Rup grint

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About Rup grint

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  1. Cheers for the information. I guess theres something about the human mind which latches onto beliefs like that. I myself latched onto conspiracies which messed me up psychologically for a short while. Although i havent discounted the theories i have decided to learn to manage my emotions and thoughts more and to learn to reason before i go back and look at them with a different respect.
  2. Sorry for late reply, Sounds very close minded, I think i will stay away from it. Are the Krishna texts themselves any good? Has the cult left any negative effects on you?
  3. Hey, I recently encountered Hare Krishna's in Auckland at an event with one of the main leaders; Swami. I thought that some of the members came across as cult like but not too bad. I was thinking of exploring it some more by staying at a monastery but maybe not now. The knowledge itself looks interesting but seems like you commit to it and ignore everything else. What was your experience like to describe it as a cult?