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About Oneness

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  • Birthday 09/28/1995

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  1. @Leo Gura Seems like a lot on my plate now. Daily conenctration practice, meditation, contemplation/self inquiry and yoga? do you do still do them all?
  2. Unfortunately this is most likely his last apprentice program, unless there is a big interest in another one. He's still going to do workshops for some years more I think. But yeah I had to work my ass off at shit jobs to afford it, it was a big pain in the ass.
  3. Regarding Leo's most recent video. Leo's stressing the point of building your infastructure for your top values and life purpose. But what if you don't know your top values and life purpose quite yet? Im only 21 and I have done the life purpose course but I still need to do more soul searching and experimenting regarding my life purpose and values. so my question is: How do I applied what's being said in the video if I am not sure about my life purpose yet?
  4. That special note is probably just for formal reasons. In case someone would get injured from some weird situation and choose to sue them, it's not a big deal. "There will be strenuous physical activity, as well as strenuous mental and emotional engagement" Thats probably regarding his martial workshops where sports injury can happen from training. "The ranch also holds various dangers, such as barbed wire, wildlife, rugged terrain, etc" Did not see any wires and the terrain is just normal nature terrain. The wildlife thing is probably regarding some insects in Texas that can be poisonous, but I didn't see any of them while I was there. Anyway.. you are probably safer there than at home, it's in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. I think it kinda depends on the way you listen to the music. I myself blast metal music alot, and it usually makes me happy and I mostly listen to while I am in a good energetic mood. Eventough the lyrics is pretty fucked up I don't relate to the lyrics at all, I often find the lyrics funny because its so ridicolous. As long as your not some emo kid crying while listening to metal, In my opinion I don't see any problem with it.
  6. Nervous as fuck, lol.
  7. Yeah sure. But pursuing them all at the same time is what I am asking about. There are only so many hours in a day and so focusing on all those things at once at the same time is in my opinion not ideal. which is why I am asking if Leo is talking about immersing yourself in one area at the time,
  8. The diagram is from Leo's Insight blog. So as far as I know, this balance thing is about immersing yourself in whatever area of your life that you want to work on right now, because immersion gives the best results. Compared to working on every area of your life all at once. So once you feel you have accomplished what you wanted, you move on to the next area and put most of your energy and focus into that. Is this what the dynamic balance thing is all about?
  9. Yeah I definetely enjoyed it. I learned alot about the contemplative endavour and alot about how my mind works, I also became conscious of some stuff about myself I wasn't conscious of before. Really liked the contemplation intensive, eventough I didn't get a breaktrough during the intensive I still cleared aloooot of crap out of my contemplation.
  10. hehe perhaps I will Regardarding how it differs from others. Depends on which of Peter's workshops you are attending. In some workshops there are more talks and dialogs given by Peter. In these workshops there are more different exercises and they are usually a bit broader about life.´ Other workshops have more time devoted to pure contemplation, primarily in the form of Contemplation and Communication Exrercises. These workshops are more like other normal "Enligthenment Intensive", where its pretty much only about having an enlightenment. The second consiousness week of this spring is more along those lines I believe. I have only done Peter's intensives, I don't really know how they are in the UK, so it's hard for me to compare. I've heard there are some minor differences in the format of the contemplation exrercise. In Peters instensive you also learn about how to actually contemplate, common traps, and if you are stuck in your contemplation you can go talk with him. I don't know if they do this too in UK intensives.
  11. I did the full fall retreat of 2016 and I am attending the Cheng Hsin Apprentice Program 2017 too. The ” contemplation and communication with a partner” is basically you are given a subject of contemplation and you contenplate, what ever comes up for you as a result of the contemplation you communicate to your partner who sits across from you. It feels kinda wierd at first but you actually get used to it very quickly. Regarding the language part.. English isn't my first language either and there were other foregin students there last time whose first language wasn't english either. Wasn't much of an issue. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
  12. Been thinking about Holosync, is it really effective? My concern is that it makes you dependent on some kind of stimulation which is quite the opposite of meditation. I see it's potential to give myself a nice meditative experience, but does it help you when not using it?
  13. One thing that I don't understand regarding paranomal phenomena is that it kinda assumes there are souls? Isn't a soul basically what we feel as a "self" which is an illusion?
  14. @PsychedelicTraveller Are you enlightened? Well.. test yourself.. try sitting without moving in a crossed leg position (Strong Determination Sitting) for hours, you will see that you are indeed not enlightened.