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About Doddie

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  • Birthday 07/29/1998

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  1. @Donald Sounds great! I'll give it a shot! Also i was wondering if you have any suggestions what to do when you're low on willpower. All suggestions would be accepted
  2. @MartineF Yep i've watched the video, today again it just hurts but it's good to know how it's done. I've been cleaning up my diet and i'm close to veganism and it's almost as enjoyable as the junk food that i was used to eat, but since taste buds take time to be cleaned up that's all i could do for now. For the video game addiction and basically any other distraction, i've gave all my distractions to my parents so they can hide them from me ( which are butterfly knives & ukulele). And now whenever i get the craving for videogames i'll just meditate. So far so good thanks for the help!
  3. Hey everyone, Before i found personal development i was constantly playing video games, then i started questioning why i'm doing it and realized it's from the people pleasing mentality. I then started doing some personal development work and instilled positive habits for 4 months now. But i lost momentum, stuck on a plateau (which isn't really a problem for me) but somehow i started getting this nostalgia feeling and getting some of my old memories of playing one of my favorite video games. After every night i played i felt guiltier that i could be doing more and growing day by day, that's what my heart was saying to me but i kept resenting it. What would you suggest me to do in order to quit the negative habit/addiction. I would really appreciate it.
  4. Amazingly concise and simple, thanks!
  5. You are absolutely right! I have this feeling lately that it would be best to think it through myself, I just wanted 2-3 ideas to know what's best but now I feel like I'm gonna create a really powerful morning routine + schedule. Thank you very much!
  6. Hello everyone I was trying to think it through and doing my best to instill new habits in my life but i have no idea how and what exactly when to do. If anyone could recommend me a schedule or things to do on a daily basis ex:(meditation,affirmation etc.) when it would be best to use that'd be great and i would really appreciate it.
  7. I'm 17 started like 3 moths ago and achieve quite a bit of good stuff: • Quitted gaming • Starting to get the hang of long term thinking • Started reading self-help books, using personal development courses etc. The list could go on but those are my favorite ones which before i would never admited that i wanted. Keep up the great work, proud of you my friend, even if it's just 2 years different I still can't imagine how my life would transform like yours.