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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There's one particular material that i discovered just now that made me create this stupid journal ? Here it goes: Hildegard. most recent gem from christian community. She was having visions and mystical experiences from the age of 6. And channeled significant amount of wisdom on many levels. What blew my mind is that she wrote an entire system down of herbal healing which is very similar to ayurveda and chinese medicine. It's quite something bc i always wandered why christians have so little material on such subjects and it turns out they do. lol She also wrote about crystals, gemstones, astrology. She painted some interesting pictures that she saw in her visions. She would compose most increadible music aswell. I mean... the women was a genius. Or sage and a mystic rather. A true gem in every way... There i had to get this off my chest. It's was impossible not to share it. By accident i deleted my old journal. Maybe i leave this one to share some future insight that compel me.
  2. This is a good answer also. The energies of fear and anxiety make us contract, become mental and lose touch with reality, the present moment where there is no tension and everything flows naturally and beautifully.
  3. How authentic u are is directly proportional to how connected u are to the presence, it's the only authentic thing in existence. In other words it's a question of your development in consciouness.
  4. Being yourself is what u are when u have no techniques, no plans, no intentions. U're simply there, alert and open. Present. Responding to situation as per your nature. As per the nature of your consciouness and conditioning. If u can be present or stay as presence while talking to someone, your authentic self will shine effortlessly and all the right actions will manifest on its own. Acting with mental techniques, mental planning in advance of what u gonna say, theories and tricks about dating etc is lame. That in general would fall under inauthentic category in my dictionary.
  5. A formal retreat is necessary. It doesn't cost anything. Plus it is very supportive and makes your results much better.
  6. It's a practice designed to eliminate all compulsions. Total wipeout of cravings is its goal.
  7. ? Vipassana retreat ? I bet that's one thing you're not willing to do.
  8. To show how lame and unconscious these psychedelic masters are. That's one that comes to my mind
  9. It's like beating a child to make him study better. Sometimes it works but it's still not the way to do things imo.
  10. Your only hope is to adopt some spiritual practice and use it to purify your mind and develop self-awareness/equanimity. If u have an authentic practice going, these urges will drop away at some point. Forcing and suppressing yourself too much is probably not very healthy. I think also if someone performs lots of physical activity he may be able to exhaust that sexual energy into physical action.
  11. It's all about the power of presence and your ability to stay as presence and not identified with a bundle of thoughts. When you're identified with the movement of the mind u lose presence. When you disidentify from the movement of the mind you create space between your thoughts and yourself. That yourself is called presence. The more you can stay as presence the bigger gap is there between your minds activity and you. When the gap becomes total or when total disidentification from mind activity happens, u reach a place beyond all suffering.
  12. Until one becomes fully enlightened. When one transmutes all animalistic energy into devine energy. When one becomes a buddha.
  13. It's a miracle to hear such information from you i love it. I didn't know about it ?
  14. @How to be wise If u search the internet a bit u may find more information about it. Maybe some more evidence as well. According to the International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, during the pre-dawn period, there is the availability of nascent oxygen in the atmosphere. This nascent oxygen easily mixes with hemoglobin forming oxyhemoglobin, which has the following benefits: Boosts immunity Increases energy level Helps maintain the balance of blood pH Relieves pain, soreness, and cramps Enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins I think it's scientificly provable that human system functions somewhat differently at different times of the day. A jump from that to what sadhguru says is really small imo.
  15. actually if you type "bhrama muhudram" or "meditation before sunrise" in google you'll find dozens of people talking about it. Mostly from yoga and ayurveda traditions. Other traditions may have different names for this period. I think this knowledge existed for thousands of years already. And it's not that 3.40am is a magical number. It's has smth to do with a planets position to the sun. At least that's what the video says. If u watched the video then u probably know as much as i do lol. Here's a good example of another video demonstrating the kind of understanding and logic that is behind yogic traditions.
  16. It's just strange that people are completely incapable of allowing any possiblity that different times of the day can have different impact on meditation. It just boggles my mind totally what is so unbelievable about it. So obviously false. And yet when asked about it directly nobody has any argument to back up that perspective. That's as lame as it gets.
  17. U guys are weird, how do u guys even come up with such weird explanations. How hard can it be to consider the idea that it can literally be true that different times have different impact on meditation and it's not just placebo or clever manipulation to make people wake up early in the morning.
  18. Im just exposing that your statements are baseless. It's only fair.
  19. Yet u haven't made a single argument to back up your statements. You're just calling and labeling things that u don't like as new agey without any real back up. Empty statements.
  20. That's just your perpective. U don't know how scientific or unscientific spirituallity really is. You're guessing and assuming things that u don't know again. Again. And again.