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Everything posted by Hatfort

  1. So the Holocaust was humans killing humans? Is that how we should refer to it from now on? Shouldn't we acknowledge any ethnic variable in these historic events or more recent ones? Look, of course we are all humans, and we should strive to live in peace with each other, because it's true we are really all equal, we share one planet, and we are all related to each other by blood. But even in this equality, there is also some surface cultural variety that has been molded through milenias, that I don't think we should erase, but we could instead celebrate as a common achievement. I think the problem is when some humans get supremacist or engage in things like colonization, or apartheid systems, which are incredibly damaging for the other humans who suffer them.
  2. So the Israeli army used the Hannibal Directive on October 7th, they are in a high grade responsible for the deaths of a big portion of the casualties that day, unnecessary deaths. Some to avoid having to deal with hostages, they preferred their own citizens dead than alive and prevent future negotiations with the enemy. Others because they just fired at everything at once, there are reports of witnesses of even a tank firing a home where there were 14 Israelis of which 13 were killed. Of course, then count those Israelis killed by them as victims of Hamas. Apart from being a very questionable protocol for the lives of their own people and soldiers, there's also the use of the high death toll of 1200 as result, of which they are partially responsible, to justify what they've been doing since then. Which I'll remind a bit, bombing schools, hospitals, homes with families in, basically turning Gaza into a parking lot, and just blatantly shooting at unarmed innocent Palestinian civilians in the streets daily. More than 15.000 known children dead, who knows how many more unknown, and who knows how many injured for life. All this for a land they decided to colonize 70 years ago, which they did using extremely violent means to do so, and this is what they are still doing to this day.
  3. Oh man, a possibility is an understatement. If we reversed the evidence, if Biden was the friend of Epstein, a visitor of his island, and we heard of a lawsuit filed by a minor against him and dropped because of death threats, the right would be rightfully accusing Biden. Trump is a disgusting pedophile, and he should be a pariah in prison for the rest of his life, but instead, he is the leader of the conservative party of America. Bill Clinton was a visitor too, and there are statements saying he liked them young, he is very likely another one. Maybe that's why there is a non-aggression agreement between different powerful forces. And LGTBI+ is in no way a slippery slope for legalizing pedophilia. All these civil right advocacy groups have always rejected the idea of pedophiles being part of their group and acronym. They recognize it as a crime and don't want anything to do with the groups that advocate for pedophilia that exist.
  4. Sniffing inappropriately is bad, I guess, but there's a huge stretch to Biden raping a minor from that. I don't care about Biden though, I wouldn't mind at all if any substantial evidence was brought up about him committing such horrible crimes. The quicker we would get rid of him. But I won't give you a pass about Trump. You can attack this journalist's reputation instead of what he is presenting all you want, a typical tactic, but he isn't making anything up, he is talking about real records. If Trump and Epstein being that close and known to visit his pedophile island wasn't enough, then we got to know about this lawsuit filed by one of the victims of that awful scandal, of which we don't know enough because the people involved are powerful as fuck.
  5. Nope, that's not the difference. Trump is a full pedophile, he had a great relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and is known to be a visitor to his island. There's a lawsuit that was filed against him and Epstein by a girl that accused them both of raping and sexually assaulting her when she was 13 years old. It was dropped because of death threats, according to her attorney, and the girl has been missing since, she is said to be hiding. Epstein's pedophile island ended with him in prison and taking his own life, before he sang like a bird, conveniently for all the powerful visitors of that island and others who may have been behind. Anyway, the file has resurfaced recently, rightwingers can put their heads into a hole and sing lalala all they want, but that's their leader.
  6. Yeah, they weren't counting the disappeared bodies under the destroyed buildings at first, they've always explained that. All international aid workers agree that this is the worst conflict that they have been into in their lives, the most devastating situations, the biggest number of burned and amputated children they've seen, without anesthetics to make it worse, and so on. It's a genocide, an active attempt of ethnic cleansing of a land of their native people.
  7. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin! That was funny!! Jokes apart, Russia keeps winning and external support to Ukraine can delay the defeat, but not avoid it. It seems that at least he will be able to wash his hands and leave that part to Trump. Trump messed with Ukraine too when he was President, so it won't be undeserved. I'm not sure if Trump will stop the aid to Ukraine at once, as part of his base asks, or if he'll continue until Ukraine's army collapses because that's more lucrative for the arms industry in the US.
  8. A week later Biden has an interview. Those are made to help with a candidate's image, even if some difficult questions are asked, they are kind of expected and prepared. His performance was terrible again, his voice is so low and unclear sometimes, and his answers are not very good. He gets lost in his thoughts while talking many times. It was not a bad night, he has to go. He says he'll only quit if the almighty god asks him so.
  9. Right now even she is better than Biden. She is bland and uncharismatic, but she still holds the card of not being Trump, and she is not old and senile. If Biden hadn't shown such a big decline, it would be an absolute no, but he has. Anyway, I'll believe Biden has dropped when I see it.
