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Everything posted by charlie2dogs
Hypnosis is just a form of programing, 99.7% and could be a little higher, of humans are already programed to the degree they have created prisons for themselves from programing and a false belief system which has given them a warped perception of everything around them and of themselves. Hypnosis seems to be an idea to short cut to the evolution of human consciousness. Self realization is about liberation from programing and false belief, as well as the fictitious identity created from the disassociation of consciousness. Consciousness is the ground of all being, and product for everything that exist which seems to be real in this play we call life. Programing and belief is what hinders you and hypnosis wont save you from that, consciousness will cleanse itself if one can function as a being of consciousness which is responsible for the creation of and sustaining of this body of flesh.
simple advice? the most simple advice i can give you is get a job and go to work, and when the consequences of that easy life comes, be prepared to be patient, and learn, that life isn't always easy. You need guidance for sure, a mentor would be good if you could listen and follow their guidance. The condition you describe yourself in isn't going to be easy to work with, maybe you better start with any job you can get and work your way into better things as you learn, and i know that job will be boring as hell to you but look you gotta learn to take care of yourself or live in the parks with the homeless as long as it will last. I know this isn't something you wanted to hear but if you are ever going to do anything, you need to get off your ass and do it now and that most likely begins with a job that you wont like, but it will be a good test to see if you are worth hiring for a better job or position later.
- 11 replies
- growing as a person
- comfort zone
(and 2 more)
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i checked out your music i like it, and the aloneness can be good at times, its a sign of an intelligent person
I dont really care for the term enlightenment, because of the misuse and misunderstanding associated with it, i prefer to use the term self realized, to answer your question. Self realization is a state of being, in which you no longer function as an unconscious human being controlled by ego and the desires of your physical body or rather the identity you have created here but a shift has taken place in your awareness and your whole being, and you are functioning as a conscious, aware present being of consciousness which is your first estate, which enables you to be present in the moments of life that events arise, and allows you to be first and foremost the observer only of any event, without your programing, false belief system and your warped perception of life making a mess out of it before you have the opportunity to see the reality of that event. Upon seeing the reality of the data or event, you may then choose to allow that thought, event, data, to grow into something useful to you or those around you, or you may realize that you simply need to turn away and allow it to cease to exist. Being in this space of being, your intention behind what you do will come to the forefront before taking any actions, if action is decided upon will determine the consequence of your actions and it becoming a part of your consciousness and your quantum memory. This is not some mumbo jumbo that i got from other people, books, religions or gods, it is experience. If you are seeking personal growth or self realization, you should save this and read it often, until you get it, because when you really get it and can experience it you will be self realized. This is most likely different than anything you have ever heard, but that is because it is my own experience and not someone else's opinion, doctrines or philosophies. If you want to become self realized then do what it takes to get you there, there are some keys that will open that door. First you need time to be still, be quiet, and just be with that source of life within your body, forget all the practices, meditations, just be still, quiet, and experience the consciousness that you are. When things come to you in that space that seem to have some important meaning, take it with you and later contemplate it, in most cases something is being revealed to you out of your own consciousness, it is calling to you, dont ignore it, but dont jump to conclusions and start applying your programing and false belief to it or you will destroy the opportunity to learn something of value, be patient and contemplate it, i have learned things that most of this world will never understand that way, it works. Practice forcing your self to experience the moment of life, i mean actually being present in that one single moment, and being in a conscious aware state of being, just observing. The more you practice this the more you will be able to experience living the moment of life. If you continue on this path, with a desire for liberation from the horseshit and insanity of this world, one day you will realize that something has happened to you, and soon you will know that you are self realized, then you will begin to discard and allow all the mumbo and jumbo, false beliefs that you picked up to dissolve and leave you, a cleansing of your consciousness will begin to take place the more you experience this new state of being. This is a lot, reading it, understanding it, and experiencing it are three different things. You must be your own master, your own guru, your own teacher, to be self realized. When you realize that a shift of your being has happened hold on to it, allow it to expand. And lastly, dont allow the opinions of those who try rationalize enlightenment to sway you from your course, they dont know, they dont have the experience, they only belief they do, and once you are self realized you will see that for yourself. These are the things that worked for me, they will work for you, and there is not a million ways to become enlightened, there is only one way to become self realized, and that is the shift from the identity to the being of consciousness which is your first estate. Every thing you need to become self realized is right here in this short text, i hope it helps you.
