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Everything posted by Mal

  1. @DizIzMikey Hi Mikey, Question (if you like)? I see you have been struggling with this. And I'd like to offer some different advice, well,not advice, but a question that will hopefully point you in the right direction and will end your suffering. First you must be willing to go through some authentic suffering first. Q) What is it in you that's causing you to express yourself like this? (Extreme annoyance at the people around you) OK, yeah your environment is toxic. There are some people who are ok with this, they are unaffected by it. They don't have anything special, they are not enlightened, and they didn't have to "change their attitude" to suit other people. They became aware of something inside themselves. Painful expression is a result of a "re"-pression. What are you hiding from yourself that is making you present yourself in this way? Mal
  2. Again, another assumption. You must study the information for yourself, don't be lazy! I've given over 200 pieces of advice based on this path, if you think I don't know then I'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree. Nobody said enlightenment is achieved by studying the traditions. Nobody ever said that, this is your imagination. What you are doing is misleading people, you are stuck in the Absolute reality and ignoring the relative world and imagining you are not creating consequences. But you are indeed creating karma, you just don't want to look at it. This is partial enlightenment, you are not fully enlightened. You THINK you are, but you are clearly not. Like I said, Case closed.
  3. @charlie2dogs Are you asking me a question for me to inform you? Or are you here picking another pointless argument? I choose to listen to experts rather that some random guy on a forum who claims that they are enlightened and denies anybody else has a slice of the pie. I'm sorry, that's just me, like it or lump it Have a good evening Charlie.
  4. @charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, Integral isn't about changing formless unmanifest, that will never change. You are right there, but as a yellow would point out, only partially right! It's relative existence that is always evolving, and nobody is enlightened until they re-integrate the manifest world. This isn't a New Age thing, this is based on a study of the wisdom traditions, and including western perspectives. There is a lot of information on it if you are interested. Warmly Mal
  5. Look at all the different beautiful emotional responses and views! I can't think of a better place to hang out than here
  6. @Emerald Wilkins Nefarious? I have a fondness for colourful words like these. Do you mind if I steal it? But I won't make any money from my new appropriation. That would be very "low consciousness" of me!
  7. @jes A story: "I want to be something I'm not so that they dont get upset with me" ?
  8. @charlie2dogs Hmm, yeah this is a bit different to your awakening of consciousness. That is part of the Integral vision. But times have moved on in the relative world, and enlightenment these days means manifesting in an Integral way, which is a lot more inclusive than what you are doing now. However. The beauty of the Integral vision is that everybody holds a piece of the truth, even you. So no need to feel left out, we include your limited perspectives as part of the whole. Regards Mal
  9. @Linas Linas, I think you are way off the mark there. But fair do's. Everybody is entitled to their worldview.
  10. This is why there is no such thing as high consciousness. Because even the "highly conscious"people are full of shit
  11. To develop myself
  12. @Gone "Is Leo Manipulating Us?" Yes and No. So what? You're being manipulated everywhere, even by yourself. I'm not sure what high "consciousness values means". Except that I've been there and it's nonsense. Just another manipulation.
  13. @jes It's OK. It's ok to be angry. Things are bubbling to the surface. Embrace it, become one with it and let it speak, or speak through it. It has something to tell you. Some emotion underlying it.... You said you cried the other day during meditation. Is this related? Sometimes when feelings are felt they are followed by deeper feelings related to the same thing. You can go back and forth for a while, while you allow your body to tell it's story. One day the story will be gone. Until then tell your story. It's ok.