  10. No, Hamas is not over yet. They are still functioning, they must have quite a remarkable tunnel system underground. But their capability is very limited, they can resist, but no way win. They win by resisting. The IDF and Hezbollah have been measuring each other at their border for months. Hezbollah has shown to be more capable than most people would have thought. Netanyahu seemed ready to go, he needs a state of war for his political survival. I think the IDF would have cued him though. One thing is to fight a cornered precarious group of fighters in a small location, and murder its unarmed civilians who can't defend themselves, another is to fight a well-prepared army and die by thousands. In one word, they are cowards. It could also escalate to a full air combat war that could destroy both countries, because Lebanon is not Gaza, it has more than a few rockets.
  11. I knew that Trump appeared on the Epstein visitor list and that there were some pictures of them together as friends, that's bad enough. But I didn't know about this I'm hearing now. A report has been leaked now about a girl named Katie Johnson who tried to sue both Trump and Epstein for rape and sexual assault that occurred when she was 13 years old. She dropped her case for death threats against her and has been hidden since. The title of the video says MAGA will turn on Trump. Apparently he doesn't know MAGA well enough, they'll still vote for him as a Messiah sent by Christ himself. He is a disgusting pedophile, one of the right's favorite accusations turns out it's their number one. I'm not even surprised.
  12. You answered the questions better than me. Awesome!
  13. You asked a lot of questions, and I answered them as best as I could. That Zionists killed, murdered, occupied, and colonized it's not all I said, but if I consider that that's relevant in the context of the conversation, I will mention it. Besides that's not a slogan, it's what happened, so it's reasonable.
  14. I didn't see what happened in that thread. I participated for a while at first, but for some months I wasn't even visiting the forum. It's a very heated topic, very tragic events.
  15. I guess this is a forum to share different perspectives and some debating happens. He was asking me questions, and even if I don't owe him answering them, I decided to do so. He didn't like it anyway.
  16. @Nivsch You keep asking who started it, your answer is always the Palestinians. This is not true, in the most both-sided way we could say it's a continuation of mutual harming. But let's be accurate, one is more brutal than the other, the Israeli terrorist state does kill much more, and if we go back enough, this started when the Zionist project was established in this land, and they violently occupied it murdering and displacing the local people. So that's who started it, not the local Palestinians, but the Zionist colonizers. Your impressions are wrong, the people murdered from the fence were normal unarmed civilians. The march of freedom would be the proof of that. Any resistance fighter wouldn't put himself on the border anyway. If Hamas is a terrorist organization, the Israeli government and military are too, and on a much bigger scale, as they kill many more civilians and cause much more destruction. So no, I don't think it's justified for Israel to do the horrible action it does, before and after October last year. It's still happening, I just watched this morning some more of these images of IDF soldiers eating Lays while they burn homes of people.
  17. @Nivsch The problem is the occupation of a land that had its inhabitants before the Zionist project was built, inhabitants that have been terrorized, killed, and displaced. This didn't need to happen, it's a colony, the native Palestinians weren't asked if they agreed with having a Jewish ethnostate built in their hometown. They wouldn't have agreed, maybe the USA would have, as they are the biggest supporters of Zionism. Before October last year, Gaza was an open-air prison where only Israeli officials could decide who could go in and out, and also what goods could go in and out, making the living conditions there horrible, and impossible to develop economically. They weren't even allowed to fish on their own coast. One of the brainwashing methods to make them look like undeveloped savages to the rest of the world, and it worked, congrats. Then there was the systematic violence from the other side of the fence, snipers shooting unarmed civilians and killing them. They were hundreds, but let me point for example Shireen Abu Akleh, shot for the journalistic job she was doing. There was the march for freedom, clearly unarmed Palestinians were shot by snipers, including children, women, medics identified as that, press members identified as that, an even a disabled man that couldn't walk. It was a constant dripping of these actions, that continued until October 2023. Also the periodical bombardments every couple of years since the prison started.
  18. Taiwan is not an independent country, it's part of China officially, and recognized like that by the world, including America. It has a recognized autonomy, which they could lose if they push too much. They won't achieve independence, China is too powerful, and they don't want it to happen. If what I say sounded alarmist to you, be it. I think the West is losing its hegemony in the world, which from now on will be divided between more participants, China and Russia are getting into the game, on good terms with each other. The USA with its Europe little brother will still be powerful in the world, but I really think they have their internal problems that they are not addressing very well. A very impoverished population in benefit of a very small portion of higher class and company owners. The low birthrate is really a problem, but the explanation is not that there is too much diversity or feminism, it's that new generations have worse-paid jobs, the housing is getting sucked by private companies that want to leech people via rent in perpetuity, and other factors like student debt and struggles that previous generations did not have.