You are most welcome, and your reply says a great deal, I do have experience in all the areas that you are dealing with, but to try and give you advice on it here in this forum would be doing you a great injustice, if you can do the counselor thing, look and find one that has helped others in a way that improved their lives, that is important, I really think it would make a much better and happier life for all of you. Good luck to you and your family.
often when someone with experience speaks to an issue that someone puts in a public forum, when the person who put it there, doesn't like the answer that comes back, they end up accusing the person who was trying to help them of several things, for instance in your case of picking a fight. That is another sign that you have no understanding of enlightenment. I have already defined enlightenment, self realization several times on the forum and i didn't do it mumbling and rambling using the same old tired doctrines and philosophies that the unlearned have used for ages, and considering that you perceive my help to you as picking fights, I don't think you are ready to seriously consider what i would have to say about it. I have been accused of being harsh when in reality i was being real, generally when reality confronts programing and beliefs there is huge conflicts within the one carrying the programing and beliefs. A word of advice to you, before you speak to others consider what you are going to say, because even a few words in text will reveal a great deal about you to those who have traveled your path and moved on.
good answer
How would you know what enlightenment is, you have no experience in it, if you did you wouldnt have written either statements, and anyone who thinks enlightenment is a state of no mind/stillness has been listening to the wrong people.
You, and him the mother need professional counseling, maybe the father needs to be arrested for child abuse. The father has harmed this child a lot, and you are not capable of dealing with or helping him at this point. I know this may sound a little harsh to you but your statement here says a great deal, and me beating around the bush and trying to make you feel better wont help you, him or the mother, all three of you need to see a qualified counselor for a while.
no matter what numbers you apply, they will fail, you will not have the control of things to manage the numbers. This question can only arise from the actor/observed in the play of life. If you could see this as the observer of the play none of this would even matter or come into play.
There is nothing wrong with you, maybe you should find new friends that are real friends.
- 10 replies
people who have been where you are and have moved on to other things can offer you suggestions on how to improve your life, but it is worthless unless you are willing to set aside what you think and believe and follow the advice. I will offer you some keys to the door of growth and liberation, One of the most important things is to figure just who and what you are. What is that source of life within your body, what does it have to do with your being here, are you just another human being or are you something far more important than just a human being with an ego. You have been programed since the day your mother gave you your name for your body. How much of what you know is programing and how much is experience based on reality and not a warped perception of life or your false belief system. How about your beliefs, what are they, are your beliefs governing your life, yes they are, in fact they are making your decisions for you so between the programing and the false belief system your choices are already made for you. Why do you believe what you do, is there a good reason for making it a belief, do you have any proof that your belief is anything close to reality. What is the difference in belief and reality. If you can start with these things, and have a real desire to know yourself, and work out of your programing and false belief system, you have a chance at some real growth, if you have the integrity to do the work, that is complete self honesty with yourself.
it seems you have a long list of rules to be applied by those who dont even know who are what they are. All of these things that you have labeled one must be in a position to see, understand and have the ability to live by those rules if they are going to mean anything other than just a rule.
the only thing i can add here is, it is the state of being of a self realized being that gives the joy and happiness, there is no need to exert any effort or to give a lot of attention to it, but i think you get the idea.
