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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I used to be skeptical of him and his claims before. But now I think he's legit. He might have some useful knowledge to offer, especially with the dmt producing methods. Yet for some reason I still feel reluctant to look into him.
  2. There are few things I'm still testing tho by trial and error like what sleeping position works best, and what meditation works best, and how long one needs to do them etc. So I'm still kinda refining the process.
  3. Interesting
  4. 😇🌟
  5. I have shared with you before of my by accident astral experience when I was meditating in early morning. So I was trying to trace it back what it is that caused it to happen. Apparently pineal gland is the most active between 3-6am. I found that if I do a particular kind of meditation called Light meditation or meditation on the heart, during that time period, the meditation activates something in my brain and if I fall back asleep, there's like 80% chance I will either have a vivid dream or some other crazy dream phenomena. So my goal now is to do a dark room retreat and generate massive amount of that dmt in my brain lol.
  6. I heard you mentioning the experience of energy rushing into your head in sleep paralysis. That is something that I had today. But I was able to relax. And the energy just kept going more and more intense and I started to get worried if this is safe and then the hesitation caused me to come out of it. I want to try to surrender completely next time. Because the energy was of unimaginable intensity. There has to be something crazy on the other side of that experience.
  7. A week worth of pancakes. Haha, no actually I won't be able to cook for myself in complete darkness so I'm thinking to eat something simple like fruits and veggies and nuts, maybe some rice crackers. Something that need no preparation. It's going to be a bit boring I suspect but doesn't matter.
  8. I've been playing with astral travel this past week or so. I think I have figured out the method that I discovered by accident on how to induce it willingly and I've had some success already. I'm planning to do some deep traveling soon. To duck tape my windows and create a dark room retreat environment. To buy some food for a week. And do some crazy astral travelling. I'm about to transcend this entire universe, I can feel it.
  9. That's fucked up tho lol.
  10. Nooooo way. Me too lol 😂
  11. I suspect a quiet delight of the wholesomeness is the ultimate happiness. The exciting and stimulating bliss is just entertainment for the ego that leads to attachment and then attachment leads to suffering in the end. Also permanent loud bliss would become annoying after some time I believe.
  12. @Sugarcoat pancake and milk yogurt.
  13. Ultimate combo.
  14. The shift does not make you who you are. But the shift is what is referred to as realization of who we are. The shift is of the paramount importance. Being awake and completely unaware of it is of no value.
  15. True. But it's possible to be completely unaware of our infinite nature and instead be identified with a limited body-mind identity. The shift of perception from a limited identity towards unlimited identity is what is referred as Awakening. We are not already awakened until this shift of perception happens and it happens only by increase of awareness. I know I'm repeating myself here but it feels appropriate to say it one more time.
  16. @Princess Arabia I'm not disagreeing that we are already who we are. I'm disagreeing that we are already self-realized of who we are. Realization of who we are requires deepening of awareness to greater and greater depths. And that's a process.
  17. By dropping the false identity that we believe ourselves to be we become more authentic and more true to who we truly are. So you see, there is a process of growth from being identified with what we are not to being more and more truthful. And how truthful one is depends on how self aware they are. And how self aware one is can have many degrees.
  18. The reason I raised this point is because it dismantles the idea that we are already awake. In truth we are blind fools in need of lots of illumination still lol.
  19. The question is how aware are we of who we truly are? As opposed to holding a false identity with the body-mind only. This awareness have degrees. Depending on the depth on this awareness can we judge the depth of one's enlightenment or knowledge of themselves.
  20. The interesting thing I found in the video is that he claims God and everything spiritual can be proven using logic alone. And if there is one characteristic of high iq is that they are extremely logically consistent and leave no room for fantasies. It's interesting because usually intellectuals tend to thing everything spiritual to be illogical and woo woo. And here he is. Lol.
  21. I think you guys don't even understand half of what he's saying. To criticize him is a bit arrogant of you.
  22. You should give people advice how to be so free spirited. That's the most impressive thing for me in you.