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Everything posted by Spence94

  1. "Forget about what they're doing, focus on what you're doing." -Joey Diaz
  2. https://mostrecommendedbooks.com/tim-ferriss-books
  3. Can't find any words to describe it and left totally awe struck...yeah that sounds legit.
  4. @Judy2 Meditation. Deep meditation. The key word is 'awareness' not 'thought'. On one level, meditation will make you aware of thoughts, as you continue the practice, meditation will make you aware of awareness itself. Focus your attention on Self discovery of awareness. Deepen awareness. Return to AWARENESS, again and again and again and again, until you don't even have to return anymore. This is the meditation game. Thoughts? Let em be.
  5. "It's all practice." -Devin Kelly "Practice; a process and a study for acquiring insight." -Devin Kelley.
  6. "It's all practice." -Devin Kelly "Practice; a process and a study for acquiring insight." -Devin Kelley.
  7. @Gili Trawangan and @QandC learned the hard way by the sounds of it.
  8. I've just started a daily 5 minute minimum clean up and organising habit commitment. Just 5 minutes, that's it. No excuses. 5 minutes every day cleaning and organising. Sometimes I do a lot more than 5 minutes but it's just bonus, when I'm done i'm done. Today I literally just swept up for 5 minutes then I stopped cleaning. There is something very powerful about being clean and orderly and making a simple daily commitment to keep the place clean and organized.
  9. @Gili Trawangan @Preety_India Said she found them.
  10. @GromHellScream Yeah today I contemplated the ramifications of carrying on with a shitty diet... It freaked me out thinking about it.
  11. @mandyjw I started drinking Organifi green juice in the mornings which has been a game changer.
  12. @Michael569 Thanks for this. I think I'll cook in a way that it last a few meals at least. Did the journaling prompts you suggested today and got some valuable clarity over the situation. Peace.
  13. @Knowledge Hoarder word. You can become conscious enough as to understand why relationships will always take some work and why there is friction when there is polarity. @Lyubov Got me thinking of a Jordan Peterson line. "In order to have a relationship with the feminine, you have to sacrifice your relationship with the ideal."
  14. Just BE with nature. Let nature BE with you. Let nature BE you. BE nature.
  15. "Journaling is a good way to connect with and enter into ourselves."-Arya "Introspection is the key."- Unknown
  16. Have a dedicated space just for meditation. If you can be so fortune to dedicate a whole room to the practice that is even more ideal. Make it comfortable, inviting, get some plants, a nice cushion and blanket. You can also add any beings who inspire you to the area. Eg. Buddha. Don't meditate on your sofa or your bed. Try to have a space that's ONLY for meditation. It will make the practice more attractive and will automatically put your mind in the right mode, which I find also helps you stay more mindful throughout the day. and to second @nistake prepare your body before hand. A core part of yoga is meditation. Asana and pranayama are designed to prepare the body and mind for deeper meditation states. Release the tension and stress from the body so the mind can relax. It is a lot more satisfying that way. Do concious breathing before you do your meditation technique, like pranayama in yoga or simply conciously connecting to the breath. Again, this stills the mind and allows for more effective and enjoyable meditation. If you just sit down robotically without treating the practice with some respect, it's easy to become dissatisfied with it.
  17. @Leo Gura Yeah I see your point. I don't think there is anything wrong with having certain standards and specific things you're looking for though. but yeah, healthy reminder. I think it was you who said on a topic in the past that 'the one' is just a girl who is good enough to settle down with.
  18. You need to get in your body and breathe deeply. Yoga. TaiChi. Bio energetics. Workout. Nature. Anything to get you out of your head and to start letting your nervous system run the show.
  19. Nature is healing. Silence is the answer.
  20. I am enjoying the use of this forum. It is nice to connect and discuss Self-Actualization with like minded people. I remember Leo saying forums are personal, raw, unfiltered and direct and it is helpful to get real peoples POV as apposed to just listening and reading teachings. I agree. You get out of life what you put into life. What you put into the forum, you get out of it. Given we are all One and we are connected, commenting on posts is nourishing for my Self just as much as reading others comments. If I give people advice, I get advice back in return, albeit at a different moment. If i comment something of value, later, i get something of value back. If I write a joke, later I will find something funny on the forum. Writing a comment or a post helps clarify my own thinking and perspectives and also will hopefully serve others too. The topics and comments although seem seperate are all one, as are the topics and comments in relation to my actual life. There is not a duality between the forum and my life. Beautiful. I won't get attached, but for now, this forum is serving my Self and life, and I and happy to be here with you all.