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Everything posted by jes

  1. @Natasha oh LOL I have watched that video , Short form of it made me confused
  2. beauty within is beauty every where
  3. I am in LOVE with Silence and Solitude
  4. thinking about dissolving my ego , made me realised that its another distraction by ego itself, telling me DOING ,when answer is simple BEING ( Sit down and feel the pressure( a label giving by ego) Just a reminder , Ego can play so many tricks so be careful sweet words like want ,need ,control ,change ,do ,have to ,should ( make sure you are not following devil here ) , distractions like music ,food ,movie ,gossips (be careful) , thoughts accept ,surrender , submit , present moment ,gratitude ,autthentic smile , i am accepting everything ,even to you ego ,You are part of me
  5. In spite of tiring day , I had a talk with him , without judgments and labels, I became authentic finally , the higher consciousness what to learn from today's experience matter where you are you gotta be present moment and trust your instincts ( at least ) 2.I made two decisions ( though not right away) but i did and it was not too late 3.fear is cured completely
  6. 10 important things you want , But Don't know that you want to be a strategic thinker , Be authentic with your desires This list is acquirable 1.Existence to feel magical again 2.Effortless ( life happens naturally) 3.Authentic ( act speak , think ,behave authentic) spontaneously ( so inhibited that you slightly intoxicated with magic of life ,playful in life) There are degrees of authenticity AUTHENTIC AUTHENTIC Vs Fake AUTHENTIC ( learn the difference) 4.dispassionate mind ( cling or need any thing, its detached mind, doesn't mean its not emotional ) treats everything in reality evenly , equanimity in every thing ( pain or pleasure) good or bad RARE is to have dispassionate mind ( you fear and worry about it) ( you wanna be totally unattached from any ideology) ,no intellectual position to defend POSITIONLESS Totally Open Minded ( work for it) You waste your time rather than work on it by unnecessary distraction WHAT you really WANT is to stop DOING THAT But you don't KNOW how to do that ? 5.fully Sober ( conscious and aware ) Lucid , reality without a thought ( wow) doesn't it matter where r u ,whom are with total quiet mind ( no thought) want to be nobody ( don't wanna be cool, successful, creative) Reality is you want is zero IDENTITY ( the goal is to Be NOBODY) .No personal history .No attachments Completely drop it so you want to blank ( like child ) It becomes painful because of false belief Get rid of all the great stuff about you even 7.Samadi ( merge with observed object) ,for example: look at tree with high consciousness, there is no YOU who is looking , but tree is you or aspect of you samadhi has degrees ( strategy to get it) 8.TRUTH : independent of anything else You are lost pursuing survival, thriving, secure ,success Truth is not philosophy , ideology , belief Truth is without conditions 9.Benevolent force: Force of giving , contribution , force of compassion towards reality Meaning : is different for different people for me :it is to be a good doctor (here comes the LIFE PURPOSE) authentic handful of ways will be right for you You no longer working for yourself ( you spend time to work for others) gift giving, effortlessly ,LOVE of GIVING ( vs see what are you doing TAKE and hoard and keep it for myself ,that is not gonna work ,not GONNA WORK 10.Simple Natural lifestyle : Great life comes from simplicity , organic, less polluted, eating healthier nature sitting and being Free and relaxed schedule Eat , clean and live ( reality becomes magical here) You don't want more knowledge, relationship, physical things, even self-actualization are you wise enough to understand? because you are so lost that you believe that you are on right path ( layers of denial and delusions) Make sure yours goals are not immature ?? I don't know any better WHAT you TRULY want You are scared of
  7. Simple Natural lifestyle LIVE simple Techniques 1.Yoga 2.Meditation 3.Eat healthy ( Learn about it) for now no junk and soda 4.clean yourself with less chemicals,more natural stuffs ( like bentonite clay) ,neem oil ( learn about it)
  8. Strategies For point 9 Benevolent force Right now deliberate act of kindness Technique 1.Consciously do practice of giving something to someone every Single day ( no expectation, no judgment ,even no sense of pleasure) do it and forget ( present moment)
  9. Strategies for point no 7 SAMADHI extraordinary focused ,concentrated Observation Can you do it ???? work on it Techniques 1.self honestly and aunthencity is required ( acquire that) 2.Do Meditation
  10. Strategies for point no 6 you want to be nobody because that is the reality , the moment the stupid ( I) realise ,problem solve Techniques 1.fully focused in present moment ( focus literally) labels ( what it is , it is ) 3.
  11. Strategies for Point no.5 fully Sober Be Human here I can remind myself ,i do not wanna sell myself short ,high consciousness is what i am working on , why to be low conscious this moment ,right now WHY TO SELL MY SOUL to DEVIL Techniques 1.constant practice of being from the inner self ( high conscious aware) can help and good nutrition ( shitty food can poduce shitty thoughts ) gut feelings ( ) 3.get aware if any thing negative or positive happen ( according to ego classification) and your reaction , excited if you get good news, worried if you get bad news There is stage called BEING at PEACE ,strive for that
  12. strategies for point no. 4 Dispassionate mind 1.Just observe your thought ( if you are reacting ) observe the action , every single moment is given to do this exercise am I attached ? what is I ? what is attachment ? remove filter and work deeper and deeper until to reach a point where you no longer have a question Techniques to help 1.Meditation 2.If you are acting out of no where ( focus on breathing ) for few seconds 3.Rather than doing, Being, keep the action including thought the least important ( Give importance to your observation the utmost)
  13. Strategies for Point no.3 Authentic 1.self inquiry ( sit down and ask yourself) deep deep deep talk Self honestly whatever comes ,accept everything even consequences take action with responsibility and wisdom ( again after lot of work to get the deepest core) Techniques 1. ( working on it) have not come up
  14. Strategies for point no.2 Effortless ( life happens naturally) 1.keep it simple ( dont struggle to get it) or do it ,just be it Techniques Do nothing ,Live
  15. Strategies for point No.1 Existence to feel magical again 1.Practice present moment ( conscious) initial deliberate then it will be effortless ( point no 2) Need to constantly remind yourself of life force within techniques to do that a.Meditation b.Enlightenment c.Visualization ( because IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT) for you
  16. day 3 with proper knowledge of biochemistry , anatomy , physiology , which helps me to understand, pathology, pharmacology ,So best outcome will be the complete knowledge of medicine for management ( includes from diagnosis to treatment as well as prevention) day 4 1.preventive care 2.Management 3.
  17. day 3: USA is multicultural , country with human rights , freedom , independence ,where health is not doctor's job, but equal contribution from patients ,my job there is to raise awareness in my patients , give them options simultaneously choices
  18. Day 3 Small town girl with dreams of acquiring best of knowledge, as it was taught to her that knowledge is power, She found herself good in science ,and got passionate about human's physiology so she can learn how diseases occur( pathology) ,for her medicine became a life purpose
  19. Haey My lovely family how are you ? what software or website i can use to organize my notes and make bookmark in them for repetition and recall purpose Thanks
  20. “Trust your wound to a teacher’s (God) surgery. Flies collect on a wound. They cover it, those flies of your self-protecting feelings, your love for what you think is yours. Let a Teacher wave away the flies and put a plaster on the wound. Don’t turn your head. Keep looking at the bandaged place. That’s where the Light enters you. And don’t believe for a moment that you’re healing yourself.”
  21. Your best defence is Prudence and recognize Serendipity Be hero of your life Be a person that inspires you
  22. hi ,lets discuss this , is marriage right path to choose for security And PROTECTION , as a female my husband will be my protector ,?he will be my harbor ? and gives me sense of safety ?
  23. @Key Elements True , I understood thanks