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Everything posted by Vladimir

  1. The best possible experience is no better than the worst? Man, this has to be the biggest delusion I ever heard.
  2. Everything can be known including the Truth that nothing ever happened. This doesn't mean "nothing is happening" lol. Don't get deluded by "this life is an illusion, nothing matters". Life is the realest thing there is. Your body and mind is real, your feelings are real, your thoughts are real, everything that has ever happened to you is real. It may seem like I'm contradicting myself and I totally get it, it's the trickiest riddle for the mind to "understand" because the ultimate Truth of Nothingness is beyond understanding, it can only be experienced.
  3. Guess what you are REALLY scared to know? Yep that is the Truth.
  4. The good only creates good, the bad only creates bad. Yes you do have to understand what bad is, and that comes from direct experience, nobody can tell you that anger is evil for you. And that kindness and gratitude are good. The ultimate question that we all struggle with is coping and accepting evil. The only way for a human being to love evil is to realize that there is a Divine plan for it all, which is to purify evil forever and awaken to pure Goodness.
  5. Well said, thoughts are the only reality we have, we experience all of reality through thoughts and they are the most useful to create the kind of reality we want. The tricky part is - how do you only have Good thoughts?
  6. It may be a toxin for Leo, it may be a great awakening medicine for others
  7. You don't know what covid is. How do you know covid is not an act of love for the greater good of all?
  8. Everything can be known, you are too scared to know it.
  9. Your entire life including your birth IS the Truth, it's the only Truth that ever was, it's too obvious for you to realize it
  10. Also the Truth that people talk about may seem like it's something out there to achieve... But the actual Truth is happening right now as you are reading these words! Awakening! Lol
  11. What humans actually seek is not the Truth Truth, it's the human Truth, and the human Truth is True love between a man and a woman, this is what all the fairy tales are pointing to.
  12. You are just reciting the words heard from someone else, it we would be different if you actually experienced the truth yourself
  13. Lol okay, yet you are posting your ideas with your thoughts about what reality is and THAT is your reality, you are living and experiencing your reality while at the same time denying it
  14. You're on the right track, this entire forum is way too masculine, Leo himself doesn't have any clue what FEMININE actually means. Feminine understanding of the world is what this masculine world desperately needs to understand for the WHOLE of awakening.
  15. "YOU" is the only thing that is "REAL" nothing else matters. "YOU" are the world, you are "EVERYTHING", you are the only one who can know the TRUTH, everything else is "you trying to get your truth from somebody else".
  16. How can there be something from nothing? The ULTIMATE TRUTH is NOTHING EVER HAPPENED. The Terrifying TRUTH of Nothingness. Enjoy!
  17. Thoughts are EVERYTHING. Your ENTIRE LIFE are THOUGHTS. What kind of THOUGHTS are you thinking? That IS your REALITY.
  18. It's all just words that babble on and on, haven't you realized this is the loop you have been in this entire time? The real experience will come from your PERSONAL experience, no ONE can tell you the right way to experience what is TRUE haha.
  19. Satan is very real - it's fear of death, if you have fear, you are creating Evil, you are evil, you are Satan. In Russian language the same word for Evil is the same word for Anger......(Zlo, Zlost') If you have fear, you are creating Evil, weather you want to or not, you're not living, you are surviving, you are creating Evil, you're not really Living.
  20. Sigh.... Just ask yourself these simple questions without getting too philosophical: What does it mean to feel dead? and What does it mean to feel alive? Examples of death: people suffering from depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction, people in mental hospitals, obesity/over-eating, social anxiety, murderers, suicidal thoughts, psychopaths, people that can't live without pharma pills, Internet addictions - games, porn, social media.... Examples of life: happy kids playing in the playground, laughter, joy, love, happiness, feeling safe, community, healthy family bonds, a sense of belonging, unity, real friends, loving your craft and aligning with life purpose In this world, middle earth, there is nobody who is completely alive or completely dead. To fully die is to be in hell, to fully become alive is to awaken to paradise. What prevents all people to fully become alive is the fear of death. When people die a physical death, they are still alive and the level at which a person is dead or alive will determine their re-incarnation journey.
  21. Have you really ever felt good? I think if you felt good you would want to feel good, everyone wants to feel good. Loving yourself is feeling good and doing things for yourself that bring you closer to love.
  22. Leo, any insights on this?
  23. If everything is conscious, then do things, nature and everything else around us also feel pain when we brake them, cut them or destroy them? Does fully embodying love alleviate the creation from suffering, the pain is still felt but there is no suffering because love is more powerful than fear? So if we would fully embody love than we would alleviate all suffering? Also what would happen if one would embody fear as his Truth?
  24. I think we all can materialize "physical reality" into existence but it's a protection mechanism of consciousness so that we don't end up creating a lot of mess. The dreams show you what is on your subconscious and what needs to be cleansed so it's a good idea to pay good attention. We can either manifest reality from love or fear, think about it and contemplate this deeply, what reality do you want to manifest from fear or love? Compassion for others is also key to creating harmony and peace on Earth, thinking of all of us here on this planet as brothers and sisters instead of "it's just me" and "oh well others are suffering but it's not me". Taking actions from this mindset is crucial, beware of mind trickeries on how it lies and manipulates just for your own safety and survival out of fear mode and always ask the question - is this action loving towards myself and the greater good of all?