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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Thanks for posting this as it's a great example of dualistic schizopherinc delusion and double bind. Yes, put them all in the trash can until there is nobody left except except your ego. This is just Buddhist nonsense at its best. PS. Did it "hurt" them as you tossed them in the trash can?
  2. @Raquel Hi Raquel, There is only one kind of love that I know of. And it's not even love, but neediness. It's the idea of chasing something elusive so I can feel better about myself and heal my apparent separation from life. It's an endless mission to get somebody to confirm by being, my individuality, some reflection of my worthiness as a person and somebody to spoil so I can hopefully fulfill their emptiness. Thats what human love is. It's a complete fallacy.
  3. I agree with Kath. This is a place to bring your stuff. I personally don't care for content, I'm interested in something else right now. Why do you think you are being rude? Is rude not allowed? What's wrong with rude? I see you imagine yourself being rude about the little things. Where did you get the idea that asserting yourself and curiosity is being "rude"? I'm genuinely interested in this particular story of yours, if you are willing to share.
  4. @governor Sincerely I'm sorry to hear about your family. That is sobering and I'm humbled that you are sharing this with us here. I hope the best for you.
  5. Sorry Kenya, you are on my blocked list. I only saw your comment because I was signed out.
  6. @governor No offence. If I wanted connection I'd get a cat. Not all of us are here to make friends.. I'm done with this level of's a complete fallacy. Anyway, how are you? Good? Nice..
  7. What has this got to do with anything? I am guilty too of part-taking in this conversation. But this questioning had no relevance
  8. @Kath You're not insane. But what I have learned is, unless I'm at a stage of real liberation, I am completely unqualified to help you in any way, shape, or form. My only advice is listen to those who have trodden this path, and ignore the wannabes. Me included.
  9. This reminds me of what Christ allegedly said to Pontious Pilate before his alleged crucifixion. "Dont you realise I have the power to have you crucified?" Christ replied "You would not have this power had it not been given to you from above" But, Christ suffered on the cross, didn't he? Reported to have anyway. So what to make of this?
  10. The context is enlightenment work, rather than materialism. I don't see anybody else here apart from these 3 who understands first hand what this work is about. Do you? But this is just my assumption really, I've blocked most of the other stuff here because it has no value to me whatsoever. Now that's pompous! My neurosis is going to become even more monstrous. I remember Parsons speaking about the ego getting ridiculous before it's final demise. Maybe this is what I'm doing? This is my life story bubbling up to the surface I think. Emotional purging?
  11. @Huz ? Identity is contracted energy local to the body. But liberation doesn't mean that consciousness is not also this body. I imagine that would be extremely painful. But just not happening to any particular separate self sense.
  12. Thank you. Now leave me alone to do my work with people who know what this is about.
  13. What? Human emotions too much for you? You got a lot to learn young grasshopper
  14. I'm actually becoming interested in why my enlightenment is so important to you? You're here talking about my enlightenment like you're pretending that my enlightenment means something to you, that your advice is going to help me. What if I don't want your help? The only people who have done anything with their lives here are Ayla, Charlie and Natasha. The rest of the people I don't take their advice. Mainly because I don't see them chasing me around trying to coach me on my development. What's your aganda?
  15. You sound like you're playing the teacher role. Are you attempting to coach me on my obstacles toward enlightnement, after your rant about me not knowing shit? I'm not sure which persona to respond to here, this is why I gave you an apology.
  16. Ok Markus, Let's approach this another way. What is it you are looking for? An apology? Ok, I apologise for what you think I did to somebody called Quizzer more than 8 days ago. Will this make things clearer for you?
  17. Markus, The conversation you took offence to was one of the most spacious moments of my life. I was talking to Quizzer about what I saw, I was attempting to show him what I saw. Did you not notice that there was a victim there taking offence to my words? Do you not see the dynamic that could have occurred when victim and aggressor are involved? Victim and aggressor are human concept, they are not real. So when I had that conversation I was no thinking as a human being who had to observe and control my aggression. Is the wind and rain not aggressive to your human sensitivities? What happens when you awaken AS the rain fall? It's no longer an aggression but an expression of suchness. What is. This. Reality. I'm not trying to argue here, I'm just attempting to show you that you know nothing of my intent during that conversation with Quizzer.
  18. @MarkusR There is no understanding. Understanding is a function of the identity. There is nothing to understand. However, there is a dropping off of right vs wrong, and if you saw me have a conversation you could be sure I was in a state where my conscience was not active. I have a pretty aggressive conscience, just like you. To be relieved of that for a weekend was pretty amazing. Its clear you have never experienced an awakening yourself, just like 99% of the people here.
  19. @MarkusR Its ok. I would not expect anything less than an assumption from you. Awakening is different from enlightenment. If you want to know the difference, then start paying attention to the awakened people here. And stop assuming.
  20. A few points: 1) I'm not enlightened, never claimed I was. 2) I'm not you, or your enlightened friends. I'm me. My own history and programming, not some plastic stereotype your mind made up as a cookie cutter process Buddha. 3) How many people do you know, in real life, who are "enlightened"? I know nobody. There is not one person on here on this forum who is enlightened either. However, there are people awakening and doing work. 4) Can you put me in touch with these "cool enlightened people" please, because I'd like to hang out in your group, you must have learned a lot about their messy awakening and shadow work phase, the nightmare they went through to get there, seeing as you know them personally and their journey?
  21. None of you know what you are talking about. Understand what the Bodhisattva means. The Bodhisattva is a self realized being who doesn't see the "flaws" in others, because there are no others left to save. The purpose of the Bodhisattva is to stick around and help others awaken from the dream. That's it. Unless you're a Bodhisattva level awakened then mind your own business because you're doing more harm than good with your narrow distorted view of "their issues" (Which are really YOUR issues that you need to work on first : That's why you see them in others) If you want a real example of a Bodhisattva I think @Ayla is at that level. Read her latest offerings
  22. @Katiee Hi Katie. This statement is true, to a point. You will be supported to the moral centre of gravity here. Which in Spiral Dynamics terms is green. Pluralistic, ego. After that, you will be pulled down by crabs in the bucket. Stay here to get your awakening and then leave, because this forum will not support you when you become liberated. 99% of the people here do not understand what enlightenment is.
  23. Moral behaviour is trying to fix up the dream. Awake and you won't need morals, you will see morals for what they are, mere artifacts of religion and programming. This is about authenticity rather than tip toeing around new age wannabes. Ken Wilber created the Integral scene for exactly this purpose, so we can hang out with like minded people and avoid getting accosted by green idiots (And yes I mean green in both spiral dynamics terms and just plain run of the mill naive "green")