Simon Zackrisson

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Everything posted by Simon Zackrisson

  1. No, according to my research, meat in itself isn't bad for you. This is from the biggest studies conducted by science that is up to date. It doesn't really matter about studies though, you will always find different results based on what you want to find. I think simple logic works wonders in this case. We were hunter-gatherers for millions of years. In this thread we talk about a tribute to the diet we ate for millions of years: LCHF.
  3. yo why do love hurt so bad no i know bout serotonin n shit dont talk that shit no i know bout my ego pls no spiritual nonsens pls ty kthxbye
  4. sadness is a big factor too
  5. Also, Leo took his studies very very serious early on, that was probably a great starting point for his accumulating wisdom.
  6. This is a relevant quote: The more you know, the less you understand.
  7. Hm. While we are all human beings, certain traits can defiantly impact the gravitation of how we prefer to interact with the world. So, if we are predisposed to act in guidance from a feminine or masculine mindset, it for sure affects our personality. But, the personality is still there, and I think the personality itself is of much more significance. It's very complex I'd say.. I don't feel I stretch too much saying that there even are different kinds of femininities and masculinities. But my impression of the two in some generalised characteristics: Masculinity: Strong, Carelessness, Leading etc... Superior in: Physical Strength Use of logic Etc. Femininity: Receiving, loving, supporting etc. Superior in: Emotional Intelligence, Social communications, Constructing A Lifeform, () Etc. I like to think of how we lived for millions of years, as hunter-gatherers. It's kinda smart of a species to split itself into two versions If the man gets eaten by a bear, the offspring can still have a chance with the mother. But again, I think we should try to avoid staring ourselves blind at the notion of feminine or masculine and look more at the personality itself. And, is the book good? Not read myself, but heard about it.
  8. Eh wat. I don't see that there should necessarily be a connection with femininity and low quality consciousness. I feel like I kinda disagree with this preposition outrageously strongly. When I think of a feminine girl, I feel as if she is in touch with herself and calmly content. But this is of course only anecdotal evidence; only things I seen in my little life. I don't know if we were to examine femininity and masculinity in larger scales. Not saying that girls that happen to be feminine can't be fucking crazy, they can. Strong statement bro. I don't necessarily think so.
  9. We all have different perspectives and preferences that we are entitled to hold. If you feel a vegan diet is bringing you happiness, I'm genuinely psyched you found something that is a inspiring factor in your life. All this is, is dietary choices. Now, if one were to claim moral superiority with a certain diet, there's a problem.
  10. You are responsible for the death of probably millions of lifeforms every single day. Just because one life form is more cute then another, doesn't mean you're not killing. Killing is killing. I'd be careful with sitting on the high horse of ethics.
  11. I haven't seen this video, but I like his other content. Maybe a perspective worth a watch.
  13. So you've read 50 shades of gray. I thought better of you.
  14. bow chicka wow wow : DDDDDDD Anyways, what I take from this is: bitch just be honest and ull find someone thats right for u. However, I'm not sure this would be actually something you'd want to do in a real life situation. If you would just weird out the other person in the aspiration to be super honest and articulate. It would be nice if everyone did it though, and it slowly actually became the protocol for how we interact with our fellow human beings. But naaaaaaaaaaah. Don't see it happening any time soon brah.
  15. With that logic, I'd like to see the hair on her head. : D
  16. OH MY FUCKING GOD . im dead sara lol. XDDDDDDD
  17. Leo will probably answer with something lame like "well i dont exist bro so there is no one to be enlightened but yea bro i had experiences of it"
  18. I'd say just enjoy the content there, and you will find people that will enjoy the ride with you. One of the best way to make friends is to just experience something together, without the underlying feeling of social pressure. Make the goal one which you will be happy no matter what happens there. You are there to enjoy the content, and if you find likeminded people, that is simply a bonus. No pressure.
  19. Definitely a time ban that disables your account if you spend too much time here.
  20. Does this have to be bad? Don't we all want to affect to world in some way, preferably positive. Or do you mean that it felt like it wasn't really for you that you were doing it? Like you could find more authentic happiness elsewhere. (Technically one still does everything for oneself, even if that means that the emotional gratification is granted with the perception of doing something for someone else).
  21. Didn't buddha say that anyone can be the buddha.
  22. Yeah, I was under the impression that we were talking overall grooming, and not like only shaved pubic hair or not. That changed FAST. Same for me. What I wanted to get at is, like what is the relationship with what we have in our dna and how we are raised? Is it in our dna to want to have sex with another human being? Or is it something we learn? I think it's conceivable that a child could be indoctrinated by such a delusional culture as to find sexual attraction to rocks. BEHOLD THE SACRED ROCK OUR MOTHER EARTH ONLY A FEW SELECTED IS GRANTED SHORT INTERVAL OF TIME TO BE NEAR AND ENJOY THIS HOLY PRIVILEGE OF PLEASURE But I still think that there is innate attraction to the opposite sex in most people's dna. Otherwise we wouldn't be killing the planet with our numbers
  23. Thought it was obvious. Just joking around bro. Although it's good, me and @kalter000 learned something today (=
  24. Seems like contradiction ... : O