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Everything posted by SpyAquamarine

  1. Because the bride being distraught reminded you of your own distress that you expect yourself to feel in social situations. If even the bride is stressed on her special day, who are you to feel confident, happy and on the top of the world? (says your mind) Self love and self acceptance is the key. Don't worry about what other people think about you, they don't matter at all. You do.
  2. It is just my personal expeience and how I felt when I did it. Research if it calls you. There are many kits out there and now that I know the ins and outs I gathered all the stuff necessary and can home make a simple one whenever I want.
  3. Colon cleansing and then a detox and some herbs. Everybody will benefit amazingly if doing a colon cleasing at least once a year. Twice or every season change if possible. I truly believe it could change the world. We are literally full of shit to the brim. Need to do it again soon.
  4. Accept and appreciate or leave Relationships are invaluable to make us understand who we are - aren’t, what we want - don’t want and where we are Every partner will give you exactly what you need until you don’t need it anymore Are you familiar with Byron Katie and The Work? Best tool to understand all kinds of relationships in my opinion
  5. You are free and have the right to whatever you want. Why do you let your boyfriend make such basic decisisons for you? To tell you how to dress??? This is ridiculous, sorry. The real question you should be asking yourself is: Why do I accept be treated this way? What made me attract, enter and remain in a relationship with such a controlling and entitled person? Yes, it is clear that your boyfriend has his own issues with low self esteem, insecurity and need to manipulate and control but how about you, my lovely? Why do you feel that you have to please to the point you can't even be yourself anymore? Sorry if it seems harsh. I have been there too many times, different situations but similar background. Unfortunatley I wasn't even aware there was a problem, didn't know how to ask for help or where to get help from. Well done for getting here, keep coming back. Keep digging and take care. P.S _ It is not going to change for the better, it is just gonna get worse... This I can guarantee
  6. Listening is a powerful medicine. As we allow the other to speak and just listen to them with all of our attention, no judgements, no projections, no solutions, tips, advice, we hold space so they can hear the ecos of their own thoughts and understand themselves better, see the other side of the story they are telling.
  7. Interesting. They seem like they feel more special, superior, less common (I think I am not judging, just my observation)...as if they look down on other people who are 'vanilla' as they call it... But that could be only my impression What do you think?
  8. Tell me about fetishes Where do they come from and why? I have none
  9. My new mantra: No better, no worse. “I am no better and no worse than any other human being that has ever walked or will ever walk this planet; and no human being that has ever walked or will walk this planet is any better or worse than me,”
  10. I feel that my character has changed. I saw no problem doing some stuff that I wouldn't do again, for example: cheating, stealing, selling my body and manipulating + telling bold lies to myself and others.
  11. "every elected government is legitimate, because it was the peoples will" We create our own reality for better or for worse. Politics and governement systems represent and originate from collective wounds.
  12. Caroline Myss make sense to me whatever colour it is or isn't.
  13. "You're not special." Whoever told you that lied to you. Stop telling yourself that. That's one of the worst drinks of Koolade you'll ever take. That's tortuous. You'll live your life looking for something special to do, whatever that means. And everything in life will disappoint you. Everybody will disappoint you. That is a curse to believe that you are special. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to recognise yourself as a humble person living a humble life within your own human nature, within this human planet, within the planet that governs all of us. Stop looking to be the exception to the rules. You are not an exception. You are governed by the same rules everybody else is. And now you're going to learn the rules. If you say you're special you think you exist outside the rules and that's when you get in trouble. That's when you get ill and you say things like, "I can't believe this is happening to me." And why not? "Because I'm special! The rules don't apply to me." Well, then jump off a building and see if gravity does. I'll meet you at the bottom. -Carolyn Myss. Full talk in "Spiritual Direction: Pebbles in the Well - Learning to Listen to Your Soul" on YouTube Listen. See Divine as is. Stop praying as a narcissist. Start praying without an agenda. An agenda suggests that God screwed up. -Carolyn Myss When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful.. -Carolyn Myss
  14. Yep. I am accepting that too. You are not special. Everything you think you are or have is nothing but GRACE, so be grateful and enjoy.
  15. If you are enlightened even just being is enough. Your beingness will touch people's lives. Have you heard about the homeless man who was about to commit suicide and because of the eye contact and smile of one single stranger while the crossed each other, he decide to stay alive and totally turned his life around?
  16. When I see people behaving unconsiously or suffering I always imagine us all as beautiful, abundant, inocent babies. What must have happened to us to lead us where we are now? This brings much compassion to my life and opens my heart more and more every time.
  17. I don't care about my birthday. I don't need to celebrate it. I don't usually broadcast it but some people always remember and congratulate me and I appreciate but I could easily do without it. I might treat myself to something but I usually do it on other days of the year anyway, I don't wait for a birth~day. Obviously I care even less about other people's birthday too. I don't want to come accross as cold or uninterested, I can understand it might be important to them for whatever reason but the bigger of a deal they make the more it gets me thinking why I don't feel the same way. I still contribute to collections at work, congratulate, write on the collective card etc...to family and friends I send a personalised message, to children I buy gifts but there is no excitment in it (a part when it is children's birthday actually) I wonder if I will change my mind as I get older and to bigger numbers? 41 at the moment. Anybody else here feels the same? Any insights on why?
  18. I probably felt the same at your age. Right now, I am minimalist and I dread 'stuff'. I dread getting a gift that I don't want, don't need and don't know what to do with. I dread that people are putting so much effort and money in something I don't care. The day to day interaction means a lot more to me.
  19. I don't celebrate holidays either and my mom doesn't expect a call because it is "her' day
  20. The confusion keeps you asking, so it is good. You are not stuck you are moving. Why don't you reduce drastically the meditation time and then increase it bit by bit once you develop a solid habit? Even if it is 5 - 10 minutes a day, the most important thing is to show up every single day, same time, same place if possible. Once it becomes like brush you teeth habit then you increase gradually.
  21. I don't feel uncomfortable. It is just weird having this extra artificial attention upon me for only a day. I used to hide the awkwardness but I am being totally honest for the past few years, try to explain there is no excitment, nobody understands, not even myself. People think I am miserable. I am far from miserable. @Samra A very merry unbirthday to you. To us.
  22. @martin_malin Thank you for the link, I will watch that video again. It has become a lot easier for me but I am probably (most definitely) not 100% impeccable yet! Good luck! You can do this!