I would rather be a self realized being doing nothing if that is what i enjoyed and was happy with, than trying to follow the rule book of other people as to what i should be doing or how i should be living life. Where did these rules come from about how life should be lived? I have come to realize that those that carry a rule book on how to live life or why life should be lived a certain way have a problem. When i awoke i threw the rule book away and the beliefs about the rules along with it. When i functioned as the identity and ego i had all kinds of rules for living life and reasons, and even tried to apply them to others. Now, there is no rule book, no past, no future, no beliefs and no reason for being here on this planet. I am here simply because the consciousness that i am created this body to be here, and to take that any further is to make an assumption about it. In the past it was always about satisfying the identity, ego, and desires of the flesh body. Now it is about experiencing life from consciousness, in the moment of life, enjoying what life brings to me and working with it in a way that provides liberation from the identity, ego, and the insanity of this world. I cant be a liberated being with a rule book or a belief system at the same time. Everyone should look at their rules, why do you have those rules, why do you have a belief that you should have that rule that controls your life. Is your rules controlling your life in a way that may prevent you achieving a state of liberation. All beliefs come from programing, programing is external control over your life, Most take the programing and make a false belief system out of the programing and then their life is completely controlled and they dont even have the ability to see the reality of a thing, or to make a free choice, because the choices are determined by the programing and belief that one holds, and the sad part is most never even realize or understand this. Examine your beliefs about why you live and do what you do, its not what you think it is.
the transition from the fictitious identity to the real part of ourselves is self realization. No matter how much you want to help someone else you cant take them there, there is no bridge, no road map. It seems to happen to those who have this deep desire for something, and early on they dont even know what it is but they seek, seeking the deeper meaning of things, of life, love, and themselves, and one day a shift takes place. faith and belief has nothing to do with it, there are no levels to it, there is no path that will take you there. Most of the paths that are taught by so called teachers take people around in a circle with no destination nor expectation of arrival. I have spoken in groups of as many as 50 people and tried to explain this process and things that would aid them, and immediately the majority will begin to rationalize it, applying their belief to it, thinking that they are there and they dont realize that they are only speaking from the identity and ego. Every video of Leo's tells you what it is not, and also what it is, but just hearing the information wont get you there, there is a shift that has to take place within yourself. There are some keys that unlock that door, like, being quiet, being able to be in the moment of life in a conscious present aware state of being, as the observer only of that moment. In the beginning its difficult to remain in that space of being for any length of moments but as time passes, it gets longer with practice and eventually becomes a way of life, where everything you do is done in this state of being and awareness, most are programed to the hilt with programing that have become a belief system and a false belief system at that, this stuff is not going to that space of being, the belief system must be dropped, making excuses why beliefs are good is nothing more than rationalizing from the identity. Beliefs are never real, and they are never anything more than an assumption of knowledge, and if you cant see and accept that, you may as well forget this thing called self realization. Once you get that and spend the time with the real part of yourself, your programing and belief will begin to dissolve and you will be able to see and perceive the reality of things. There are not a million ways or paths to achieve this, you were misled about it by newagers and wannabe gurus, drop all the nonsense and be with your real self. We are consciousness, we can function as consciousness and not the identity and ego.
Sadhguru is so right
try it for a while and your answer may come to you
Drop all of the stuff you are doing. Sit down in a quiet place. stop thinking or trying to do anything. close your eyes and feel your true being within, its called consciousness. get comfortable with it, relax, dont be in a hurry. just be quiet and still, stay in the moment, be present, within your consciousness, the real you is there, reconnect with your real self. I dont know any other way to say it.
this is funny, did any of you by chance watch Leo's video on rationalizing, I loved it, but then i love all his vids, he is an amazing guy, It would do everyone good to take all his vids very serious and apply all of them to yourself, but even that don't mean you will be enlightened. Leo is the only person i have encountered on the net that bothers to get down to the heart of the matter, all the nuts and bolts, he basically defines the illusions and pitfalls of this thing called spiritual growth or personal growth and if you can apply it to yourself it will define you, and there is this little thing called integrity that has to come into play with all of this.
Find yourself, the real self, and you will have all the reason in the world for living, you will be able to justify your existence here on this earth, and you will begin to know the difference in reality and merely something that you think you know and believe. You are functioning solely as the identity that you have created, which is controlled by ego and the desires of that identity you created. Your only solution is to step out of that and into the real part of yourself, the being of consciousness which is your first and original state of being, and begin to see and function from there, then your problem wont exist.
