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Everything posted by Spence94

  1. I tend to improve a lot faster if I committ to a course and immerse in their teaching and style rather than picking at random videos. Courses on Game and Attraction are higher quality than most of the free stuff out there. They just pack everything you need to know in one place. I agree with Leo, it's all about chipping away and refining the nuances and distinctions over time. The infield hotseat footage in RSD programs is multiple hours long and they pause the footage and give insight and perspectives. I feel like they cut the learning curve a lot and help you develop those nuances and distinctions without spending a lots of time and failure trying to discover it for yourself or maybe never discovering it. Tyler's Hotseat is basically all his main principles and insights in seminar combined with hours of infield breakdowns, nuances and distinctions. The blueprint decoded was good for shattering a lot of my limiting beliefs around women and attraction and my own self esteem. I reccomend it. It's a 20 hour seminar lecture of Tyler going off on Game and attraction but in a much more focused and insightful way than his free stuff.
  2. If you meet a girl and you exchange social media profiles, you better believe shortly after the interaction she is gunna click on your feed, scroll through and ask herself "who the fuck is this guy?". Social media plays a part in modern dating. " My whole style of Game is making the girl think: Oh, he is THAT guy." RSD Madison
  3. @diamondpenguin ? So simple but love it.
  4. Along with alcohol, weed can be abused as a way to suppress psychological trauma. Sometimes smoking weed makes one more aware of suppressed aspects of themselves and it can be intense, leading to the person smoking even more and just starting numb themselves with chronic use, or in my case, I turned to meditation and yoga. I smoked weed throughout my teenage years, and I quit smoking it when I was 21 right at the time I stumbled upon Actualized.org, meditation and yoga. I will occasionally light one up if the spirit moves me and I with the right people and the right setting and I feel like the conversation and experience will be enhanced by it, but for the most part, I'm sober nowadays. Yoga, meditation and self actualization got me to go into those suppressed aspects of myself. It's been a long journey, but now I feel high all the time just sober, and I haven't had a toke of a joint in 3 years.
  5. He's right. It shouldn't matter if people are laughing at you or with you. The problem isn't wether they are laughing at you or with you, the problem is the insecurity as to wether they are laughing "at you". Once you fill your own cup and get your internal self worth, wether people laugh at you or with you doesnt matter. Ironically, when you do this, more people laugh with you, and those who laugh at you, see your indifference and how secure you are, and laughing at you turns into laughing with you, just in a more banterous and teasing way. The key is to actually be secure and laugh at it with them, not laugh with them because you're insecure and don't wanna face the discomfort of being laughed at so you hide it with nervous insecure laughter. If they are genuinely being nasty people, well just smile and wave bro, smile and wave. Peace.
  6. "I watched stand up comedy for years just to train my nervous system to laugh and be self amused." Owen Cook
  7. There's no greater trip than living in another country and learning a new language. It will blow your mind and shatter your worldview.
  8. @charlie cho Thank you. This is the frame. ??
  9. A big juicy vision. Taking care of your body and mind, health and energy is vital to manage your emotions and maintain the energy to side hustle. Have a big vision, but don't get trapped into thinking that you need to go from your 9-5 job into fully established 6 figure or more income full impact life purpose in the same week you quit your 9-5 job. If you really wanna make the switch, find out what the minimum amount of money you need to be coming in each month from you lifes purpose in order to take care of your basic financial needs and try to strategically establish this income from your side hustle asap. Make escaping wage slavery the top priority in your life. Once you pull it off, you'll have your time and energy back to fully devote yourself to your lifes purpose and you can build and evolve it from there and devote time and energy to other areas of your life. It will take some sacrifice and quite possibly having to live on a lot lower of an income for a little while, but at least you'll be free and doing what you love. At least this is the way i see it for me. For my lifes purpose, it will have to start small as i build skill, experience and reputation and awareness around my services, theres no way but to start small and go from there. But small can be enough to pay the bills and buy your ticket out of wage slavery. Talking to other people who are also on the side hustle wage slavery escape train also helps so thanks for the post!
