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Everything posted by SpyAquamarine

  1. Maybe bump this to the top of your list?
  2. Love me some Byron Katie
  3. Everything that is happening, the issues that you are fighting against and also your fight, it is all needed and part of the whole. At the end of the day it is about feeling joy, so if your activities make you truly happy and joyous, keep at it, no need for validation, justification, explanation, acceptance or success rates, but the amount of joy you feel inside your heart. It doesn't matter who agrees or disagrees with you.
  4. That is when inperfection 'becomes' perfection
  5. Let me be out there: Say that source (ALL of everything) wanted to explore itself in the totality of every single thing that is possible in this especific plataform of this time space reality of the now (that actually doesn't really exist). Here we are. All of us and them and this and that. Volunteers. Source fragmented (but not separated) eager to come and make it happen. I have great respect for the sufferers. They were the most passionate at jumping in the adventure, going to the most uncomfortable extreme.
  6. Love and acceptance. Invite her out to do interesting fun stuff? Buy her books? Find other videos in your language with the content that will help her? Translate easy to understand quotes and give it to her? Make it a game so you can discuss? Listen to what she has to say? Take her out in Nature. It does help opening people up.
  7. Don't need to worry about understanding anything. Do what feels good at your core, not instant gratifications masked as good feelings. When not sure, ask: 'Does it come from a place of love? If the answer is no, don't do it.
  8. Do you still do a lot of self refelction and thinking while doing? Or is it a distraction to not look inside yourself? Deeper problems, wounds, regrets? I get the feeling that busyness and fear of being alone is self reflection avoidance along with addiction to TV, Games etc
  9. "There is not right or wrong. There is just what you want" White Oleander - Janet Fitch
  10. My perception about the world and everything else comes quite naturaly to me, it is like a knowing. Of course studying also gives me lots of instantaneous insights, more like remebering . I don't need to work hard or twist my brain to undestand and apply concepts, especially spiritual ones, but if I was to express it into words it would be such a mess and make absolutely no sense. I wouldn't find the correct words and organise them in the right order. However when I hear something that speaks to me, it actvates the knowing inside or on the other hand I just know it isn't the Thruth without be able to verbalise why. Then if I hear someone explaining the why, I know that it was what I wanted to express but didn't know how. I am not an English native speaker but it doesn't work in my mother tongue either. If only I could make my feelings concrete somehow, I would feel more empty and as if I am actually doing something useful with it. Does it make any sense to someone here? Anybody else feel the same? Sometimes I feel I should 'work' on it and create some sort of talent but most of the time I just feel like accepting what is and relaxing. In any way, I spend my days trying to irradiate it through my pores, eyes and smiles and cause an impact where it is needed.
  11. Thank you for sharing your amazing experience @Solace, it sounds great! Keep us updated.
  12. I will dig that book someday and write here the context. That phrase is actually said by a very manipulative woman who killed her lover out of jeaulosy and ego, so yes, maybe not yellow in the context of the book. I highly recommend the book and the film by the way.
  13. Not sure if this will help but choose 5 or 6 people who you look up to, your role models, and write down every single positive aspect you admire in them. You have those same aspects within yourself. Maybe they are dormant, maybe they aren't fully developed YET. How can you bring them into light and to full potential? Focus on strenghts not weaknesses.
  14. Yep. I have been overcoming confidence issues for a while and still have an inch to conquer.
  15. I would like to hear your feedback Right now, I feel calm, I feel greatful I have some spare time to surf online before going to a meeting that I am very curious about. A few years ago, I would be stressed and worried about going to this kind of meeting, probably even making excuses on why I couldn't attend. But today I feel exicited to go and meet new people, see familiar faces, and start a new process. I am looking forward to come back home after the meeting with a new experience under my belt, then get on with my own routine for the evening and have a lovely relaxing night before waking up tomorrow eager for another day. I know what I feel. I can express emotions but it isn't as eloquently as I would like. It is more about puting all words together in a way that is clear, concise and flowing in a stream, like the people who speak in the videos on youtube for example or public speech.
  16. I feel great, energetically charged and much more sensitive when going all fruits and I love raw salads but I loose too much weight and it feels pretty uncomfortable visually. I love looking at myself in the mirror and I want to see a healthy look. I know it is probably just the transition phase or I am probably not consuming as much as I should but the most important factor for me is to not feel I am denying myself anything. So I still eat cooked simple veg meals. Meat very rarely, only a little taste sometimes when it is disguised (eg: salami). Dairy truly F***s me up, it is the worse!
  17. Thank you. It can be such a pain but I am more relaxed and surrendered than ever. It feels sometimes like opening / moving your mouth but no words coming out. I also think that is one of the reason I get on amazingly with children up to 7 years old. They get me! I ought to find a creative outlet somehow. Will consider journaling again but I always kind of worry about leaving 'traces', people finding my words...ironically... I admire eloquence so much! yes @Leo Gura I am talking about you. I wish there was a magic pill or some other efortless solution (yes I want everything to be easy) or maybe we could just all move on to telepathy. And at my worse I can always blame myself being Pisces sun, moon and mercury
  18. Yep. I agree with it.