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Everything posted by Hatfort

  1. This is totally a green war, candidates using what they can against each other and in a very green topic. Warren wants to corner Bernie so it seems he believes a woman can't be president, for whatever he said about that years ago. Maybe he said it in the sense that voters in America may still not be open enough for that, like they wouldn't be to vote for a muslim president either, to put another example. If he said it, I think he was wrong, American voters would totally vote a woman president, but let me add the right one. Hillary was close, but couldn't, I don't think Warren is a great candidate either, but we would have to see. Bernie has said that he thinks that woman can be president, I don't think he is pretending, to be honest. Now it's on him to make it clear enough, this is candidates using all their weapons.
  2. Sometimes when blues and oranges judge greens, they do it from they point of view. They have not transcended their stages yet, so they can only judge from where they are. Blues may think greens are very tribals and oranges may think greens are only after the money, surprise, that's where they are. Not to talk about reds, they accuse greens of being violent. Not saying all greens are saints, they have their own flaws and sometimes they may indeed behave like stages below. But just be careful about some stuff you read out there about them, a lot are just projections.
  3. My experience travelling and living in other countries with different cultures is very positive. It's cool to see what's different, but also what's universal and common for everyone. I think it's good to travel with an open mind and heart. Don't overjudge whatever you may find underdeveloped, may happen comparing a place like England with India. You may also find the opposite, some things developed countries have lost and would be good to reintegrate. It can be a good place to set a business, why not. Just go, you can always return anyway!
  4. I've been following him for a while, since 2015 actually. I think he is a man worth to listen. He has introduced me to self development, has expanded my knowledge to new ideas and has made me more openminded too. Not bad. He is a man wearing his shoes, as everyone else is, but he is putting good content in YT by working hard and he is enlightened in ways I'm not and I can respect that. Ok, enough of fanboying! The man is resting now, I think he deserves it.
  5. The posibility to self actualize out of the safe spaces does not disappear though. People who use them, don't live permanently inside of them, actually, They have a wide world to experience whatever meanness it offers daily, they actually do. There can be people who find it difficult to fit in the conventional gender identities or roles. Boys that have been bullied during their childhood for being effeminate or whatever other reason. Same for girls for being masculine or other reasons too. Maybe people who have suffered violence or sexual abuse, in their childhood or later. You think these people have not experienced meanness out of the safe spaces? Maybe they have more than you ever did or will, give them a break, I say just let them have whatever space they feel they need, it doesn't harm me in any way. Maybe it does help them in their self development, different people develop in different ways.
  6. No, that is not what I said, you can read what i said in my comments. I didn't speak on that terms, but you can if you want to.
  7. @Bodigger What we gotta tell pro-lifers is that they can go on with their pregnancies like they want, nobody is going to stop them, but they don't have the right to decide for others. All those numbers you are putting there, we are all saying they are arbitrary, there are no real limits. It's like being an adult at 18, it could have been 20. We needed to establish one point for legal practical reasons, that's it. It's the same about abortion, just that the issue is more controversial. I wouldn't enrage if somebody stepped on a turtle's egg going to the clinic, I guess you are saying like in a hurry to save somebody's life, but not on purpose. I wouldn't like someone stepping on a turtle's egg on purpose with no reason, why would he do that? I would enrage someone stepping on a pregnant woman too, going to the clinic or not.
  8. What Trump did was to escalate the situation threatening North Korea to make it a living Hell, with fire and fury like the world has never seen, he literally said. Behind the curtains, South Korea and his own inteligence and militars made Trump sign a peace agreement, because they knew Kim Jong Un is crazy enough to actually execute his nuclear threats too. Trump was very irresponsible to speak like he did about North Korea in the first place. He is no man of peace, he is inflamatory and what he is doing in Iran is horrible too. Iran does not want a war, but provoking a country like that, it was to expect they wouldn't stay still. They attacked two american bases and a plane full of civilians, not any american victim, this is no coincidence. This didn't need to start, but he did it. I'm afraid what the American military industry wants is Iran to really harm the USA and get the excuse to counter attack, that may be on his second term, after he is reelected.
