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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Mmm. In my experience sexual energy gets generated during sleep, if u transmute it in the morning, you're free for the day. Untill u go to sleep again. Not that im an expert on it. But it's true for me every morning so.
  2. I have no idea ? Yes but I would get full-body organsms just from meditation. So idk if that counts. That's mainly bc i was initiated into sexual alchemy and since then weird things have been happening. Sexual energy going up my spine and spreading through the body is one of them.
  3. If one transmutes the sexual energy properly, there's no struggle. You can go for 20years with zero struggle in that way. When i went for 13months recently i had zero struggle whatsoever. I only failed bc i was playing around with mantak chia's stuff lol. I could easily go nofap for a lifetime. It feels no different then going no fap for a day. Transmutation is the key
  4. Lol. Was it worth it? The relapse i mean.
  5. Very questionable thing to say imo. He also thinks venting about buddhism is god talking to him. These psychedelic induced insights into the nature of reality can easily be false and distorted by ego aswell.
  6. I would suggest looking at it this way. Consciouness is one Vehicles for consciouness are many. Hence all life forms have consciouness. It's the same one consciouness in all beings. Same one and only consciouness is looking through every living thing in universe. The end. Saved u 10+ years of confusion. You're welcome ?
  7. Another point worth mentioning is probably to question the insights one gets on psychedelics more. How many of these insights on psychedelics are actually legit and not an unconscious projection of our mind? Even leo, supposedly a very careful and self honest guy thinks all that venting was coming directly from god. lol. I would really queation the validity of psychedelic induced insights much more. ?
  8. Psychedelics have a therapeutic effect. I think leo was carying wounds around buddhism or smth and psychedelics made it bubble up and it overpowered his concious control. He didn't handle the situation well in my opinion. In those kind of situations when psychological wounds arrise u need use meditation and awareness to let it bubble up without reacting to it and let it play it out. That would lead to healing. It's a normal psychedelic madness. People act like that all the time on lsd when they run naked on the streets ?
  9. Having a solid foundation and sober meditation practice is the key. Even if things go wrong u can still manage to get yourself out of it as long as u have the meditation practice going. And psychedelics are likely to be far more fruitful when u're a good meditator. And your judgement about psychedelics will be far better and more honest aswell. Everything hinges on sober meditation in the end. ( unless you're a very rare case or smth)
  10. There're people who claim they got possesed during or after the trips (the number of people who experienced that is probably much bigger then people realize). I think in the past i would've thought these stories are just someone's hallucination or i would try to give some other logical explanation but these days i'm getting more and more conviced that it's true. It need not nessecarily be so dramatic tho. It can also be subtle. Like suddenly there's a lot of misfortune happing around u. And somehow life is just derailing for some reason. The problem is, it's hard to tell the difference between the real thing and false imagination placebo effect. Unless u get seriously possesed and u see demons eyes open sober ? at that point u know u've fucked ? Sometimes i feel it depends on who prepared the substance for u. Who the source is. Is it a very loving person who cultivated these mushrooms care and good intention etc or is it a dark shady drug dealer whom u bought your stuff. I think that makes a big difference as well even if it's barely logical at first glance.
  11. Some ancient egypt temple.
  12. @OBEler what method did u follow? @DefinitelyNotARobot at what time is it best to do astral projection? Do u need to wake up in the middle of the night?
  13. We can't do love. We can only allow love to flow by being vigilent against fear getting in the way and blocking the flow. It's a certain type of energy that flows when certain channels are open imo. Opening those channels may require some "esoteric" means tho. If anyone wants i can share direct methods and initiations for doing that in pm. Cheers.
  14. Maybe just play it by ear. You can know what to do in each situation by being attuned to the present moment and the guidence of the heart instead of the eternaly confused mind. Start to rely more on that for your answers would be my advice. Learning to play things by ear can take a long time. However it's probably the only solution to these type of problems that will stand valid in the end. Also you're probably the only one here who knows what u should do the most bc you're the only one here who has a full picture of what the situation is like moment to moment. P.s. having a good intention to help someone is already enough in many ways i believe.
  15. Mooji on evil spirit attacks. I personally have some exp with this and i reccomended acim for a good reason. The book is more powerful then a normal person able to understand. In some way we need to find a way of inviting good forces of protection and grace. Acim is a good way of doing that. (Not the only way tho) but one of the best arguably.
  16. I would rely on grace personally. If that doesn't make any sense, then read acim for example. It will wipe all negativity out. The book is infused with tremendous grace of yeshua. Good luck
  17. Things i want to achieve this year or in the future. Energy healing Opening psychic centers Perfect pitch Astral travel Rainbow body
  18. How to awaken your kundalini using herbs (secret knowledge) Short version Screen_Recording_20230205-192628_Brave_1_1.mp4 Extended version audio rec, kundalini.mp3 Summary: betel leaves, kumkum, jyotismati and brahmi. (Disclaimer: I'm not 100% confident i got it right)
  19. That's not true. We can find the ego actually. It's an observable phenomena. But it's subtle and self-awareness needs to be refined upto a certain degree to do that. The more self aware we become the more we can observe what the ego is and how it functions. At the same time, the more we become aware of ego and it's functioning the more we trancend the ego also. This game of trancending the ego has many layers also. Just bc somebody is not aware of the ego identity yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means lack of self awareness. That's why the ego still responds to the old situations the same way over and over again.
  20. Learning to observe things objectively is a great art of mastering the quality of your life and destiny. The act of observation turns all turbid energies into harmony by itself. It's a spiritual law somehow. It purifies your karma u and makes u grow in awareness aswell. Learning to observe sensations, feelings, emotions objectively has many levels and degrees to it. The more self aware u become the greater your ability to turn discordant energies into peace becomes. At some point u can turn the entire hall of people into peaceful energy by the same power of shining your awareness of everything. The good thing is every bit of progress that one makes will pay off into a better and better life. Better and better life continuesly without end. Better and better and better and better and... continuesly. At some point being in a state of presence becomes your second nature. Then you're in an effortless meditation 24/7 reaping the benefits of meditation by not doing anything ? So it's a good thing to practice everyone should do it imo. It's not the ONLY solution here. But it is one of the really fantastic ways of doing it and always pays off.