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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. "Loving women with all your heart" what does that even mean? You know some saints in india would bow down to every woman and touch their feet in gratitude and worship them/regard them/treat them as a goddess. Ramakrishna Paramahansa used to do that i heard. Come to think of it that's not such a bad practice.
  2. Haha, yea i know what you mean : )
  3. If everyone was included, love would prevail and love does not toxify. It uplifts, inspires and creates harmony and beautiful things. The root of all toxicity is ego, the opposite of love. And in fact. Making people work for approval is already toxic.
  4. But why would you hold back your love? The moment you disapprove of someone, you're the one who is seperated from the feast.
  5. Nothing is a hindrance to your acceptance.
  6. Mmm. I hear you. I won't push this conversation futher bc it seems like it will go bananas. I hope you've read the last question and ponder a bit on it. Tcare.
  7. Where is the need to laugh and ridicule less inteligent people come from to begin with?
  8. The question is. Do the recipients of that name calling are laughing aswell. Or it just creates unhealthy conflict
  9. To highlight how everyone is so stupid and dumb. Yea that is funny.
  10. Lol. I think it was still possible to have a more holistic conversation tho. Like a friend to friend one.
  11. Two most enlightened, most awake prophets this world has ever seen having a conversation. You're full of bs No You're full of shit No bro, you are deluded Bro, u suck Fuck uuuu Fuck you toooo Banned
  12. i think i saw a conversation like this on this forum 100s times already. And it never goes well lol
  13. See... awareness is always there perfect. But your discernment between what is awareness and what is mind stuff can be cultivated and refined to a higher and higher levels. As this discernment increases, ability to penetrate the deeper layers of ego increases. As you clean the ego, the Self shines ever more brightly
  14. Hmmmmm.. there's some truth to it. But it's more complex and nuanced then this. At least i think we all can agree that there is stuff we are not concious of. And there is potential in us to become concious of that stuff.
  15. That is when you will find the fullfilment you always were looking for but in silly ways that won't get u anyhere
  16. God is not going to support your desires that come from ego and suffering. He is only going to become active when you chose love
  17. @at_anchor God is waiting for you to say yes to him. It's not that hard. A smigen of willingness to make a new choise is all takes:)
  18. Nobody wants to be push around, everyone longs to be included
  19. A sage rules by embracing not by conquering. Thus, people don't feel supressed but uplifted