  9. I'm pro choice, but I wouldn't word it like that, I see some truth in both points you mention as beginings. Traditionally, we've always started counting life after birth, the first year in our life is the zero year, we don't count the pregnancy. But at the same time, everyone of us has been conceived in some point, after our parents had sex or maybe happened in vitro. It's not written anywhere that we need to respect life after birth either, although it's good we decide to do that in my opinion. But we cannot even totally or radically agree on that, war laws, killinf for self defense, random assassinations, death penalty, euthanasia, mercy killing to avoid suffering and so on... All those are cases were we kill each other after birth, some of them pro-lifers defend as legit and some I do too, others not. I just want to make the point of how arbitrary and complicated things like this can be. About abortion again, that would be the grey area from conception to birth, there are not real boundaries in there, it's a process where we develop from one cell, to a baby with all the organs formed and ready to take the first breath. Personally I'm in favour of letting a woman decide if she wants to go on with her pregnancy within a reasonable period we can arbitrarily agree, like about four months I'd say, before the fetus is too formed, but also letting some flexibility for special cases after that time, like for medical reasons. Now tell me this would be an arbitrary law, of course, all laws are. But this law would allow pro-lifers to go on with their pregnancies as they think is right and pro-choicers to make their decisions too, in any way they decided as best for them in that moment and circumstances, this law includes both options as possible.
  10. @Leo Gura Yeah, I think I agree with that. This is an issue where legality should better be flexible enough to adapt to potential different or complicated cases, out of rigid boundaries too.
  11. It's about the boundaries, different people see them in different ways. Some people are against abortion always, they put the boundary in the moment the spermatozoid fertilizes the ovule, I guess. No matter the circumstances, they say not even the mother has the right to choose to stop her pregnancy. Not even if she has been raped, there is a high risk for her life or the child presents deformities or diseases, the three cases usually accepted to go for it. Maybe it's just the mother does not want a child in that moment in her life, there may be many other reasons for that, the father may have a voice, but not a vote in the end. A legal limit has to be put in any case, about 4 months in many countries. Boundaries don't really exist, they have to be kind of agreed. I think four months is reasonable, in the end women will have the freedom to decide if they do it or not, there's no obligation in either direction. For those who are against abortion, fine by me, don't abort. We can agree on having different boundaries, can't we? Oh yeah, with some people, we can't.
  12. Well, it's possible the problem is this. Porn is not a substance, but constant sexual image novelty makes our brains produce and release abnormal ammounts of dopamine and other substances that affects itself. Brainfog is a common side effect among porn addicts. I'd suggest you really going pornfree and also a period of nofap.
  13. I hope you people stand up even louder than two months ago, no matter what Trump or the USA did, those deaths in that plane are unacceptable. The most authoritarian governments behave like this, in the past all mediums were on their hands, but Internet is not as easy to control by them, so they shut it down. People have phones with cameras, some things will come out and people abroad will be watching with interest.
  14. Iranian people is protesting against the attack of the Ukrainian plane. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7876363/Iranian-protesters-Tehran-turn-against-regime-military-admits-shooting-plane.html This is good, people in both countries standing up against these horrendous actions by their politicians. Many US people also protested when Trump started the fire out of nowhere, has to be said. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/04/iraq-iran-tensions-protests-condemn-u-s-actions-middle-east/2807176001/
  15. No idea if you do it or not, but one of the effects of regular porn consumption on women can be the difficulty of obtaining orgasms with real partners. Also can help abstaining from regular masturbation or maybe even totally, and if not, try focusing only on body sensations as much as possible and keeping fantasy levels low and realistic too. This is not about repression, is about enjoying real sex in all its potential and as soft or kink as you want, but with real partners. Less can be more sometimes. There is another approach, is not what you are asking for, but worth to consider. It's called Karezza sex, encourages to have sex not pursuing neither male or female orgasms, but more about loving, caring and bonding. Can be too radical for most people, specially young, and it is for me too, but I think there is value on these ideas. The referential book on this is "Cupid's poisoned arrow", worth a read.
  16. Do you masturbate to porn? Have you ever tried pornfree or nofap? I'm not saying this is what's causing your brainfog, but it's easy to confirm or discard it and it's free. Both of them.