  10. What are some of the cores and fundamentals of attraction and inner game in the dating game? What are the core concepts or areas of persoanal development that work on the nessesary sticking points and ego deficiencies that gerate the most change in a mans abiltiy to approach, meet and date women consistently and successfully over the long run? Eg. Non-neediness and addressing ones need to find fulfillment in other people, sex, intimacy and relationships. Survival, and understanding the roots of fear and survival. Understanding the impermanent nature of all things. Developing true self confidence through an knowing ones true self beyond the illusion of their identity. Realising outer confidence can be practiced by reading a book like the “Charisma myth” Oppening ones heart and using the power of the love by reading the "The way of the Superior man" "the Alibaster girl" or "the path of the heart" by RamDass Removing Guilt and Shame. Removing the need for validation and approval. Thinking abouts ones death and mortality. Understanding human psychology through a model such as spiral dynamics and thereby changing how one relates to people. Realising we are all chimps and bonobos by reading the book "our Inner ape". Emotional management by reading "the meditations" and "Letters from a stoic". Realising what you can and can not control. Meditation and yoga Exercise and weight training Proper sleep Proper nutrition Taking care of the way you dress, your style, feeling good by looking good. Keeping your house in perfect order and being clean and hygeinic, living in a clean and clear mindspace. Reading "12 rules for life" by Jordan Peterson. Removing addictions such as porn and junk food. Having a passionate life, a lifes purpose, a mission greater than yourself, fuel driving you to transform. Anyone have experience will doing work in these areas as they relate to dating and communicating with people? Anyone have any other ideas that helped them get the right attitude and persepectives and be an overall attractive guy that's able to consistently approach and date high quality women? Edit: I understand going out is essential and a lot of inner sticking points will be resolved by that the ability to relate and communicate with women will only really happen through experience, but im curious to know specifically about the inner game practices one can do to best prepare themselves and continue to develop psychologically over the long run as it relates to learning to be good with women. Of course, to be succussfull, one has to go and meet a lot of women, but there's more to it than that, especially if someone is in the dating scene for multiple years and wants to evolve as an individual and with women.
  11. "After ecstasy, the laundry." -A zen saying
  12. @cupe Yes. @Jon_Bundesen You're 15? Dude, that's super cool you are into Actualized.org and self actualization at such a young age but @cupe is right. Go out, do things, live, travel after school, meet people, hobbies, experience, life, and i would say still listen leo and other teachers but don't get hung up on figuring it all out. I started my journey at 21, and for the frist 3/4 years i travelled, tried different jobs, had relationships, had fun, went on retreats, read books and listened to a lot of actualized.org and other teachers, i tried so hard to figure it out but in hindsight i needed to chill the fuck out and live more and enjoy that process of exploration. Life will give you everything you need and when one chapter ends and the next begins, the experience of life will solidify a vision for you and your discipline and focus will become stronger over time. Stop thinking each actualized.org video is the missing piece you need and hoping that the next video you watch will be the one that finally gives you that "aha" moment where everything clicks and it all makes sense and your life flows effortlessly from now until you're dead, it won't happen. I am not saying don't put effort into life, i'm not saying don't aspire to self actualize, but chill out and enjoy and "live the experience of your life with an open heart", as my teacher told me after i left home and went travelling. Good luck brother!
  13. @DIDego No, but i think that if one has a natural and normal desire to date women and improve in this erea of their life then it can be a beautiful source of motivation that can be used as a leverage into transfromation, and that the real sollution for guys to improve with women is becoming a overall self-actualized man.A lot of probelems guys have with women would be solved by persoanal developement. Ultimatley one has to do it for themeselves and their own life and their own fulfillment and meaning, but the sexual drive within human beings is a strong one and much of human behaviour is driven by reproduction. One should move away from just women and dating as sole sources of motivation but if it gets them into persoanal developement and transformation then i think that is a good thing. The purpose of this artical was just to discuss the genuine things that make a man attractive and internally grounded and that helps him have the ability to meet women successfully, and the reality is, being a psychologically developed, self actualized man, is the ultimate sollution to the dating market and all the problems that men face in their dating lives. I see people posting on this forum that are getting hung up on very specific issues in dating. Personal development and self actualization would help them solve and make a lot of those issues non existent. Dating seems to be a very big entry point for guys into personal growth and the high level solution is ultimately moving towards genuine personal growth. Nonetheless specifics as to how it relates to meeting and dating women is welcome, i personally also just find dating, social and sexual dyamics pretty fascinating.
  14. @mandyjw Awesome, thanks, i'm realising this more and more as recently my visioning skills went up a level, inner game is key. @DIDego Great , thanks for sharing. @Snader Yes, this is great. I have an idea of the skills and hard and soft infrastructure i need to develop. While i don't fully understand how to actualized the vision, im putting some faith in the fact that if i work hard towards developing the skills in the practice, marketing, proper communication and people skills and a wealth of experience in the practice and study of Yoga and meditation, as well as learning the local language here, then opportunities and the details of how to actualize it will open up, small chunk my way towards a big vision so to speak. I guess i need more acceptance of the now like @mandyjw said and to keep working hard to towards gaining the experience like @Space said and my outer world will hopefully reflect the inner growth i have developed. I'm 6 years into my spiritual jounrney, so i have a very long way to go, but everything in my heart and soul is telling me that this is what i am here to do. @Advocate yes, you are right, next year i am going to look for a more part time job, live frugely for a while and devote more time to practice, study and developing the skills to create the opportunities to actualize the vision. Thank you guys for your words and input, much appreicated! Peace and love.
