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Everything posted by Spence94

  1. @Michal__ I do want God. When I say Self fulfilled, I mean God fulfilled. The major reason to stop chasing women for a while was to deepen my connection to God and to get on track with my lifes purpose. Women are a lot of time and energy. I have never felt so connected to God as I have this last 6 months.
  2. @Michal__ Hmmm. What is the void?
  3. @MarkusR Is it suppressing natural desires? To me it feels like trying to learn how to be a Self fulfilled psychologically stable individual with the different parts of his life together so he can engage with women from a much more healthier place at the right time. It seemed I was using women and sex to fill the void and my growth and life was staying stagnant and not going anywhere.
  4. @Preety_India Yeah, avoiding burn out and being a more disciplined individual is a long-term process of Self-discovery. "I wasn't always like this, this is something I have cultivated over years." Joe Rogan
  5. @MarkusR As to number 3. Recently i've dropping affirmations into my mind while i am meditating or straight after yoga-asana practice. it 'sinks' into your subconcious mind much deeper that way and allows your energy to be transfromed much more powerfully I feel. I am only a month into this, but i am starting to see real shifts in thinking and action. You gotta get out of your way though. Having this forum post discussion right now is perhaps a result of getting the subconcious on board, i am not aware, but the changes are happening... It's not like you just do the work on the internal and then the external changes. You do the work internally, which leads to external changes in action, which changes the internal again, which eventually changes the external. If that makes sense...
  6. @MarkusR Nice. I think we can also communicate with our subconcous mind. Make our subconcious mind our friend. Know it wants us to reach our highest potential and to actualize ourselves and the lives we envision. This awareness that our subconcious is giving us everything we need to experience so we can work with and through it is very useful i think. There's no one answer to finding this balance that we are touching on here.It's a super messy looking process.
  7. @Raptorsin7 Not a Kriya Lineage persay. But i was fortunate to meet a yogi-master in 2015 who initated me onto the path of Kriya through his Yoga Sanctuary. It was a 12 week program with 20 other students.
  8. Yes. Perhaps love really is all you need. " I am loving awareness." Ram Dass
  9. @soos_mite_ah If i were you, i wouldn't start a blog. I would use other social media like instagram. Document your experiences, perspectives and insights. It will be easier to find, connect, share and communicate with people on your wavelength and gain a following. It sounds like it's just a passion project right now. You could use social media and share in a more raw off the bat way, especially as it's new. You don't have to over think the posts too much and can post mini blogs. Blogs are becoming more of a dead medium these days. I heard someone say the captions and words on instagram are more important than the actual pictures if what you care about is gaining a following of people who are actually engaged in your content and perspectives. You could have a blog too as a link on your social media for those followers who want to engage with your writings more deeply. Social media platfroms would help you attract people who don't even know they're looking for you or the things you're sharing and discusing, but they stumble on you randomly and resonate with you and your content. Hard to do that on a blog. People don't really search for blogs that much these days.
  10. @John Paul Eveything is impermanent. You will get through whatever you are going through. Thank you for your words. My friend asked me "Do you bring yourself back it or does it bring you back?" It seems to bring you back. Faith.
  11. Awesome man. ’Life purpose isn't seperate from your life', and this is a beautiful thing! I like that you come from the heart. Just share from the heart for the joy of sharing. Let the muse come from the heart. Don't overthink it, just show up and share consistently. Karma. You get back what you give. Just give. Keep learning, keeping beating on your love and craft and just put yourself in a posiiton to use your medium to share. Don't sit around waiting for something to share, just connect with yourself and share, and you will be suprised by what comes out of your heart and by how it may effect people.
  12. @soos_mite_ah What kind of blog is it? Who is your target reader?
  13. @John Paul This is a good point. You can't be paralysed into non action but you can't just grinding it out and ignoring what's coming up. It's like the Universe serves you up a dish, you chew it and work through it, then get back to action, then when you're ready the subconcious serves you up another plate to sort through. Helpful to remind yourself that this happens though, otherwise you start thinking you're slipping. So how do you @John Paul deal with the things that come up? What's an example of something that comes up and what triggers you to be aware of it?
  14. @Vision How does one develop that kind of strength of purpose and love when it's all an illusion? @ZenSwift "The paradox of this whole game is that it's all an illusion but must be played with dead seriousness." Leo. \ How does one play the game more seriously? For example if someone wants to be an artist, how do they make art something they are willing to die for? Perhaps the universal love inside needs to infuse the worldy actions to create the to die for meaning. Willing to kill the ego in the name of the love for the craft and the artform. In touch with the deepest parts of ourselves to draw the why deep from within.
  15. 'Q: What is blocking you inside from being the vision?' It seems a lot trauma release work talks about raising your vibration. By letting go of these internal burdens our energy is freed up in such a way that we can then take much more consistent action with clarity. Rogan says 90% of success is just showing up and doing it, but if was easy to just show up and do it, everybody would have what they want. I guess doing that inner engineering work on the inner burdens would free one up to consistently show up and do it. Actions create the results in any field. What inside of you prevents the action? Let go of that and you'll be able to take more effective and consistent action. Sounds like a new paradigm from which to act from once the burdens have been worked through.
  16. It seems when one is taking action towards a goal and they have developed a a certain degree of conciousness then there is more flow states in ones life. It is enjoyable to take the action towards the meaningful goal. When I stop taking action, there is more of a tendency to experience the uncertainty you mentioned. It seems theres two components, there is the goal action component and there is the addressing the issues that one is aware of when they are not taking action. eg. Anxiety and frustration. The acceptance of the drudgery is easier said than done...what helps you to embrace that drudgery again and again each day?
  17. @Hugo Oliveira Well said.
  18. " The sweet nectar" of kriya yoga as Yogananda said. Don't treat your kriya yoga or meditation practice as a pain killer. Don't treat yoga as a drug. Kriya yoga does not change your state like MDMA and then you return to "normal". Go into yourself with Kriya. There is no separation between the bliss and yourself. You are the bliss. You can not lose the bliss, for the bliss is you. You can not go 'back to normal' because the bliss is what is normal. The mind will do what it wants. Let it. Just come back to the kriya practice, come back to the bliss. As you return, again and again, the bliss will make itself known as your true Self. Your true home and you are always here. It is simply natures divinity. I'm 27. I started when I was 21. Trust me friend. Just keep practicing and you will see...
  19. I teach yoga in person part time. I aspire to do it full time. Nothing fulfills me more than teaching yoga and meditation. It seems most yoga teachers can barely pay the Bills, whilst a handful are doing very well financially. I'm not gunna try open a studio anytime soon because I have friends with empty studios because they don't have the reputation and marketing value to attract enough clients. In my experience, the best yoga teachers are first and foremost hardcore practitioners, teaching merely serves as an extension artform to their serious practice, and the students experience this. It can't be faked. I plan to teach in various locations around the city and maybe even online for a few years while I keep practicing, reading, listening, contemplating and Self actualizing. Grow my Self, the practice and teaching artform, expand the network, and build reputation and word of mouth, and then from there, maybe open a studio and teaching offline and online classes and courses...
  20. "So what if it is all just happening inside your head harry? Does that make it any less real?" - Dumbledore
  21. @Matt23 True. I did the LP course when I was 21 and didn't get much value out of it. Doing it again now at 27 and I'm getting a lot out of it. Maybe go back to the course and re do it? You might be ready for it now.