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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Making an inappropriate joke blown to an extreme proportions ? Dalai lama is so innoscent of his behavior he wasn't even aware how badly westerners will interpret it lol.
  2. Yea that sounds familiar. I would recommend instead of "trying" to come up with a response, simply observe your mind and watch how the response comes automatically.
  3. That's another name for presence actually.
  4. @LSD-Rumi u think a human with 10iq is less sentient then a human with 200iq? Actually it matters not how much intelect u have. Whether u're a simple calculator or a complex ai code. It's all the same. U can upgrade a calculator a 1000x times and its sentience level will still remain the same( that of a math formula). A human with zero iq will still be more sentient then a concept maschine.
  5. Spirituality is a science of refining energy/soul/spirit into a higher and higher possibility. I don't think a code or algorithm could have an energy body even to begin with. It's just a concept maschine. Concepts are empty of life.
  6. The more Presence you have, the more Sentient one becomes. Animals have certain amount of presence. Humans have more presence Rocks have less presence but still have presence if you're sensitive. An enlightened being has enourmous presence. God has infinite presence A robot would have very little presence. The same amount as a calculator regardless of how complex the code and algorithm is.
  7. One difference between humans and robots that i forsee is that robots can't have The Presence. When a human sits in samadhi, the whole atmosphere feels devine. Trees, animals, plants, people everything respond to it positively. The energy is very powerful around it. When a robot sits in "samadhi" it's just a dead computer or just a fancy code program, it doesn't have any Presence except the presence of the material used to built it. #RobotsHaveNoSoul ?
  8. "The appearance of sentience that AI has is as illusiory as ego personality"
  9. But what will u get out of it? I find it hard to understand, my apologies Also, are u going to talk to a therapist before commiting to it?
  10. I reccomend everyone to look within and figure out what they truly want. It's a very healthy thing to do.
  11. @DrugsBunny i have nothing against a surgery if that's really what u want. All i asked is, are u truly concious what u want at the deepest core of your being? And if at the deepest core of your being someone wants to do a surgery then i give my total support for that. However, most people are treating this issue very flippantly. Hence i recommended a guided instructions to help those confused to really figure out what's running them deep inside. It's a very healthy thing to do. Espesially before commiting to something so drastic imo.
  12. Not friends but the sense of joy, acceptance and love that friends can give u is what u want i proposed. Friends, money, success or changing the body is just a pretext. A wise one goes for happyness directly not through external means but internal. External situations have nothing to do with your happyness is good pebble of wisdom to remember.
  13. Maybe u just crave to be loved and accepted in a company of close friends and have a good time? Often there is an underlying desire that is running us for what we "think" we want. There's a saying. The only thing a human soul really wants is more of god and his Light, everything else is just a poor misinterpretation of that one desire. The question "what i truly want" is not a simple question. Your mind can easily give u many false/corrupt answers before u reach the real core desire of your soul. If u want to really do this inquiry properly i would highly recommend following the guided instructions below. It will give u a much clearer answer to what u truly want i feel Tcare & Good luck
  14. @Leo Gura wow, these last few posts are surprisingly clean of you. Like a breath of fresh air
  15. @Leo Gura no response? Pff... at least admit you were wrong lol.
  16. Are u sure you're giving enough credit to the samadhi i was describing? Total absorbtion into absolute. Where breath stops and u are completely sucked into absolute. And energy is so profound in the body that the body survives on prana generated by the samadhi alone. Time is completely wiped out. 1000 years can feel like 1moment Idk why but it seems your not giving enough credit how insane these states are.
  17. But u haven't had a buddhist samadhi. Where the breath stops. Existence vanishes. And 7days last like 1moment. Or am i projecting again?
  18. @Gesundheit2 pressing a like without liking the video means audio masturbation? Im not sure i understand the joke here