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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. So okey, an "apparant desire" for peace is there build in by design "apparantly inside" into an "apparant human being's mind". It seems u agree a little bit on that. And can we agree that this "apparant desire" is what causes an "apparant human being" to take "apparant necessary steps" to find that peace?
  2. As far as i know both ways are valid. U can prepare your body, the flow of chi, mind and then develop meditation as a natural quality. Or u can simply jump into meditation from the start... Hmmm... it's just that there more then one way of achieving something. Hence u get different suggestions on how to achieve meditation. But both ways are legit imo. But talking about u in particular, simply sitting and dreaming may not be of most benefit. So in your case preparing the body mind and energy first through other practices would be more helpful perhaps. See. It depends on the individual. There're as many paths as there're people. Simply jumping into meditation from the start works as well for some people.
  3. @axiom okey i won't use "us" and "we" ? See if u disagree with this one. 1. There's a desire for peace inherent in all human beings. (Because universe is simply made that way) it's that way by design. 2. That desire is what makes humans search and do all the steps necessary to achieve that peace. Let me hear your thoughts ?
  4. This one is cleaner imo. See if u disagree with this one.
  5. @axiom ive edited and added a bit in my posts. Please check and see if your reply changes in some way before i reply
  6. To expand a little bit. When we get triggered and the desire comes to abide in presence to regain our peace, it's not by accident, but bc it's god's inherent will in us to desire for peace always. There, i think i found the proper words to articulate it
  7. True but the way i would articulate it is this. It's the desire for peace that we all have by god's design that creates the intention to abide in presence and therefore do all the steps necessary to get there. It's god's will that makes things move. P.s. this is similar with ping pong but it has a different taste. I like it
  8. I think thoughts are more like consiquences of a state of conciousness. If we are in defensive ego mode, one set of thoughts will arise. If we abide in open all inclusive spacious presence, totally different thoughts will arise. Much more beautiful thoughts
  9. I think there is a choice to respond from presence then from ego. If my theory is correct. Responding from a state of presence will lead to some good fruit. Responding from ego will make things worse. I'm yet to confirm this theory for myself.
  10. Yea, but it's hard to stop. If i don't reply, inside my head im still replying, just not expressing it. And what good is that. Fake peace basicly.
  11. @Thought Art no you're triggered alright. No YOU are triggered No bro u are triggered NNNOOOOOOOO How do i get myself in these ping pong games all the time ?
  12. Also add that you're not sure how many factors are there ultimately and how complex the process actually is. It's a complex thing that goes way beyond yours or anyone's here understanding. Okey, ill stop myself... ?
  13. You're definitely frustrated lol. But that's okey, u piss me off too ❤? I will not respond to the criticism bc im not in the mood for ping pong right now
  14. Fights can bring people closer sometimes (don't question me on that lol)
  15. Im not in it for debates. I just do it aimlessly whenever im inspires to. It's hard to tell what is running it. As long as i remain concious and in tune with presence i don't care to question it deeply. It's a good training ground if u practice being present and observing your own ego games during these dramas. I can tell I've improved a lot compared to previous year or so. In terms of staying concious and non violent and non toxic and open, not attacking anyone, and responding from a state of presence and not the ego. But still there's a lot of room for improvement. When things become hot and ego gets triggered... it takes some serious consciouness to be able to respond from a clean pure place lol.
  16. @axiom the party's Ooover! ? Another episode is yet to come anyways. Everything repeats here very consistently ?
  17. @Leo Gura okey, have your last word. I'm tired to continue. Tcare
  18. @Leo Gura this conversation looks like this u are wrong No u are wrong No no u are wrong. Lol. The perception and understanding u have of spiritual topics is different then others which is fine. But unless u properly debate your views, it's just meaningless noise. ? quite toxic aswell