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Everything posted by MonikaBcn

  1. Just do somehing. Go to a different country to work for a few months. Any basic job. It will give you a new perspective. You can always come back home. Don´t stay where you are and don´t do what you always do. You are not stuck, you hold yourself back. If you don´t know what to do, do anything
  2. ENTJ. decisions decisions decisions!
  3. I think there is a confusion between WANT and NEED. I may want a massive mansion on the top of the mountain, but I only want it. I don´t need it. If I have it, great! If I don´t have it, nothing changes, still great! There is nothing wrong in wanting contact with people or other things. As long as you only want them. Because if you need them, it means that not having them makes you unhappy. And as we know basing your happines on circumstances is very tricky So don´t feel guilty for your desires, as long as they are only desires. Go and fulfill them. Or not. Either way it will be ok
  4. I feel like this forum will be a massive distraction :))
  5. Monika, 24, Polish living in Barcelona, recently single, entrepreneur It's probably mostly my genes but I've always been happy and without any major issues. Raised in pretty religous surroundings but regardless of all beliefs that were fed to me I have always been absolutely sure that there is "something more" to this world. After going through through materials about physics, lost civilizations, aliens, sacred science and geometry I found out about enlightement and then it it all made sense I've found you Leo with "no bullshit guide to meditation video" and I stayed ever since. Your other videos and talking with people about them made me realize my issues. I learned more about my character and what I want and need in life. I was very unconscous in choosing my partners and didn't understand why I was never happy with my relationships. I'm currently focusing and working on myself and my self-discipline and I hope I will get it one day bcz otherwise none of my goals or enlightement will come true. Your channel oppened my eyes to many aspects I had no idea existed, thank you so much Leo.