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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Yes embracing the pain is the right thing to do but the problem is (in my perception) you're nowhere near the capacity to embrace the pain of such proportion. So it's a tough situation. The natural instict of the ego is going to be to kill the problem. Which is understandable. But if you're looking for a concious solution then... i think most you can do at this stage is try not to blame anyone for what happened. And if it hurts like hell, just let it hurt. I have doubts you have enough awareness and compassion to really embrace this level of pain fully but at least a little bit you can do. My guess is the pain will get buried in the subconcious and you'll forget about it after some time. And when you're more developed and ready some years later the painful memory and feelings will bubble up again and maybe then you will be able to really embrace it and forgive it and heal that wound. Normally people would start with small things first like embracing and forgiving an insult or letting go of the pain that someone ate your favorite cookies. But this is like straight out of TV show melodrama stuff lol
  2. A more concious response would be to just experience all the pain and hurt without any resistence and not to blame anyone for what happened. And let it tear you appart. And when the pain really kills you and smothers you to the ground, a resurrected Christ will be reborn, and healing will occur.
  3. It's working well for u
  4. @Sugarcoat lol It's like you're on a rampage, haha. More power to you.
  5. "Chose love over fear" as they say
  6. It's just honesty. Embrace it. If you see a person that arauses the sexual energy just allow it to enter you without any resistence and give it total permission to be there and you will see it woll transform into appreciation and love. It will transform lust into something beautiful and pure. Just love and appreciation. Just like appreciating a flower. Like that you can appreciate another human being. And it will not be offensive then. Plus women like to be appreciated i heard.
  7. Wow. I wish i could do something like that. Maybe it will happen one day
  8. "What we want is the Self" but here's the trick. There is no end to the Self. The glory and love of Self can keep expanding and become more and more intense. So it becomes an endless eternal desire for more of god and beauty and love and holyness. Might aswell that desire be embraced and allowed to flow unimpeded. Well that's one option at least.
  9. Enlightened stillness vs enlightened dinamism. There's a womb of emptyness where everything comes and goes(masculine). And inside that emptiness shakti dances, energy of love, passion, creativity (feminine). By mastering both we reach our full potential @Sugarcoat don't worry you're not an introvert. You're both. Everyone is both.
  10. Introvert being a non action. So it's a no in this analogy. In other words. Enlightened extrovert vs enlightened introvert is like enlightened action vs enlightened nonaction. "Ultimately there is no one who gets enlightened, there're only enlightened actions that come from truth and egoic toxic actions that come from illusions." But non action is kind of action itself
  11. Yea it's like saying a total "YES" to life. Whereas a masculine buddhist way would be to say a total "NO" to life. And renounce everything. It's like becoming an enlightened/liberated introvert vs a enlightened/liberated extrovert. Somehow these two polarities exist. Yin and yang is everywhere.
  12. This is profound... Instead of trying to deny and supress desires, we can become honest about what we feel and accept them without judging it. Usually there's a profound joy that comes from vulnerability, intimacy and loving union of two (or more) people. A desire for more and more of that is god's desire is extend love and expand in its glory. It would be wise to allow this desire to overtake us so much so, that one no longer cares about anything else in life except how to extend and receive greater and greater streams of light, joy, grace, love, bliss, holyness and union.
  13. Hahaah, sounds like you're quite experienced in this regard ? can relate tho.
  14. Lol. You can see the joke of it and laugh at yourself at least. Helps to soften the blow ?
  15. Messiah of music
  16. Perhaps one needs to arrive at some level of completeness within so that the sense of lack doesn't rule you. Through some form of consciouness work that is.
  17. Ouch... now that's pain... But i reccomend to take a deeper look again and try to see past all pain and suffering into the deepest core of your heart's desire and see if you can find a desire that fills you with a sense of freedom, expansion, liveliness, relief, abundance and glory. If you can do this, it will create an opening in the heart and a new energy of grace will seep into your life that will begin to transform everything for the better. Allow grace to help you. It's what you most want at the deepest core inside yourself anyways... amen
  18. Is that really what you want tho? Have you taken the time to look inside to find the deepest desire of your heart and what it really wants?
  19. There's an innate beauty of god in each individual that goes beyond their appearance, status, past history, or even personality itself. If that is recognized, there will be no judgement left of anymore in the universe. Because these things do not determine a person's worth ultimately. But one has to find that perfect glory inside oneself first to begin to see it in others.
  20. Your mind is in communion with every other mind all the time. And we are in a relationship with trees, atmosphere, air, nature, people with the entire cosmos cosmos baducly and ceaselessly so. There's not a moment in your life when you're not in relationship with entire cosmos. Relating is fundamental to existence. Freedom means no relationship determines how you are. If you can be the presence of love in any kind of relationship under all circumstances, that's freedom. Then you can have milions of girlfriends and boyfriends and alienfriends and it will not take away your freedom. Instead it will touch and bless others and will uplift them into the Light of god evermore brilliantly.
  21. What we don't accept we judge. And judgement is an attempt to kill what we believe has no right to exist
  22. I actually saw one interview on lex podcast with a sex worker and was surprised how much inteligence and wisdom that woman displayed. And she sayed she was enjoying what she's doing aswell. Since that day i had to rethink my entire existence and everything i know about life.