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Everything posted by Oneness

  1. Awareness becoming aware of awareness
  2. Enligthenment is truth realization. NOT bliss, NOT love, NOT a feeling of exctasy. What you feel during at enlightenment is irrelivant. Alot of spiritual teachers really stress this point, especially Rubert Spira, Jed Mckenna and Peter Ralston. As Peter says "Enlightenment is not bliss, however bliss might occur from a mind that has been set free, but that is not the enlightenment."
  3. 1) Yes you can I used to do it alot, but now I always do it in silence. When you play music you are actually stimulating yourself, which is not the point of meditation. 2) As long as it dosen't make you sleepy, but it is very likely it will make you sleepy
  4. Some monks meditate for 10 hours a day, and yet they are not enlightened. Some people meditate an entire life time and never become enlightened. If self inquiry is the direct method towards enlightenment, then why bother with meditation? At the moment I do 2 hours of consciousness work a day. 1 hour self inquiry, 1 hour mindfulness meditation. but if I just did 2 hours of self inquiry, wouldn't that take me to enlightenment faster? Don't get me wrong, the meditation makes me feel good, but does that really matter?
  5. Does my life purpose make any sense? I mean it is a wierd combination of "Zone of genius + Impact statement". In the VIA characther strenghts survey my result was that my top 2 strengths are "Humor & Playfullness" and "Perspective Wisdom". This did not come as a suprise to me as people have always told me im either wise or funny. My zone of genius is "Observational Humor", I have a talent for noticing funny things in every situation, topic or acitvity. My most meaningful impact I could have is: to help people understand and master their own minds so the life purpose would be "Using observational humor to help people understand and master their own minds". But does this make any sense?? I mean alot of spiritual teachers crack jokes all the time, especially Matt Kahn, and it seems to help people take this stuff easier and not be so anal about life. I just don't know how to put the life purpose in to words. I don't know how to combine a statement that includes humor and wisdom.
  6. Yeah kind of what I tough about also. But also I think that sometimes self-actualizing people are often very serious and take life way too seriously and never laugh and joke around, so would be cool to also have that impact there. Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it
  7. Basically the (zone of genius + impact statement) mean how you are going to use your zone of genius to impact the world. Your zone of genius is a narrow thing that your have a unique talent for, the impact statement is what is the most meaningful impact you could have on the world, what impact is most meaningful to YOU, not somebody else. For example curing AIDS would be a awesome impact, but to be honest it is not a meaningful enough of an impact that I would be willing to put all my life towards it, even die for it.
  8. As far as I understood, he recommends managing your life so that you have a lot of free time. But what about mastery, life purpose, deliberate practice? These things take HOURS of your day. He talkes about cutting working hours, but isn't your work supposed to be your play?
  9. Hopefully you need a private place to meditate and not to jerk off in. If there is no silent place at your place just go to a park and meditate on a bench. You can also meditate while people are around, it is good to practice in not ideal situations, makes it more applicable to daily life.
  10. Leo's Life Purpose Course without a doubt. One major contributor to confidence and self-esteem issues is a lack of life purpose. When you are alligned with your deepest purpose in life you become less concerned about yourself. I have never seen a person who has a strong sense of purpose having confidence or self-esteem issues.