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About Wonka

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  1. Will, I want to really thank you for replying. I'm going to do as you say .I've tried everything else. Trying to get my point across to them that they cannot disrespect me and expect me to respect them back. My brother in law asked if I would show up to his graduation and immediately after said, "you could've graduated this year too if you haven't done what you did." And smiled while the other two in laws didn't say a word but were smiling. I wasn't going to reply but it seemed as if my heart wanted to say something. I replied, "your right, but I don't want to talk about this." Out of nowhere and walked away smiling. I didn't want to say anything because I don't have a right really because he IS graduating. And also because he's not my brother. But I'm trying everything I can but that was an amazing experience really. Never had my heart speak for itself like that before .Almost like it wouldn't except the feeling.
  2. I know it probably sounds normal but it's tearing me apart. No matter what I do. It gets worse .No respect whatsoever. Not that Im owed it I suppose .But when it gets personal on every level. I don't know what to do anymore. Ridiculed by brother in law because he is graduating and I didn't. Same coming from father in law. Being laughed at to my face, disrespected in my own house. Just wanted to get this out. Makes me feel a little better.