  14. @actualized1 Hi, Yes, normal is a little bit of a vague term. But health is something to work with. A healthy psyche depends on the degree with which you are aligned with "your"reality. Psychological pain and symptom means that there is some psychological work to do, like learning to emotionally regulate better to let go of past ego defences and learning new ways of coping. If you're purpose is business, and you are working toward that and making it happen then that's healthy. Each stage of development has a healthy expression and an unhealthy expression. It's when were against the world, and the world seems alien to us and there is a lot of resistance and reclusion then it can be said there is a problem. Mal
  15. @Teags Hi, I'm happy to facillitate you via the messaging system here until you get the hang of it. If that is an option for you. If not I will try to get hold of some mp3s. I think I've still got a week's long seminar stashed away on an old laptop from when I was a member of his website. Mal
  16. @jes Hi jes, You have answered your own question without realising it You say you're not in the right frame of mind to cope with an abusive environment. But you are waiting for your core being to let you know if an abusive environment is right for you or not. It might be helpful to read my words in the context of looking at a mirror. Mal
  17. @Thinh Hello, Awareness is the glow of disidentifying with the mind. Noticing one is judging is merely "noticing one is judging". This is not awareness. It's a blessing that you have noticed, but you must allow the judging to be there, as allowing will give rise to the opportunity to find out the emotion that is holding judgement in place. Once the emotion is felt fully and let go of, you will have an experience of awareness. This process is called making what is subject in you into an object. The judgement is the symptom of a deeper underlying feeling, and getting in touch with that feeling and processing it is what is called "inner work". Outer work is all the techniques we use to navigate this world. Techniques are useful but if we don't do the inner work too we just end up with a very complicated system, information overload and are still burdened with our emotional problems. So it's best to "cross-train" to get an even result and growth. There are two types of enlightenment known to us. One is states of waking up, which is the method that the wisdom traditions teach us. The second type is self-actualisation which is a way of growing up. It's directly related to how the mind evolves in its meaning making process through life. This is obvious to us if we look at how we handle life now compared to how we handled life as children. We have "evolved" both personally and as a collective race. I hope this satisfies some of your curiosity Mal
  18. @JevinR I don't see anything wrong with your feelings. It looks to me as if you are letting things come to the surface. The labels of neurosis and "monkey mind" hmmm not too helpful. Ditch the nonsense you learned from Leo about how HE chooses to label parts of his being and concentrate on just letting your emotions process and do what they need to do. We live in a society that hates egotism, but this isn't a "reasoned" attitude towards egoic feelings, it's just a conditioned reaction to having internalised some nonsense about being "social". The ego in you is a very important part to recognise and integrate because if you don't integrate you just end up enacting it without knowing it. Let me ask you this: What is underneath your feelings to crush your competitors? You will find something there if you dig for it. Your current "ex" pression now is part of a "re" pression of related feelings. I'll give you a hint. What is the opposite of grandiosity? Mal
  19. Maybe you have found your purpose? You are compassionate, but maybe at this point you're not expressing your compassion wisely, in a way that is effective? What will it take for you to come to terms with the reality of what is going on as well as your inner reality as a person who despises cruelty to animals? What will it take for you to transform your compassion into an effective tool for getting these animals the help they need? Ask your mind a question like this and it will always return to you with an answer. Can you figure out a way of being of service to animals without trying to individually save all of them one by one, but instead put your energy into raising awareness or coming up with concrete ideas to evolve the animal welfare movement? Some more food for thought!
  20. Probably the best piece of advice on here!
  21. Ken Wilber calls it a balance between freedom and fullness (hurts more, but bothers you less) The freedom part being the transcendent, and the fullness being the high cognitive and emotional perspectives. Seems you are quite empathic? So not a lot of work to do there
  22. Elton, I like this. It sounds as if you have had enough All it takes now is a final choice and awareness of the trigger that pulls you back into it. Once you become aware of and embrace that trigger then the only thing stopping you is having another cigarette. In 4 weeks you will be free. The thing about the cigarette is that it creates the emptiness in conjunction with your mind as a way of keeping you hooked.
  23. @governor @governor I thought I answered your question. Yes it's sad. I would be a psychopath if I didn't feel sadness at these things. But sadness does not last for long. There are other perspectives (not reasoning) involved. Transcendental perspectives. Mal
  24. @Anton Rogachevski Hi Anton, Thanks for bringing this this up. Your conundrum beautifully represents the difference between outer and inner growth. What I'm projecting and assuming is that you are looking for an external solution, a tip or a way to deal with an approach your better half. How about you go straight to the route and investigate why you are jealous? Once that is dealt with whatever you say to her after that will be authentic, attractive and effective. Wishing you the best Mal
  25. @ProblemSolving Well yes,this is about freedom. Pulling ones weight and contributing a little is communicating that you are not going to be dictated to by their negativity. As it stands you are resisting which is making you unhappy and creating some consequences. For my own satisfaction I do things despite my feelings just so I can grow and free myself from dependency on getting something back. Don't get me wrong, being around happy people is a pleasure and never a chore and I find myself jumping at the chance to offer something. But being around unhappy people and playing them to get ones own needs met is far more productive for growing. Like I said, it's only an hour out of the day and nothing majorly health destroying. Mal