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Everything posted by Spence94

  1. @Twega By the same token, any projection a person had on someone else would give them a perception that would influence their reality. Not everybody draws the same conclusions and derives the same perception of the illusion. It's relative. If you watch Joe Rogan, over the years, he changed a lot, he is a very different person with a very different mind and way of seeing things than he was 10 years ago. Just like if you watch Leo from 7 years back, he seems almost like a different human being. They both seem like people who took self responsibility to me and were concious of the consequences of their words and thinking, whilst being detached from the results of their actions. "My karma is to deliver this teaching to you. If you understand this teaching or not, isn't my karma. If I become attached to wether or not you understand this teaching, then it becomes my karma." -Ram Dass
  2. I don't know why but I've always felt this to be a good rule of thumb to fall back on. Don't have get neurotic about it, you can allow for a year or two and take the person, connection, chemistry and situation into account. It's a good intention to have in mind when you are actively looking to meet people though I think.
  3. Qigong and Yoga are good for managing ones sexual energies.
  4. This is the issue. He is just a random dude having conversations with people and putting it online. It seems that is hard for people to accept. He must be something else or he should behave in a certain way. There is a huge illusion surrounding famous people with influence.
  5. I see your points. I love the old school podcasts where him Duncan and Redban are on the sofa getting stoned and drinking wine and letting their minds go into fairy land. From listening to 100s of hours of JRE over the years, this is the perception i have of how he thinks about it: I think the podcast for him has always been about having and engaing with what he finds interesting, which is the way he lives his life. I think he has maintained the intention throughout despite how hugely popular and influential the show has become. His main occupations are first a stand up comedian and then the UFC commentator, he loves martial arts and loves to hang out with his friends and have fun and go hunting. He takes DMT every year and sits in a float tank to stay present. He practices yoga and works out 7 times a week. He has a wife and 3 kids. He likes to get stoned with his buddies, write comedy and read books. The podcast is low on his priority list, its like an extension of his life and schedule, therefore he has kept that original intention about what the podcast is from day one. A lot of people haven't watched enough of his podcast, seen the old ones, listened to his stand up comedy or watched UFC to know more about who he is, they just see these famous people on his show and think hes like a tv news show host and thats all he does or some shit and he should be more resposnible and "shouldnt smoke weed on his show" lol. Should he take more responsbility? i don't know. He doesn't want outside influence to effect the nature of podcasting. He doesn't want the podcast to be influenced by television or radio or news or politics, he want's the medium to remain a conversational dialogue like its always was in the beginning, and he doesn't want it to consume his life. He knows how huge the show is, he has even expressed that he feels at this point in the podcasts history he is just the chosen one and that he is like an antena and the podcast is just happening through him so to speak ( Maybe influenced by his DMT use connecting him to the absolute.) If that is the case, then maybe he is taking responsibiity already...
  6. For a large part of the path you will not be "done" or "there". Order, chaos, order, chaos. Breaking down, emerging, breaking down, emerging. Your peace and bliss will deepen, and so will your challenges. Sometimes you will feel like you are not going anywhere, like you should feel like you are always going up but in reality it feels like sideways and backwards. You may even think you're doing things wrong, especially compared to those around you. Hang in and return to your practice. Ground yourself in what deep down you know is going to pay off. It takes courage. Stay strong and remind yourself of what drew you here in the first place. Meditation can make some weird shit arise in your experience as you engage with supressed and deep parts of your pysche. Keep breathing brother, you are not alone.
  7. @tatsumaru Qigong is 100% real and legit. It's just as powerful as yoga or meditation. Tai Chi and Qigong, under the guidance of the right teacher will lead you to enlightenment and the awakening of your life energies and meridians ( Chakras). As in yoga, there will be charlatans and people practicing it on limited dimensions of existence but Qigong is definitely real and powerful. Practice it daily, and you will see for yourself... I personally feel the qigong and its standing meditation are one of the most powerful meditation techniques. Qi means energy and Gong means work in Chinese. energy work. That's what it means and that's what it is.
  8. "Resentment, the poison I take in the hope that you will suffer." -The Streets
  9. Yeah this is a good summary. Thanks. Confidence is the opposite of neurosis. Confidence is calm and still. Confidence is spacious. Confidence grows as we grow. Confidence is silent.
  10. Layers of depth in everything. Layers of conciousness. Of course on one level, its just vocabulary and grammar. On another, they are labels we have given to the sexes and the dynamic between the two in our society and culture. How deeply does one really realise the concept of yin and yang? Do you have an existential experiential understanding of Yin and Yang as the yogis and daoists claim to be possible? Whatever the level of ones experience and understanding in the given area allows them use see their own truth of the matter. Ultimatley they are all just labels. How far ones takes their understanding is a different matter. If one reaches a point where they energetically experience the energies of yin and yang and these energies interplay and effect how they relate to themselves and to other people then perhaps they have discovered a truth of masculinity and femininity, at least on a relative level. However the map is not the territory. Maybe there is no such thing as femininity, but the maps of feminine and masculine energy laid out by the yogis and daoists, point the direction towards an experience of something that is at play in the world that is divided into two elements but is utimatley one thing. Yin and Yang. How deeply one realizes the truth of the daoist teachings of Yin and Yang will come down to the strength, will and seeking of the practitioner.
