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Everything posted by Spence94

  1. Your truth will not be the same as somebody else's truth.
  2. Connect to the Truth. By the the grace of divine order you two will cross paths. By nature herself flowering will emerge. aha! The eyes are wider, the presence is clear. It happened.
  3. "I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known." -Green Day
  4. Final meeting of a 6 week support group tonight. We discussed all things life and self actualization. After each session I led some yoga or tai chi with the group. The early stages of my teaching career. Need to finish up my TTC. Have some other teaching opportunities lined up for the Spring. A loved one of mine past away on Monday night. I am heartbroken but also at peace. May she rest in peace. I will remember her every time I look at the buddhas on my table. She was into Buddhism. I can feel her presence today. I feel more connected to her than ever before. She will be here with me everyday, looking down at me. She will be my guiding star in this life until we meet again. I love you.
  5. @Hsinav Yeah that's the thing with Nuclear weapons. It only takes one country to launch first and then the rest will follow suit shortly after. There's enough nukes on earth to turn us all into fairy dust. Putin doesn't wanna turn Russia into fairy dust...I hope...
  6. @Raptorsin7 In hindsight yes. The journey has been difficult. Kriya brings up A LOT from the subconscious. No spiritual journey is a linear easy path. Kriya is a powerful path but you will have to face your self again and again. Deep rooted memories, emotions, traumas, kriya brings ALL that shit to the surface, no hiding. But after 6 years, now the fruits are truly being reaped. Was worth all the struggle. Life is Bliss. Life is Love. Life is Joy. Life is Peace. You are all beautiful.
  7. @Hsinav Good Point. Do you think he is using the rhetoric so bluntly because he believes the USA/UK/FRANCE would not dare make the first nuclear strike so just wants to scare them. Whereas during the cold war climate, the West had a higher probability of making the first strike than the West in 2022... I dunno. It seems during the Cuban missile Crisis in the 60s, the tension was such that it wasn't just Russia that could have launched nukes first, America could have hit the button first. This time it feels like if it's gunna happen it's only Putin who is gunna launch a nuke first.
  8. @Yoremo 2 days ago I started drinking 'Organifi Gold Superfood Tea' before bed...Oh my, it's some magical shamanic tea.
  9. Good point.
  10. @puporing Yeah authenticity and attracting those who vibe with your style and truth and not trying to appeal to everyone in your market.
  11. Always a possibility so long as we have 10,000+ active nuclear warheads on the planet and the interests of the nations who possess them clash and collide. Nobody will benefit from a nuclear war though so I don't think it would happen... for now. Nuclear weapons act as a deterrent, in a strange way, they allow for stability and prevent powerful nations from going head to head like in WW2. But who knows what is going through the minds of the people who are in charge of making the nuclear attack call?
  12. This problem goes back to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Russia join the west with Putin (a former Soviet Union KGB member who lived through 30 years of Soviet Power) as their president? Not likely.
  13. last time I visited a Doctor, the scans and tests came back negative. He said 'you're fine, it's in your mind, you're attached to it, let go of the attachment in your mind. '
  14. @PepperBlossoms Yeah good point. Calm almost has a sense of being washed over you when you're stressed. You need the stress to appreciate the calm wave, but also it's nice to just be feeling calm alot of the time. Peace and Calm is a good life in my opinion.
  15. Thank you. Gratitude. 'trauma dumping' haha. It's been about 4 months since I decided to focus solely on myself. I've never had as much groundedness and clarity over where I am and where I am going than I do now. I definitely needed to just re-connect and figure my Self out for a while. But yeah, don't suppress, find healthy ways to meet needs, keep healing, don't reject relationships, and nurture healthy ones.
  16. @Hardkill He doesn't fear a NATO invasion of Russia, that's what the 4500 nuclear warheads are for. He fears western global hegemony, politically, militarily, socially and economically.
  17. I agree. He sees the expansion of NATO and Ukraine having closer ties to NATO and the EU as a major threat to the strength and prosperity of Russia.
  18. @Preety_India The military industrial complex is a multitude of interests which can create the causes and conditions for wars to happen more regularly and more prolonged than necessary. Do the CEOs of these companies and political leaders actually intend to start wars purely to increase share prices and propagate the sale of military equipment? I doubt it. I think they have good intentions for their actions. Systems inside reality are more complex and co exist with other systems simultaneously. The word 'Complex' has a lot of relevance here. Theres no one answer as to why this war started or as to why it will continue or as to why it will end.