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About Daphne

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  1. this music opens my heart <3333
  2. Hi Leo could you please make a video about suffering and how it can benefit and be used in spiritual work?
  3. thank you @Telepresent that could defenitly be! however i also experience this feeling like energy in my body that i can shift and focus to a certain point. it feels almost like shifting water inside of me, i can decide the 'amount' and speed of it also. kinda hard to explain but this makes me think it could be more than just dopamine rushes?
  4. lately ive been having lots of tingling sensations throughout my whole body.. mostly when i'm reading about spirituality, watching leo's videos, meditating, doing yoga, being aware it has almost become something i can 'turn on' like a sense when i want to.. is this because my body awareness is getting bigger? what would happen if i develop this 'sense' more? could it maybe be a healing power? prana? i'm not sure.. what do you think? my english isnt the best so please be kind
  5. why exactly are you feeling like you're losing it again? what is changing in your life right now? how did you deal with it before? there are always going to be bad and good times, you have to find a way to deal with them, learn and grow. try to find the motivation to learn from the negatives and find the right balance just accepting the way things are can also help a lot. if you're not willing to accept, you have to make a change
  6. Hi there, Everytime I try to contemplate on a certain topic my mind comes up with the same type of answer.. In one of Leo's video's he said you can NEVER be certain if something is real or what is Truth. So how can you ever know for sure? I can come up with lots of answers in lots of details but ultimately I don't know if it's really true. So it feels kind of useless to me? Everytime my mind comes up with: I dont know?? Because my (maybe lazy) mind comes up with a quick answer like that I find it hard to really contemplate deeply. Is this confusion 'good' or is this my mind trapping / tricking itself ? I don't see how contemplation is going to grow me because I feel like I can easily answer everything this way. Are more of you having this issue? Help would be appreciated
  7. @Kacper Wielunski Yes I've seen it already! Very interesting I'd like to hear even more about it
  8. Thank you for your reply. I was thinking.. Ever session is always completely different, its never the same so in a sense you cant be advanced. There is no 'you' and really no time. So every experience will always be a new one..? idk I cant really explain it.. sorry I guess I will have to go find out for myself what an advanced meditator could be
  9. Hi there so I was thinking.. Sometimes people talk about very advanced or advanced meditators but when are you really? How can you or someone else say that they're advanced? Based on time? experience? If so, why does time matter? what is the difference between beginner and advanced? I mean while meditating.. will thoughts still arise but only less? my english isnt the best but I hope you know what I mean?
  10. it feels so double. On this one side I feel like I could learn a lot about myself if I continue pushing myself in doing this job. but on the other side I kinda know its not what I want and it wont make me be my best self. This job is draining so much of my energy that it feels like ive got nothing left to self actualize. Its making me think too much in my head and I feel like it wont bring me any closer to peace of mind. all my life I went around pleasing others and kind of go with the crowd but deep down I know im not that kind of person. im not looking for a quick fix although I do admit that i can be a bit lazy.
  11. Hey everyone, Since the beginning of April I've got a new job. At first I was so happy getting the job but now I feel like it's too stressful for me and I can't handle it. I come from a background with lots of anxiety and stress and I feel like this job is bringing it all back again. I need to work too hard (harder than I can) and I don't enjoy it at all because all I think about is how I preform and the mistakes I make. I don't know what I want in life. People always say that you need a job to make money and sustain your life but I don't feel this way at all. I don't want to work untill I'm dead. At least not this kind of job. I want to go away and live in nature. Money is not really important to me. What do you think I should do? Please be honest. I'm still in the 'test month' of this new job. Also feel free to ask questions. I'm not that good in explaining myself, also my English isn't the best. Lets say I should go for what I really want.. Live in an eco farm far away from society, in another country. How do I actually make this happen? It feels impossible.
  12. Sorry to disturb yall but.. It would be great if the following comments would be on topic again..
  13. @drelamore may be the weirdest movie ive ever seen!! Some scenes were scarier to me than every horror movie out there.. I liked the ending a lot though