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About jes

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  1. What are techniques to become egoless, I have realized, my life has a cycle first I will be weak ego then in maintaining that it's getting weaker. And when I realized that I am under the spell of my weaker ego I fulfill my basic needs to make my ego happy and some how it becomes stronger. But both of these conditions when I'm under weak ego or stronger ego. I have another thing to discuss is that I am surrounded my people who are very defensive. how to survive in such defensive environment. Where my own ego feeds himself very well. Help me please
  2. hi everyone how are you ? i was wondering if we can discuss this topic, if i go grocery store ,what stuff i should buy to make my breakfast healthy
  3. back to being me
  4. There is no I , there is no worldly desire
  5. there is nothing in this world I am holding onto includes my loved ones
  6. i don't want him to change , thanks for pointing out ,so i will not beat myself in the process of starting my marriage life Thank you i will remember this
  7. yes he showed me importance ,or i would say ,authenic me helped me get what is required ( that is internal peace,fulfillment ,love from inside) not external
  8. he knows about my career part , I will keep on teaching him the real knowledge slowly in his language first , and i wanna share one more thing ,when i was practicing consciousness ,I found ,he felt peace surrounding me and in my presence ? is my judgement here right about him that he was peaceful being with me, or I am myself in content state ,that i project my feelings onto him ?
  9. I will teach him that , and it would be fascinating seeing him developing with me ? what do you think ?
  10. true love is state of being I knew it , so my presence for him is enough , i don't need to put something extra
  11. hello my family how are you ? i want to discuss this topic with you ,as i am getting married