  19. Taiwan is recognized even by America as part of China, it doesn't have to take it using force. Maybe Taiwan has a rightful claim for independence, I'm not well informed, I cannot say one way or the other. But what I can say from a real-politics point of view is that China isn't going to allow it. Taiwan has some autonomy from the rest of China, but that's all China is going to allow for now, and if NATO tries to interfere in that, they are going to use force to avoid it if they have to, no doubt. Also, the United States of America is not the world's greatest innovator or producer anymore, it's actually China. China is not doing wrong, as I see some media saying, and some comments in this forum too. It's growing fairly well. America has lost its north, even infrastructure investment receives big backlash like it's a bad thing, and a considerable part of its population is struggling with basic things like housing, healthcare, and debt. Trump will make all that even worse, he'll benefit a bit from his previous term's inertia, like the Republicans always do. You can thank Biden for some economic growth, cutting ties between UE and Russia using the Ukraine war context. Now Europe depends more on the USA, buys more expensive gas from them. Europe is getting the worst deal of all, I don't know if its politicians are sold willingly or if they are just that stupid.
  20. I'm acknowledging what I see happening before my eyes. The most extreme Zionists are in the government today with very significant ministers. Netanyahu is a total extremist himself and I think he is the president that has served the longest in Israel, he is there because they people chose him over and over. He wants one Jewish ethnostate, with other minorities at most, how kind. The military action in Gaza in the last eight months is as extreme as it could be. The way Gaza was treated before October was extreme too. The trend in the West Bank is clear, more and more Zionist settlers in, worse conditions for the Palestinians as the years go through. Constant violent harassment for them from armed settlers and the Zionist military forces. Whatever you call moderate in Israel, is not having any political influence. So you're wrong, I see the other side very well, it's doing nothing, I wish they were, because the ceasefire would be a reality if they did. I see the full picture very well.
  21. I understand why Gazans see Israel the way they do, because they have suffered terrible oppression for decades and most of their citizens are actually refugees of other parts of Palestine that they were brutally kicked off years ago, the ones that were lucky to make it alive. The last 20 years turned into an open-air prison where the murder of unarmed citizens was usual from the other side of the fence by the IDF. Restricted any chances to develop any economic activity on their own, or even having a decent supply of necessary goods in, stated and achieved by a suffocating Israeli government and their blockade. I also understand what Israelis want in Gaza. They want it to be part of their Zionist colony, and the Palestinians who oppose that are out of that equation. They say it out loud and their actions align with what they are saying. The current government presented the grotesque plan called Gaza 2035, I'll attach a picture. That's blatant colonization, what a disrespect from the oppressors, to say it someway, to the local people whose homes and infrastructures are being bombed by them nonstop. Homes with families in, terrible. But as I was pointing out in my previous comment, a lot of Jewish people recognize how awful all this that's happening is, and offer their solidarity to Palestinians. That's remarkable.
  22. This Jewish woman telling a group of rabbis that they are not Jewish, crazy things to see nowadays. A lot of Jewish people all over the world recognize the injustice that has been done to Palestinians, the violent colonization of a land, with ethnic cleansing and displacement. Good for them! Meanwhile Zionists asking to turn Gaza into a parking lot, Israeli politicians, soldiers, and citizens in unison, that's today. Asking and actually doing it.
  23. I remember Brian Tyler Cohen's take on this before the debate. He was saying that Republicans and their media had been picturing Joe Biden so exaggeratedly badly, that just by showing up to the debate, and making an okay sober performance, the low expectations set by his rivals would be well surpassed, and that would be considered a win for the Democrats. It didn't go that way. His performance was really that bad and it's clear to everyone he is having usual age-related issues. Which is not a shame at all, but he shouldn't intend to lead the country for four more years. He shouldn't even be campaigning, that's very demanding work. Yet I would prefer him to Trump, but I don't think you can get all the votes you need on your boat with: Biden is old and has problems but he is better than the other who will destroy democracy. Even if it's true, more reasons to be responsible for democracy and select a candidate able to do a better job. Responsibility goes both ways, voters have it, but political parties too. His party should push him to quit and get their old rule book out to see what can be done in this situation to get another candidate as fast as possible. They can have old Biden playing a role supporting whoever is chosen during the campaign, without exhausting him too much, because he is old, and his activity should be moderate. His time in the first line of action should be done.
  24. Okay, but if we check your own timeline, you are not the best example of this that you ask others to do, so maybe you should check your own darkness as you call it first before pointing a finger at others.
  25. This is projection, this sentence suits you in this forum like a glove, so I don't know what's your problem with that now. This is a well-educated refugee man from Gaza, his voice is relevant in this conflict, as a representation of the people of this part of Palestine that is being destroyed, unlike the other side that is not being destroyed. I'm not against interviewing people on both sides, it's totally fine. That doesn't mean we have to agree equally with both at all, but it's okay to listen to everyone. What I think is that you don't like this particular side's story being shared, and you pursue an ad-hominem against the journalist. The interview is valuable, the Gazan man shares his own and his people's struggles, and keeps good track of many of Israel's lies before and after October last year.