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Everything posted by Hatfort

  1. Libertarian clown president of Argentina Javier Milei promotes a crypto scam on X. He promoted a new currency called Libra, saying it was good for small businesses and entrepreneurship, usual bullshit. The currency was owned by friends of his, they are millionaires now, once the value rose quite as a consequence of the promotion, they sold all they had at the top, and the value plumbered to practically zero for the new investors. The funny thing is most of the investors are followers of Milei, who now hate him, although some still defend him. Scamming his loyal followers and defenders like this, what a genius move! It's being quite a scandal. He can have legal consequences for doing this, of course the opposition is going after him too. The economy in Argentina has been doing horribly since he took office, with skyrocketing inflation, thousands of jobs gone, and his country's assets sold to foreign investors. Argentina is going to have a very hard time getting out of this funny joke they pranked themselves into.
  2. Now the West showing its true face. Yeah, Ukraine, you know the war we pushed you to fight that you lost, and hundreds of thousands of your men died? Here's the bill, 500 billion dollars, you can pay it back in comfortable installments with their pertinent interests. Plus we will own half of your natural mineral resources in perpetuity. You're welcome.
  3. I was just explaining what the terms mean. In this case, if one of the two sides doesn't want a peace deal, the war continues. Don't expect a ceasefire though.
  4. First, we gotta differentiate between a ceasefire and a peace deal, they are not the same. A ceasefire mainly means that shooting each other stops, the conflict freezes at the state it is, and nobody grants the other any of his long-term claims or aspirations, there's no agreement. There can be mutual concessions like prisoner exchanges or other things. A ceasefire will not happen in this war because it's not in Russia's interest to have it, they can continue the war, and at the current state, it would only give their opponents time to rest, equip, train, and be more prepared than they are now, making it more difficult for them in the future. It only happens when both sides need it. In a peace deal, the fire stops too, but the two sides agree to new borders, or to go back to the old ones, and the military apparatus moves from an offensive status to something more defensive or latent. There's a mutual attempt to ensure none will attack each other. The losing party usually has to accept some level of control, ask Germany or Japan if they were allowed to have nukes after WW II. If any point of the agreement is broken, there are consequences. Are there total guarantees? No, but usually both sides are tired of dying and it's mutually beneficial to stop. But let's say in 10 years Ukraine elects someone that wants to get the Crimea back, get his country on board, and attacks. Let's say Putin dies and Russia elects another guy that wants Odessa and attacks. Then the peace deal has been broken and there's a new war. But that's the same for every other border in the world. Denmark thought that by being in NATO his borders were secure, and Trump is saying he wants Greenland.
  5. Here you have: So they were told NATO would not expand, but NATO expanded. Was not that an agreement? For Russia yes, for NATO apparently not. Then you have the Minks agreements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minsk_agreements
  6. It's not just. But you know what else is not just? NATO not keeping the accords it had with Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed. They signed NATO would not expand to the East, which they did to their face too many times. The CIA has been meddling in Ukraine politics even before the 2014 coup, just to confront Russia. Militarizing it to the bones making it a de facto NATO state, the only thing left was the announcement at this point. That was wrong before the Misnk accords, but just laughing at their face after them, why do you sign things you are not going to comply with. They poked the bear too many times, and it finally took a swipe at them. Not only that, but right before and during the war there have been chances to get agreements, but the West has declined all of them until now. Now complain about how unjust everything is. Some of us won't repeat like parrots the skewed narrative the Western media sprouts. That does not make us anti-west or anything like that, I want us to do better. Unfortunately our elected leaders and media are not on that path at all.
  7. What you think or I think does not matter, the truth is those men are dying in vain. This madness needs to stop.
  8. What's wrong with you, man? You asked me if I was a socialist, and I told you I'm a social democrat. Then you didn't answer me the same question I asked you. You don't even know what the other people's ideas in this thread are, but you refer to all as Socialists in the plural. By the way, there is another thread in this forum which title says it's the leftists perpetuating the deaths of this war by supporting Zelensky, unlike Trump and the rightists who apparently don't do. So what is it, guys? Make up your minds about the leftists. The war is coming to an end and Zelensky has been left out of the conversations, probably at petition of Putin. Zelensky is done, he may not go to his Miami mansion in the end.
  9. Yeah, kind of a social-democrat, I would say. Are you a socialist?
  10. Yeah sure, what a surprise, the Western media apparatus not believing the elections where their puppets don't win. Putin won because he confronted an external hostile coalition against Russia, and is winning the war against Ukraine.
  11. Is @Bobby_2021 permanently banned? He's been gone for a while.
  12. The Russian elections had almost 80% turnout, of which almost 90% supported him. His support is overwhelming, and they voted based on this issue, which is the most important right now. Zelensky can ratify the support he has when he is ready, who by the way has banned a considerable number of political parties. Ukraine is a de facto fascist country that doesn't even hold elections and persecutes anyone who opposes the war. His tyranny will end as soon as the Western flow stops. He'll probably escape to London or Miami, where he owns extremely expensive homes, that's my prediction, but we'll see.