  11. I am God. I am the universe. I am a goldfish. Words. Just words.
  12. Speak your truth. If your are speaking your truth and what you are saying is trying to achieve some agenda, than your truth in that moment is you are trying to achieve your agenda. Wether or not you choose to continue this intention is upto you. Can the Truth achieve more than your agenda? Absolutely.
  13. The Natural Lifestyles will help you integrate your heart and soul into the process, if you care about that.
  14. I agree with your point. Abundance of opportunities allows this strategy to work day to day. This shouldn't stop guys integrating those opportunities that come up in their daily lives though. Jon from TNL: "I do not encourage you to have a search and destroy attitude. See yourself as a social octopus, reaching out and offering energy to people." What I like about The Natural Lifestyles is they're genuinely talking about self actualization and personal transformation with dating as just a part of it, no different than what this forum is doing. Of course they teach tips, techniques and attitudes to seduce women, but if you listen to their podcast, it's mostly about inner transformation and being a well rounded spiritual self actualized modern man and using man's desire for women as a leverage into this. Of all the resources available on dating, they're the most high conciousness, well rounded and real out there in my opinion.
  15. Yeah. This is it.
  16. Leo are you still going to release courses on the subconscious mind and on developing creativity? You mentioned these courses you were working on in a couple of videos a few years back now. Just curious if they're still in the making or did the book take priority?
  17. James Marshall from TNL said: "In terms of your evolution as a man and with women, talking to a couple of girls every single day, in the day time, and critically analyzing each set for the lessons, is far more effective than smashing through 20 approaches in one night. It fits in with your life. Talk to at least a girl a day. Make it your mission to see that girl on your way to work or walking down the street and go over and say hello." "After 20 years of chasing women, do you you want to know what I've realised? Picking up women is easy, very fucking easy...technically. It's the inner world that lies the real challenge. List your narratives and limiting beliefs and get to work on them." "Nothing did more for my core confidence than learning this art of being able to approach and meet women, as they are, in normal, everyday situations." Jon from TNL said: "I walk along the street. I see a beautiful women. I make eye contact, she makes eye contact back. I smile, she smiles back. I say 'hello', she says 'hello' back. I say 'what's your name?'. That is not an approach, that is the universe sorting itself out."
  18. Faith that in the end, it's all gunna be alright.
  19. Leo himself is 36ish I believe and the majority of this community seem to be in their teens, 20s and 30s, but who here is older than that and kicking ass with their self actualization journey? I have met many older people practicing spirituality in different communities, but I'm curious to know about the older lot specifically following Actualized.org...
  20. Update: 5+ years on the path. Currently revisiting Leo's 4 parts surrounding not being a victim. Amazing how much sometimes you just have to go out and live a little to gain the life experience and maturity to be able to more deeply grasp things. Making so much more sense on such a deeper level now. Seeing the benefits of my yoga practice pay off in terms of space and awareness within my Self to digest the juiciness of wisdom. For now, I've replaced yoga Asana with Tai chi and Qigong. I still live in China and have felt the intuition to embrace these ancient practices while I am here both for my own health and growth and to more fully tune into the vibration of China, its language and people. So far it's doing so, things are oppening up and channeling more gracefully. Tai chi and Qigong when practiced regularly is deep, profound, and energising beyond words. Not to mention just a grounded sense of stability and confidence that has emerged in my day to day life and dealing with people. Until next time. Peace and Love.
  21. @seeking_brilliance Topic conclusion: Infinity
  22. @Loving Radiance He said his results got better and better too at some point the girls would make a daddy comment, which he totally owned and joked about, it made no difference to the outcome. Will some girls right you off for being too old? sure. Could you turn some of those girls around anyway? Sure. Will some girls totally dig the fact you're older than they are by 2-15 years? Sure. Will some girls right you off for being too young or the same age as them? Sure. Could you turn those girls around anyway? Sure. As Leo said: "What she logically wants its different to what she is actually attracted too." Through my own experience and observation of others, the age thing only limits guys to the extent that they allow their own mind, insecurities and limitations to do so. For the most part, being older than the girl, benefits you in many ways as long as you are continuing to work on yourself as an overall attractive, self actualizing passionate man with other shit going on his life. As well as working on you're actual communication skills with women and deepening your understanding of what they want. I've have seen a noticable correlation amongst women in my life who are the most attractive quality women, (who all the guys are trying to sleep with) and their willingness to date men much older than they are. It all depends though, it's not always the case. Women aren't robots. Best bet, work on yourself and focus on what you can control.
  23. I found this quote by Ram Dass quite interesting. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with this moment on the path?