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  1. "you are Immortal" , u know this truth only when u realize u r true self, Because only u r true self is immortal, not the False Identity now u r carrying which u think as you. All your Identities are Mortal and That is not you. Don't think u with u r Current Identity is Immortal, it is not truth. Instead Always we try to Make our False Identity with this Body and Mind as Immortal, Pls Understand u r Body or Mind Can Never Become Immortal, It is Swallowed By Time, Which is Beyond time in Timelessness Alone is Immoral, which is the Core of you.
  2. @zasa joey when you Die , you will not be aware of absolute emptiness , if u have not realized u r self you will not end up like before u were Born. Only when u Realize your true self when u r Living, u will rest in u r self after death, other wise u will be suffering after death also, u will take one more body to realize Who u truly r, again u have to realize u r self to return to u r original nature otherwise u will be caught up in Endless Cycle of birth suffering and Death.
  3. @electroBeam when u get frustrated just stop and Look inside with Awareness who is getting Frustrated frustration will dissolve
  4. @zasa joey Yes Awareness is Constant, But our Awareness is "Conditioned to be aware of Something , Some object or some thoughts". In Deep Sleep Things or thoughts doesn't exist. We are "not aware of our awareness" even while we r not sleeping. "If we can be Aware of our awareness while awake" then "we will be able to be in awareness in deep sleep also" So Please BE "Aware of u r Awareness" itself, u will be aware in Deep sleep Also
  5. Before Enlightenment u don't Know Who u really r ? After Enlightenment u Really Know Who u r ?