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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Hmm, interesting points being made here. Okay, let's say ai is a perfect guessing machine. But perfect guessing is not intuition either. Intuition does not guess, it KNOWS beyond guessing, it KNOWS. Like conciousness. Intuition and conciousness go together. Being good at guessing and knowing something with certainty, with the certainty of God itself are not the same thing. That's why I'm skeptical of Ai having intuition or Love or conciousness etc. But I don't fully understand your position of what makes you say what you say so I can't give a proper counter argument. @Joshe I enjoyed reading your take btw.
  2. I use the structure of a particular language to express myself. That structure is always the same. Ai follows the structure of a certain computing code. That's its language.
  3. It will write the answer that it was programmed to write. Wtf. For real.
  4. To say ai has intuition is like saying a calcutor has intuition.
  5. How so? It's just a computing algorithm. It has zero intuition.
  6. Intuition is as certain as the knowledge when a note is out of tune. If you're tone-deaf, all musical notes will make no difference to you. When your discernment is sharp, the slightless variation of out of tune note will be jarring to your entire system. That's the power of knowing things by energetic resonance and there's no intellectual analysis involved in it. Energy never lies.
  7. Let me know when you've constructed a proper argument to any of my points.
  8. That's all good and clever but others having bodily limitations does not qualify you a as slave master/owner. Subduing other's will to fit yours by force is what qualifies a slave master.
  9. Fast pattern recognition is not intuition. It's just another form of mental analysis.
  10. Something becomes yours when you take responsibility for them also. If it's yours by conquest, than it's slavery. If it's yours by inclusion, than it's love. You can make the whole world yours by taking responsibility for it.
  11. Intuition is something that you know without the use of analitical mind. Absolutely every decision in chess is made with the use of analitical mind. It's just that in some decisions you have more confidence than the others (based on analitical factors and past memories) and you call that confidence intuition. That's not intuition.
  12. Harmony is your compass. Harmony is always true. Follow harmony and you'll never fail. Follow ego (disharmony) and you're finished. Okay I'm done. 😴
  13. It takes one to know one. Because your nature is harmony (truth) you can immediately tell what is out of harmony (falsehood). That harmony is also love.
  14. I'm cool with that. I'm going to sleep 😴. Maybe we'll finish some day.
  15. They may seem "okay" until you push their buttons lol
  16. No. Love knows what is true and what is false intuitively. Like knowing when a song is in tune or out of tune. Is this person in harmony with the truth, or not? Love knows immediately.
  17. Perception can be clauded with shadows. Love itself is never wrong. Our ability to feel love's answer can be faulty and often is until we develop sage like awareness and discernment.
  18. Sometimes. It's case by case situation. Plus they are not forced into that role imo. That's a game changer.
  19. It's more difficult to see someone without them lol
  20. Love knows who's evil and who's good with one look in person's eyes.
  21. "my heart is telling me I should go on the beach today" "my body is telling me it wants fresh salad today"
  22. Impossible. People may do bs in the name of love, yes. But love is never bs and is always true.
  23. Lol. Love would never mistaken an innocent good hearted woman as a witch and burn her, as an example.