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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. ? i was breaking into tears yesterday for no apparant reason for quite some time...
  2. I think you're just teasing everyone's balls with your foxy fragrance right now lol
  3. You're already doing it. Just being upfront about your desires and not restricting them creates the energy flow that attracts the manifestation into being. This thread is the proof of it. Everyone is falling for you right now. You're charged like a magnet. However... you could amplify it many times more if you did it more conciously... but it could get a bit esoteric, not sure how into that are you.
  4. If you stay upfront about your desires and let it radiate, there's a big chance you'll manifest it in your life pretty fast. This thread itself is like a beaming sex magnet
  5. Lol. Here's my upgraded next level advice: Complain more, cry more, and get it all out. And when you get tired of it move on and be happy, like walking on sunshine. The process of grief is going to be there inevitably. Spending time in silence with yourself would hasten the healing and promote acceptance. This is good advice.
  6. I can teach you and help you how to abide in perfect effortless presence as a natural permenant state. No joke. But it's late now im going to sleep. I'll reach out to you tomorrow if you wish.
  7. ? Or sometimes i like to think of it like bathing in the sun. Sun radiates life nurishing, abundant, healing energy but if a person is sitting in his house all day, he doesn't benefit much from the rays of sun. Similary if a person is living inside the dark cave of his ego, he may barely get to see and benefit from the Light of god's glory and grace through his entire life
  8. How do you make peace with anything that you don't like? Just by putting your awareness on it and ? allowing ? it to be without any resistence. Soak in it conciously until it gets resolved in the light of your awareness.
  9. That's a good point actually. I think it's fair to say everyone experiences challenges in their life, good and bad people. But the point i was making was more subtle. I'd dare to say that there're positive benevolent forces in life that are uplifting and creative in nature and there are forces that are detremental and negative. In that context god's love and grace is a very positive energy that can heal, bring luck, bring abundence, bring everything that is good and holy in life. And that energy is available to all but not everyone is receptive to it.
  10. "No power in the universe can help you if you resist and deny it"
  11. God's grace is available to all but not all are equally available and open to god. It depends how much of your own ego can you put aside so that a new intelligence would begin to flow through your life and bless every aspect of your creation.
  12. You can wish her well and move on. Your happyness does not depend on her anyway. But you can expect some serious grief for some time. Being in silence with yourself and allowing the grief to work itself out would be helpful.
  13. What do you mean by the word "tantra"? Probably through love. Love eliminates seperation through inclusion. And actually tantra by my definition is the practice of love. So what you really want to master is being the presence of love under all circumstances. To speak love, to breath love, to gaze with love, to communicate love, to have sex(tantra) with love. Love all the way to infinity. If you wish i can share very advanced material of an ancient lineage that teaches tantra and love with the necessary transmittions, teachings, guidence and all of that. If you want, let me know and i'll share it to you in pm
  14. I enjoy observing your progress with 5meo. I wonder if your conclusions about reality will differ from Leo's
  15. Sounds simple enough, and yet how much hassle is required just to be
  16. ? a cringe fox lady, now that's attractive
  17. That's beutiful. I guess you're pretty cringe then yourself, haha Nah.. It's actually a good Way. Especially for women because it's more feminine. It's about embracing your desires fully without any resistence rather then the masculine way of cold discipline, detachment and austerities.
  18. I think a healthier attitude would be: "I'm in this relationship because it brings me joy and I love being in this company." And not because it's some kind of duty or a burden that you must carry out. If one doesn't enjoy being in company with another, then it's normal to stay alone and enjoy life in other ways. Maybe there's really no conflict here, and perhaps that weird demeaning attitude towards opposite sex is unnecessary.
  19. I would agree. I wouldn't try to supress or ignore the desire to be hot. In fact i would do the opposite, i would allow it fully to overtake me, i would feel it fully with every cell in my body and with no resistence and i would inquire, what is it that i truly want? What is it that i'm trying to gain by infinitely attractive and beutiful? What is really behind that desire? And i would discover that what i long for is to be loved totally without limits, to be drenched in infinity of love. And i would realize that all desires however shallow they may seem, lead eventually to that one desire in the core of our soul to feel, recieve, give and express Love and Beauty in all directions without limit. May you find that fullfilment your soul so desires
  20. I wouldn't consider anyone on this forum even remotely sane (myself included). This should answer your question imo ?
  21. I recommend seeing this to open the mind to what is possible.