  13. Putin just won the elections overwhelmingly, in the middle of the war, which clearly ratifies its policies by the people, and this is the most important issue for the country at this moment, so they voted about it. He has the popular support, and the military and economic capability to continue easily longer than it's rival, which is why it will win the attrition war.
  14. No, I'm talking about the reality of the war. You are talking about expectations that there are no signs they are going to come to reality, if they do, I will grant it to you, and Ukraine will recover all its territory including Crimea. It's not happening.
  15. Man, you're going sideways in the conversation, to who knows where. If Ukraine can win this war, that's what will happen. If Russia can win this war, that's what will happen. The second is truth, it's a matter of observation.
  16. No, he is not surrounded by people who would kill him, he has certainly a very well-paid security apparatus surrounding him 24-7. He kicks out any opposing voice to this war, he is a de facto dictator. He is corrupt to the bone for the money that's coming from the West to finance this war, and all around him are as dirty as him as well. A part of the population is with him, the most Nazi nationalist ones, those are the ones that get to the top. Common people are trapped in this madness, it has to stop.
  17. You can only defend an impossible position with hypotheticals and imposed limitations. What you gotta do is read the reality and observe the trends. Ukraine has zero chance of winning this war, all they are doing is dying in vain. Which is why it seems it's coming to an end finally.
  18. Because he holds the power, he controls the military apparatus, the money that's getting in, and kicks out any opposing voice. Common people can't fight against that. The question is, if he has such a huge popular support, why doesn't he ratify it in elections he is already supposed to hold in what is now an expired term. Because he would lose them, people don't want to die to fight for an Eastern territory that they know it's gone for good. He won't ask because he knows the answer.
  19. Some are rightwing nationalist nazis, those are on the second fronts. Some reacted against Russia when the invasion started, like it's normal, most are now trapped in an impossible situation, they try to escape, dessert, or surrender. Ukraine is a de facto fascist regime that persecutes any dissidence to this nonsensical war. The morale is under the ground. What you gotta stop your thinking based on your wishes instead of the reality. The evidence is overwhelming, Russia is winning on the battlefield and advancing faster, there's no way Ukraine can reclaim what it lost, Russia has the support of its people, and it restructured its economy to its BRICS partners successfully. This is done, the longer it gets, the worse for Ukraine.
  20. Yes, seems the war will be over soon, this is unsustainable. If the Trump cabinet keeps flushing money, it will take longer, the outcome will only be worse for Ukraine. Zelensky is an unintelligent puppet playing the role of his life, filling his endless money sack from what the West is sending there, and like him a lot more in his cabinet. Even being a puppet, at some point he should have stepped up for the people in his country, and tell the West enough is enough, end this madness, and sign a peace accord with his bigger neighbor for good. He has probably part of his brain damaged for excess of cocaine.
  21. Putin just won overwhelmingly the Russian elections, in the middle of the war, he has the popular support for what he is doing because they see what the Western coalitions have been trying to do to them, and they are happy about the favorable result for their country in the field. The one who has not ratified what he is doing is Zelensky, if they had a chance of winning the war, he would have the support, but people are not blind to the reality. At this point they want this madness to stop and not die, because it's a lost cause anyway. Putin gave a speech about the historic relation of Russia and Ukraine, by an historic perspective you can rationalize any border you want in any conflict, who cares. The thing is, Ukraine's journey, starting from a coup in 2014, the continuous Western military presence, and the blatant unwillingness to abide by two peace accords signed in Minsk, Putin finally opted for the war, they gave him the excuse. There was almost an accord to end it as soon as it began, which the West rejected, because they foresaw that a war would weaken Russia to an inevitable collapse. It didn't. There have been more peace offers since, each one worse than the previous for Ukraine, that's where we are, and how it's going to continue to be. In any case, it seems the peace deals will be happening this time.
  22. First of all, counting since February 2022, it's 3 years. You don't even realize how much you mold the reality to fit your wishes. It's as ridiculous as your predictions of the collapse of the Russian regime or the false casualty numbers the Western propaganda machine has been sprouting since day one, like that would win them the war, instead of efficiency on the battlefield. Russia has the main objective of kicking the intentions of NATO about Ukraine away, not taking the whole of Ukraine, but the amount of land it will grab will depend on how far they make them go. The trend is very favorable for them, they are winning, and can continue doing so, that's why they won't settle for any less than the four territories they've already almost taken. But if the West and their puppet want to continue, it will be more. Ukraine is never getting back what they've lost.
  23. I'm European, I wouldn't live in the US for anything in the world. The two main reasons are the ones you cite, their healthcare system, and the lack of gun control. Here you know you are covered whatever you get, and guns in the street are not even a thought in my mind, criminality is low. The cost of housing is a big problem in Spain, more than in northern countries of Europe. Boomers had it quite good, below them it has been getting worse and worse. This is similar to the US here, from what I hear.