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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I know how it feels. The most triggering experience I had to go through lol. But I think i was able to forgive and let go of grudges eventually. Now I'm fine.
  2. No a proper ban. Just temporary not permanent.
  3. No I was banned 😂🤣
  4. There's nothing wrong about being devotional/reverencial towards someone who is in service to your well-being. The amount of reverence someone deserves is the amount he or she is dedicated to your wellbeing. It's just a natural response.
  5. Ugh... Guess who's back from the dead.
  6. Exactly the mindset I was pointing out.
  7. It just makes you realize you did not understand the world as well as you thought you did. Accept, learn and grow, rather than casting a judgment "they are all just retarded" in a desperate attempt to hold onto your old perception of the world which is self evidently inaccurate.
  8. The question is. Is calling the foolishness out is to serve you or to serve the people? And of what service is it to call everyone that has a different opinion than you fools? And it's not enough to call someone a fool to call out foolishness. One needs to pinpoint the places where the person is being mistaken instead. And that process requires no demeaning to be effective. Yes. If it's not to demean but to uplift and bring more awareness to people. And I would argue based on my perception that you're doing not to uplift but to protect your stance and perception of reality. There are certain indicators that show up when a person is defending their ego. The energy of it is very different than love. It's more salty and hard cope. Of course you can say I'm projecting at the end of the day and I won't have any response to that.
  9. The thing is. You just call everyone stupid except yourself and call it the truth. That's the end of what you have to say. That's not how truth comes out on top. That's how ego tries to come out on top. It is only the ego that would resolve to demeaning other side to come out on top. That's your clue that what you're doing is not in the name of truth. But in the name of defending your perception of reality you're so attached to because the ego depends on it.
  10. "You just have a hard time accepting the truth I wrote about you. And you have to project that I'm projecting now. It is what it is. I get it."
  11. Your effort to create a story that would make you come out on top because of inability to come to terms is also a sign of lack of awareness. So labeling others as without proper discernment is quite ironic here.
  12. These celebrities are compromised probably.
  13. Just a smidgen of willingness to say yes and let love and faith replace all fear.
  14. Mm, I just have a super sensitive body and my body is not doing so well with dark chocolate even if it's the highest quality. Maybe a little bit is okay.
  15. Natural talent for enlightenment right there
  16. I used to eat 99% dark chocolate. I suspect it's probably not entirely healthy.
  17. I think you should enlighten me instead. On how to be so uninvolved and detached. Yes, Trump is the new future now.
  18. @Sugarcoat ugh, so tired of all the political drama. How are you not involved in it at all? Worrying ruminating about chocolate lol.
  19. And praise be to those who accept him for what he stands for.
  20. I rule from behind the scenes hehehe.
  21. You should be a president
  22. Best analitical analysis I've ever read.
  23. No it's not a lie. I can personally attest the video didn't show in my YouTube feed aswell but showed the next podcast Rogan did with Francis Foster. Only then did I discover that there is a video of Trump that happened few days before and was surprised it didn't show on feed even tho it has 10x more views. Edit. Oh wait I just realized you're perhaps talking about a different video. But my example is still relevant so I'll leave it.
  24. Did he change his mind? I agree with Elon and Joe Rogan aswell. You can practice acceptance and understanding on me haha.