenment, higher wisdom, connection to god's will, impenetrable holyness, health, joy, happyness and etc. At least if they had chosen somebody like Ramana Maharsi or J.Krishnamurti who say u don't need to do anything at all to be blissed out i could understand. ?bc that's not easy to grasp. But criticism on echkart... that's really lame and weak levels of spiritual understanding.
  20. They lack understanding in spirituality and meditation that's why the friction. The thing they both kept repeating is that meditation doesn't heal. Or that the act of observation doesn't fix the problem. Which is not true I would argue. All criticism was based on this idea alone pretty much i think. And it is a false statement. Act of observation eliminates all neaurosis and leads to purifycation of the mind. It leads to absolute health and wholeness of individual. So... I actually liked the video and their thoughts. Never heard of ifs before. They have some interesting insights. But their criticism can be easily resolved with a little bit deeper understanding of meditation and what it does and how it works.
  21. I think desire is the root of thought. Zero desire = no mind activity = absorbtion into samadhi probably. That's why the end of desire is the end of you and enlightenment/liberation in buddhism i think.
  22. The purpose of a flower is to blossom. The purpose of the tree is to grow and to blossom. The purpose of all life is to grow, evolve, and to blossom. By that logic enlightenment would be the purpose and the blossoming of human life i think. But not a temporary glipmse but a permemnant evolution into sagehood.
  23. Awareness is non physical, non tangible phenomena. Aka, nothingness. Or so they say.
  24. Aaah, close. Great blog idea of writing down the things u want. Worked on me at least. Happy boyfriend hunting and easter.