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Everything posted by Delkrak

  1. I agree and that’s one aspect that makes me prefer to do it in the morning. It’s also comforting that I will not have an entire day to find naïve excuses. It’s like my rock that grounds me. However, I only find that the noticeable effects last for about 3-4 hours. I’m not sure if extending the duration in the morning or meditating around this point is the best path. Your logic sounds true, but I could imagine that it depends on the duration. If a short meditation promotes a faster sleep onset, then it could be worth pursueing it. I figure the meditation type would be one aimed at increasing awareness of bodily sensations or other strong sensations. Also, the skipping part does not concern me that much – I’m certain that if it delivers the desired results, then the will to pursue it will come automatically. Is this something you have tried out for yourself, or is it a belief?
  2. I’ve been meditation for 1 ½ years in the morning shortly after waking up. I’m currently looking into meditating on other parts of the day, such as after work when I get home or before bed. I figure that meditating after work will boost my level of consciousness in the evening, while meditating before bed will improve my sleeping quality. So when do you schedule your meditation and with what purpose and experienced outcome?