- 16 replies
if you are doing all those things you will be a wreck, i will offer you a little advice that came from many many years of struggle and mistakes and many painful consequences, and it is for free, if you can hear it. Drop all of the stuff you are doing. Sit down in a quiet place. stop thinking or trying to do anything. close your eyes and feel your true being within, its called consciousness. get comfortable with it, relax, dont be in a hurry. just be quiet and still, stay in the moment, be present, within your consciousness, the real you is there, reconnect with your real self. do this often and long as you can, you should find no problems there, no pain there, no sorrow, nothing but the silence of your own being and the peace and joy of that which you are first and foremost. if something arises within your consciousness, just watch , dont reach, dont touch, dont give too much attention to it, dont attach yourself to it just watch and allow it to reveal itself to you as you simply sit and observe. This will allow you to see the reality of the thing that is arising before your programing and belief system makes a mess out of things, that is if you are there in that space of being. if something is revealed to you about yourself, dont resist, dont fight it, later on spend some time contemplating it, it could mean an important change in your life, and your own personal growth. later contemplate your beliefs, why do you believe what you believe, do you have the living proof to uphold that belief, if not drop it, and do all of them the same way. Begin to question just how much you have been programed in your life, try to understand it, these things can lead to your liberation. Now i only have 2 questions that you need to ask yourself, 1. can you hear this 2. do you have the will and the desire to give the time to find your liberation. Many seem to think this will happen by accident or with time, it wont. Many are called few are chosen, can you, will you be one of the chosen.
Austin there are times when other people can be a hindrance to you in your life, their energy can suck the life right out of you, ruin your day, ruin your life, if if if you allow it to happen. There are many definitions for friends, first of all what kind of friends do you really have, are they friends? what is a friend to you, what do you want from a friend. Sometimes our friends can show us things about ourselves by reflecting what we are ourself, but then there are people who out grow the people around them, and then those people become a hindrance in every day life for that person, when that happens sometimes you have to realize these are not your friends or not the kind of friends that you need in your life where you are, and you need to move on. Look at yourself, look for your own issues and see how they play into this, you may need to make some adjustments with yourself but if you are trying to improve your life and these friends have become a hindrance, you may need to move on with life. Don't become desperate for friends or even a lover, find yourself first and be at peace with that, what you need will be drawn to you, one can be alone and be happy, one can be happy without needing someone to love them, or needing friends to support them, but you have to be very secure within yourself.. Real friends are few and far between, most of your friends will show you they are not your friends in a pinch. Look at yourself first and then at your friends, and do it with integrity, which means self honesty if you can, and try to see the reality of this situation and yourself without seeing it as you would like it to be. All of these things can be used for your own person growth, and it helps to be able to see where you are and where those around you are from a place of reality not just some emotional or mental state that isnt stable.
i had a friend i took care of for 22 years, she had been abandoned by her family, her friends, everyone, she lived in a world of pain few people ever know. I carried her to 8 major hospitals, and most likely 150 doctors over a period of years, and to the emergency room about 20 times. No one could help her, when she lost her ability to drive, i did everything for her for about 8 years, she became self abusive, I knew enough to help her recover but she could hear no one, not even the one person who had saved her so many times, she would listen to nothing. Her world was a world of darkness surrounded by demons and evil, she said, aliens were attacking her. She had been under psychiatric care for 20 years, and that was a total waste. She never told anyone the truth about what was going on with her, she knew more than the doctors, she had every disease you can think of according to her, no one could tell her anything, she had a big problem schizophrenia at least two forms or more, I was in contact with adult protective services for years, but they could do nothing against her will, as long as she was competent. I remained her friend for all those 22 years moving her from place to place, buying her food, clothes for her, cleaning her apt. taking care of her dog, everything, including doing body work on her for a long time which did help some. She had me take the dog home with me to take care of him, he was sick to, but he has recovered and doing ok. In the end she got a uti, urinary tract infection and would not go to the doctor, i tried my best to get her to go, but no go, finally it affected her brain and when she didnt answer the door or the phone i had to take a ladder and climb up on her deck to get in the upper door which was never locked, she was out of her head, couldnt get out of