  15. I want to design a life purpose around leading groups of people in yoga and meditation classes. I want to live a relatively simple life where I have time for practice, self actualization and learning. I see myself teaching rooms of upto 20 students around 10 times a week and maybe teaching some more involved courses throughout the year. My main concerns and problems: · I don't see very many yoga or meditation teachers that have this number of students consistently turn upto their classes. Most teachers I know personally struggle to make ends meat. ·I currently work a full time job and am struggling to figure out how to maximize my limited freetime and energy in the direction of actualizing this vision. The balance of theory and practice and taking the necessary steps to actually actualize teaching yoga and meditation classes. · I live in a foreign country that has strict visa policies around foreigners, and while it's possible to set up your own business here, my visa is tied to my current fulltime job and making the transition to yoga and meditation classes seems extremely difficult both financially, in regards to visas and work permits and in regards to time and energy. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  16. "Its not about what you do, it's about how you respond to the way she responds to what you do." -James Marshal "In every successful seduction there should be at least one or two moments where she denies your advances simply to see how you respond to and handle her saying no. And usually shortly after you pass the test she is open to more physical contact with you." Alex from TNL "Learning how to touch a girl physically and read her signals to know when to back off is critical. Guess what? when you back off the physical touch, she will be even more attracted to you because you demonstrate you're not a fucking idiot and you can read a social cue." -RSDTyler Learning to skillfully physically escalate with presence and awareness is the key to sexual escalation. Combined with strong eye contact.
  17. @dflores321 You too. Thanks for dropping the comment. With vision, diligence and commitment, it can be done. Peace.
  18. Consider where you are in life, how old you are and in what Stage of life. Not that you can't develop a strong vision at any age or stage but sometimes procrastination and a lack of vision is sometimes because we haven't had enough life real life experience that makes the vision we wanna buy in mto truly feel meaningful, its feels more like a vague wish and some thing we are doing because "thats what we gotta do to live a meaningful life" and no matter how much we try it we just can't seem to make it real. Then life give us a few knocks and we go out and live a little and then the vision becomes more real for us, more important, more associated with our own life and our own experience and we get more more motivated to make a difference in the world because its personal for us. The other advice here is all solid, but maybe you need time and to be patient with yourself. Maybe absorbing in lots of personal development type content is what you need at this stage, maybe your vision and motivation will solidify later down the road. I don't know.
  19. "You're not gunna change yourself. It's too difficult, your identity is in the way. But you can change your patterns and patterns are easy to change." Tony Robbins Does a certain degree of conciousness that transcends belief mean that one can support their development with awakening as opposed to tinkering and toying with the identity? So rather than seeking to create "change" from within by reshuffling the identity through introspection, affirmation etc. One with a sufficient level of conciousness can transcend all beliefs and identity and set intentions to act in a certain way and therefore change their patterns of behaviour and as a result change the results they get in life in any given area?
  20. @JJfromSwitzerland I don't think he was trying to spout disney fairytale bullshit. You said yourself you haven't realised Enlightenment yet. So maybe the cause of your issue is that your ego is trying to find fulfillment in a woamn and in a relationship. Your ego is creating nice emotions that seem caused by the woman and by the relationship. Your ego is taking love from the woman and your ego is being "a lover" and giving love to the woman, which both make your ego feel good. However, all of these things are illusory and can not be sustained or truly satisfy you. As you awaken, you move away from being " a lover" to "being love". If you and your woman are both living in the Truth of your real nature and not your Egos then you can truly "be in love" and the emotions you feel in regards to the woman and relationship will be True and not deceptive and based upon conditions that are illusory. You need to become just as content alone as you are with a woman. Then if you can find a woman who can meet you in that place of Truth and not ego, then the two of you can rise "in love" together.
  21. @Javfly33 Start small and edge yourself to the point where you can do 10-20 approaches a week consistently every week over the long term. The beginning is pretty hard, one particularly 'harsh' stinging rejection can make your ego trip out a lot and freeze you up the next time you go out. Make sure you learn how to process what's going on in your mind as you start meeting women regularly, even if things are going relatively well, don't neglect your mind or your energy (it's tiring!) . Approaching women is a trip, learn to ride the wave.
  22. @Rishabh R I don't know about RSD but learning how to properly communicate with, interact with, connect with and relate to women as a man to a woman is a human endeavor and is not totally limited by nation, culture and ethnicity.
  23. @Rishabh R Biggest complaint I hear from Chinese women is that the men they meet propose to them before they even know eachother, even in a culture like China, it completely turns the girls off and they cut them out of their life faster than you could imagine. India has quite a similar traditional marriage culture to China but i'd imagine a lot of modern young Indian women feel the same. Change your goal from marriage to connection. Women want a real connection not a proposal from a guy they don't even know.
  24. I've met quite a few spiritual folk who have done many psychedelics but have no daily practice of meditation/ yoga etc. I always felt like they were missing a piece of the puzzle. Grounding. Integration. Observation. Commitment to the process.