  17. Thanks for sharing. It's really sad, all those innocent people in the plane... I don't think there will be a war, not like in Irak. But I wouldn't say this is over, If Trump gets reelected and this kind of actions and confrontations work for his interest, as other industries close to him like the military, there may be more. They don't care about the human lives, they care about americans more if they can choose, but the death of american soliers or a bunch of citizens won't stop them either. I don't think the Iranian government made an agreement with Trump to sacrifice Solemaini, but you can bet they'll make the best from this, flagging martyrs must be as old as the first human wars. People will tend to defend the Iranian government now, the truth is they were attacked, one of their most important leaders assassinated and it was done cowardly and against all international laws, and nationals by the way, there's no way around of it. Iran looks deeply blue, as you say, actions like this make your development much harder. We need more conscious and less selfish people in the White House. Not saying Iranian leaders are saints, I'm saying exactly the opposite, but we need not to make it more difficult for the people living it there to work for a better situation. It will take generations though, but sooner or later will happen. Will be sooner if an international bully doesn't empower their retrogade government and really works with the interest of the real people in there in mind, not their own agendas.
  18. Bernie on this events. Glad to hear he has a reasonable position, I think most people do as well. Trump made a bad step here, apart from his inconditionals, I think a lot of republican voters will question his recent trajectory. Causing an unnecessary war with Iran is a lot to swallow. I've also read a bit the comments on the video, I don't follow CNN or any US channel, but apparently Bernie's followers were quite dissatisfied with the coverage this candidate has been having there until this interview. He's given the opportunity to share his other propositions too, comparing to Biden and Warren, and they appreciate that.
  19. @DivineSoda There are many industries pushing for things like this and eager to make huge profit, as they have been doing for decades. But we cannot detach from the fact that Trump is on the lead and he has the authority to green light attacks like this, like indeed he did.
  20. @Bno I see, well, as said, they worked with what they had then, I think they did fine. No impeachment is likely to end his presidency anyway, as republicans have majority on the Senate, but it had to be done somehow. If you ask me, this unilateral war crime is a much better reason to go, but as I was telling you at first, this is now and the impeachment was three weeks ago. But, I insist, seems a bit forced that the debate deviates to the Democrats and their decisions, when it's Trump's administration and the Republicans who are entirely responsible on this last event. Maybe Hillary would have done worse, maybe better, but let's stick to the facts.
  21. @Bno The two party political system of the USA sucks, I know, and Democrats are as part of it as Republicans. But this event is entirely on Trump and the Republican party, it was their call and action, that's the fundamental fact here that we should not get out of sight. The Democrats put the impeachment in motion with what they had then and considered best, it's certainly better than the motives for impeaching Clinton. Maybe you could send your suggestions to the Democrat senators and candidates though, if you have an interest on advising them. But I don't think you were ever in favour of impeaching Trump in the first place, were you?
  22. @Bno There are better reasons to impeach Trump now, indeed. But three weeks ago wasn't now. Democrats didn't assassinate Soleimani, republicans did, under Trump's direct command and without consulting or agreeing with the congress or his European allies. Let's stick to the facts for once, this is not on democrats, it's on Trump.
  23. Every moment decides the future of human kind. If you suggest something big happening that drastically changes the course of history, not likely, but not impossible either. Nuclear war, a deadly virus, climate change...
  24. I'd say "to all of us" is a bigger problem. Maybe if it had been "to some of us" or "just to me"...
  25. More repercussions, Iran may abandon the nuclear deal limitation agreed with the Obama administration in 2015. Trump had unilateraly withdrawn it, who the Hell knows why, there is no way Iran is going to accord any new deal with the USA now. In the end, Trump has shown they will attack them whether they continue with their nuclear program or not, they may as well build the damn nukes. I don't like it, but I can understand it. Look at North Korea, they have nuclear weapons, so if anybody fucks them, they are going to fuck them back and everybody knows they are totally capable of doing it without hesitation. There's the explanation for the final peace making between Trump and Kim Jong Un in person. I guess Iran wants the same negotiation power, they got the excuse now.