bed, so i called the rescue squad, those idiots were not sure that they could take her, there was a deputy sheriff there and after explaining some things to him he told her to get up out of bed she couldnt , he pulled the cover back for her to get up and she had wet the bed where she couldnt get up, so he said you are going to the hospital. Today she is in a rehab, can't walk, wont ever walk again, her mind has cleared a lot but she still isnt right, no one can tell her anything, at this point she is very mad at me for saving her life, she had packed a bag and sit a pocketbook on top of it and told me ( when i am in a coma take me to the hospital and take these bags with me, i told her the day you are in a coma it will be too late for you but you couldnt tell her anything. I dont have enough space to write you all the details of this because it would take a book. My friend was too attached to her pain body and it was destroying her, but at this point she couldnt even help that, many people become so attached to their pain body that it destroys their mind. Why am i saying this to you, because i can see that you need help, badly, and now. Dont tell yourself that you dont and that you can handle it alone, You need a good counselor one that can see and understand what is going on with you and can help you get the help you need, but you will have to tell them the whole truth and be willing to listen and work with those trying to help you. Dont tell yourself that there is no one out there that can help you or no one that cares, it isnt true. There are many good men and women out there that care about you and some right here on this site, but if i be completely honest with you, no one here can help you through this, you need hands on, face to face first with counselor who can look at you and listen to you and understand what is going on with you, and then get you any help you need, and you will have to trust that counselor to a large degree to get better so look around talk to people who have had problems like yours, find out who helped them, take a gamble and get some help now before things get beyond your control, and trust me things get beyond the persons ability to control, i have seen it in several cases. I know this isnt something that you want to hear, i have been there several times before with people, i understand what you are going through and how you feel, i have worked with it. Help yourself and get you a good counselor now and begin to get well, dont wait until you cant make that decision, because what comes after that isnt pretty. I spent a year and a half with a young woman online, talking to her for about an hour every day, trying to get her to see her own self worth, she didnt want to live, it was very hard trying to help someone you had never met, never seen except in a picture, but i was careful with her and stayed with it and she began to get better, and at a point began to get a real life, she became a happy girl, changing her life. It was a miracle that i could spent that amount of time with her and help her make it by doing it online, i would never do it again, because to help someone you need to look at them, in their face, and you have to have the ability to see them on every level, find that person now who can help you turn your life around, dont stop until you are on your way to a better life. I care about you but you have to care enough for your own well being now to seek the help you need, do it while you can.
Thanks for the reply John, i'm glad it was of some use to you. I will share one other thing with you, I have no spiritual practice, i have no practices, i have no rule book, i have no gods, I am consciousness, consciousness is the source of all life and matter, it is the ground of being. In saying this is to say this, John i have found that simply being quiet, and feeling the presence of my consciousness, within my body is all that i need to do, it is there that answers to amazing things come through consciousness. I have had many questions in life that other people had no answer for, but after dwelling on the subject for a while, sometimes i would be going for a walk or just sitting quietly, being with my consciousness in a real way, the answers would come, all the knowledge that has ever existed right up to this moment exist within consciousness, the question is can we place ourself in the place to be able to receive these things. When you are quiet and within consciousness, all the programing and beliefs don't taint the data that you are receiving. Many people get answers to many things but you have to be sure they are coming from the right place and not the ego or desires of the flesh. After experiencing this shift in awareness away from the identity with its ego to that of a being of consciousness for a long while, it turns out that life is my living meditation and i can experience this state of being longer and longer, and as i go along with what ever i am doing. but it is difficult to remain in that space of being all the time, but that is not what is important, the important thing is that you can at will, and when you slip back into the old ways it is in your face that you are in the wrong place, and it gives you a chance to regroup and rethink things and gives you a space so as to not create huge consequences from your actions. We have great power within us we just need to learn to use it in a way that moves us toward liberation, joy, and peace and also being in this space of being allows the consciousness to cleanse itself, the cleansing requires no effort on your part, it is automatic when you enjoy the space of your own being, consciousness. Good luck John