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  1. Delete the video and I may comeback.. But for sure until then I'm going to ignore the thought of you.. I'll abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz all day and all night until you're gone for sure..
  2. I don't know about probability.. I think I could have ascended months ago just lying in bed if I kept the course.. What's the difference in the two? I have no idea and that's why I need to do more research and find someone that really knows due to experience not just speculation.. I'll tell you I can sit and watch TV and the kundalini is there just out of focus moving back and forth through the field of view around the TV.. And I'm just sitting there watching TV not meditating in some posture doing anything special.. it's been that way for a long time I use to think it was due to poor blood flow before I started educating myself on meditation.. Take care good luck to you
  3. I've been called worse.. You know my grandfather was from Brazil? Take care brother and I didn't mean to come off as a wiseguy when I shared the Google Search link instead of a direct link to the video you requested last night.. Hope I didn't offend you doing so
  4. Oops sorry forgot to sign out @Travis @InsidesOut/lorenzo Here's a Google Search for Mahasamadhi.. The first video is the one I watched.. Even though you can't tell the second everything happens the whole atmosphere of the video is just freaky.. @Infinite Because I'm ignorant on the subject and to what is going on.. I don't want to inadvertently do something that I don't really want to do.. Like die.. I may be a rookie to any form of traditional meditation and the lingo that goes along with it but I've lived in my mind my whole life.. I've lived 100 lifetimes in my head in a sense.. Just about everytime I do something I foresee it in my head first.. The down side is you either already know the outcome and you want to try something else with more possibilities or you abandon the idea/job/career all together because you see it goes nowhere you're interested in going.. P. S. I have good intentions I don't mean to be a ass to Leo.. I could tell you a story but I won't.. I'll just say it's no coincidence I'm here ✌goodnight
  5. @Will Bigger that's some freaky stuff.. There's a YouTube video of a gentleman doing it/dying.. Forget that I don't care for this stuff anymore.. Thanks for sharing.. I'll never meditate again.. @Leo Gura know what you're getting yourself into..
  6. I say it's safe to say no one on here can really say anything about enlightenment that's not enlightened.. You don't learn to drive by someone without a license do ya? One thing I'm pretty sure of is that there is way more to enlightenment than realizing no-self.. And no-self doesn't mean you're nothing.. All I gotta say is what (and while you're at it where) do you think you are during a Out Of Body Experience?..
  7. @Will Bigger You sound like a smart young man.. Be cool stay in school.. Say no to drugs.. Chase your dreams.. F__k self actualization..
  8. Hmm.. I'll have to chew on what you said for a little.. I don't give my unconscious/subconscious that much credit..@Emerald Wilkins
  9. @Emerald Wilkins that's freaky.. I wonder if that monster mouth thingy would have sucked me in and spit me out somewhere else if I would have stuck around.. This stuff was kinda the last stuff I thought about before going to sleep last night and it was pretty much some of the first stuff I thought about as I awoke.. One of the first thoughts was about the Vril women from WW2 with their long hair.. I wonder if there's a possible connection.. Could any of them still be alive? Maybe their in limbo.. Anything is possible to me.. I know there's a lot going on in the dream/astral/obe whatever area.. Seems like quite a bit more than the nothing going on in enlightenment.. Little collage I put together Something else that kinda dawned on me after another dream I had last night.. Was that tingling I feel in my fingers is similar to the feeling of a pinched nerve.. There's something related to the nervous system and electric signals in all this as well.. That's of course considering there even is one¿
  10. @Emerald Wilkins I just watched the two how to videos and am in the middle of the Sleep Paralysis O.B.E video. I enjoyed the how two's and I may just set an alarm for about ninety minutes after bedtime.. I won't do it tonight because I don't want any boogey men waiting for me.. Lol.. Anyways I got excited watching the O.B.E video when you started showing the pics of the hags sitting on your chest.. I swear I never read or saw that in a video before today and it solidified my feelings that something lays on you or holds your hands.. Back to the hag.. I had what I'll call a extremely real dream where i was sent down a long hallway at some kind of brothel to meet with what I perceived to be a witch.. She was old and frail had a large witch like nose and black mole on her cheek.. Her hair was really long, like 8ft long and grey.. Some how I ended up behind her and her hair like came to life and formed a complex keltic pretzel type knot with many loops.. Kinda like the atom symbol but with more tightly woven rings/loops.. In the loops opened eyes, one eye per loop, like ten of them throughout the pattern.. then the knot split right down the middle into a monster type mouth with sharp teeth.. It reminded me of those Asian parade lion/dragon masks.. I woke up right after that realization/comparison.. That was probably the most realistic freaky thing I've ever experienced.. Her and I didn't speak to each other.. I was coherent thinking there's no way I'm having sex with her.. Then I thought please don't let this be the person I've been sleeping with taking on the appearance of all these younger women.. It was about a month ago.. Thankfully I haven't ran into the witch again.. What's crazy is you hear people say don't mess with the witch.. Well I think I met her.. And if you're out there please don't be mad at me for my description of you.. Lol.. There's no way my mind is creating this stuff.. There's something more out there.. I don't think I'm doing anything in particular to have these, whatever they are called, episodes,dreams,obe's.. I think I'm just sleeping on my back with my hands to my side.. That's all bye bye now
  11. @Emerald Wilkins oops sorry I wasn't really thinking.. I'm a single guy and my dreams have been as such.. Please forgive me.. But that was a great joke.. Emerald said "What happens in astral stays in astral" you should make a Meme.. There's probably more truth to it than we know.. Anyways you have it easy, mess with your husband.. I live alone I'd have to walk the streets.. I'm sure I wouldn't be the first.. I saw somewhere someone said there's few if any enlightened saints.. It would be nice if one of these masters, gurus, god's, kings, could say hey I'm here to teach you, you're dreaming.. instead of just sizing me up, or manipulating me.. One came to me because he felt I got him in trouble but he be darned to come to help me.. What's that b.s. all about.. Truthfully I think some like me here telling my experiences that no one else dare admit.. Unfortunately I have nowhere else to put it(a nameless record)..The ones that don't could tell me somehow.. I don't know what else a brother has to do to find a teacher around here.. I can't search for clues forever.. You know where to reach me.. I don't care if the pioneers did it without assistance, that hasn't been the case for a long time.. I won't go much further alone anytime soon.. If no one wants to step up and help this one eyed blind man see?, at least step aside and let me be to go find a job and move on with my life.. Don't haunt me anymore..
  12. Links cause I'm cool like that Can I get a hello there.. We haven't even had breakfast yet ✌