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Everything posted by charlie2dogs
Jesus lived 2000 years ago, if he was even real at all, but Leo seems to be alive right here with us in this day and age. I suspect that if there was a real Jesus, and he had been talking to people that were not religious fanatics, he just might have said the same things Leo is saying.
I would not be so hasty to accept anyone's opinion on this site. The major and final decision should come from the real part of yourself, the part that has made it possible for you to be here and interact in this little play called life. Get closer to it, it will reveal great knowledge and understanding for you in all areas of your life.
How can i be a self realized being, and allow the opinions, books and even the teachings of others to be the model for my life? What does that make me,? But if i was still functioning as the identity, ego and involved in the business world, the book would help the identity to achieve the goals and desires of the identity and physical body. How i life life now is from the being of consciousness that I am, I accept no books, no teachings, no spiritual practices, no gods and no opinions of others. This may not make a lot of sense to you right now but im sure some will understand the intent and meaning behind this. It can be something to contemplate, maybe something will come out of it for you.
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I have the book and read it, (if) i was still functioning in life as the identity and ego, and the business end of the world was important to me, the book would serve me well.
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why do you think that happens, is it possible that those who agree with you are naive, or believe as you do and maybe juvenile advice is all they can handle at that time, if you doubt your own advice. i tend to challenge peoples beliefs, and programing, but i try to do it with an attitude of helping them understand something that they havent yet understood and i only do it if i have the experience, knowledge and understanding of it and that coming from the self rather than the identity, often they cant grasp the real meaning of it but, if it is done from experience, understanding and with the right intention there may come a time when something may strike a chord within their own consciousness and they may remember and benefit from it. The first question is where is the advice coming from, if its from identity and ego, it may lead to more confusion and problems for that person, when dealing with others it is wise to always be in the space of your true beingness when doing so, it wont bring any harm if they are not ready, and one day that seed might sprout if it was sown rightly with the right intention, but i generally only sow that seed if the ground is somewhat fertile, because if it isnt at least fertile to some degree, the seed will die on rocky ground or ground with briars and thorns and weeds. How ever in any public forum there are all kinds of people so you run that risk.
apparently you havent read the posts on this site if you think everyone agrees.
if i give an honest answer to this question of the trap, the trap i see here and everywhere is the lack of understanding as to what enlightenment or rather self realization really is, and how it experiences life. That is the foundation of personal growth, without that where are you really going. The things associated with that lack of understanding is programing and a false belief system, which is rarely overcome because it creates a prison that most cant escape.
The markets are rigged plain and simple, if you dont understand that you shouldnt be in the market. Most brokers aint all that, they are out to make money for making you money, but i suspect many of them are not qualified to trade other peoples money, apparently he didnt know what he was doing. You cannot win a rigged game and win unless you know the game is rigged and know how to play the game to win or minimize your losses and most traders wont even talk about rigged markets.
the only way to overcome this is to remain as the self, i addressed that in another of your messages this morning.
There are two parts to you, first is the identity that you think you are and what you have given your energy to all your life, then there is the part of you that cannot be seen, it is the source of life for the body, it is consciousness. Most become disassociated from their consciousness living life in the physical and creating the identity and enjoy the desires of the physical body with the ego. Most function purely from the identity when in reality they are functioning as an unconscious human being. There is another state of being that you can function from and it is that real part of yourself, as a being of consciousness. In the beginning of experiencing your consciousness on a deeper level, it requires some effort until you are accustomed to functioning from consciousness rather than the identity, but at a point it will feel more like your real home than the identity. As consciousness, there is no pain, no sorrow, no problems, on journeys, no paths, no levels, no objectives, nothing to seek, nothing to find, its about a state of being. It is possible to spend a great deal of time in that space, it provides freedom from the insanity of this world, and brings peace, joy, and happiness, and an understanding of who and what you really are and more about the realities involving your existence here. As you become accustomed to spends a good deal of time in this space you will be able to go about your daily life and do what there is for you to do and still be able to maintain this state of being. You will shift back and forth between these two states a lot on the beginning but as time passes and the more time you spend as the being of consciousness that you are, it becomes easier and easier to maintain that state of being, and there will be times that you allow yourself to function as the identity but it will be under the watchful eye of the self, and you can instantly shift from functioning as the identity back to the being of consciousness that you truly are. This is something that cannot be rationalized, it must be experienced in order to understand it completely. In trying to convey this experience to others it requires using words, and language that others can understand and that isnt always easy, because it cant be completely understood until after you experience it. If you want to move toward self realization you need to turn toward consciousness and be in that space of being with it. You can sit quietly and still, and just experience that life force within you for a period of time, forget about practices and meditations, they are not necessary and will be a hindrance, just be still and quiet and enjoy the space of your own consciousness, it can help to practice being in the present moment in a conscious state of present awareness, be patient and continue. This is all you need to do to find your true state of being. This is not an opinion, not the words of other people, not someone else's book, this is actual experienced that has worked for me. If you can grasp this and work with it, your life will change and you will move toward self realization faster. There comes a time in this process when you have to stop seeking opinions of people who don't have the experience and if possible trust one or two that has the living experience that can point you in the right direction. If you listen to Leo's vids, he is constantly showing you what self realization is not, which means a great deal because if you are honest with yourself, you can measure yourself by the gauge he is setting far as your progress. Then use the process i gave you here to enable your transition from the physical to the being of consciousness in a more complete way. I hope this speaks to your consciousness in a way that it will help you grow.
let me clarify my statement for you, when one begins to function as the being of consciousness that they really are, those other things begin to dissolve and flow away from you , it really requires no effort on your part, the consciousness will cleanse itself, we just need to be seated in the right space of being.
jc, it isnt about giving up anything. A self realized being doesnt give up anything, he becomes a different kind of being when he experiences self realization.
Leo I'm loving the new video, its right on.
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Concept , i guess you have noticed the crowds of people who set at the feet of those two you named. Those people are not there to debate their beliefs, they are there seeking what experience Mooji and Sadhguru has to offer them, in a public forum it is never that way, and those two men would never attempt to do what they do in a public forum. Im sure that you have seen many that talked to Mooji, and most just never get it, you can see that for yourself in the satangs, and the number that get it in a public forum will be even less.
People are not flocking to or becoming enlightened in droves, there has never been but a few out of each generation that actually awakened and self realized. The number of people who will self realize in your lifetime will only be a handful. Most are not going to give up their programing, beliefs or identity. The few that are awakening and have a desire to grow and learn is not all that many. Most of them have no idea what self realization is, or what it isnt. In any public forum you have every kind of people, Those who want to grow and have a desire are looking for something they don't have, they need to be able to hear the reality of what real growth and self realization is about, without being watered down so everyone isnt offended. Any time you are confronted with programing, false belief and ego, you are going to get resistance. I am not trying to awaken the world, I speak to those who have begun to awaken, who have a desire for personal growth and have a real interest in self realization, and i will never withhold the reality of things to make those who are programed with a false belief system feel a little better. In this kind of work you have the right to choose who you listen to, if its over your head and you dont want to try and grasp it, simply ignore it and keep going the way you are going until it no longer works for you, but dont try to stifle the ones who are actually doing it. Only those who are ready for a thing are going to grasp it. some are going to be offended because reality has a way of hurting peoples ego. If there is something you dont like about a post or its too advanced for you, you are not required to respond or complain about it, simply leave it and go on, someone who is ready will pick it up and learn from it.
those who have no interest or desire for personal growth or self realization, have no interest in benefits of enlightenment work.
great answer Natasha, when we function as the great IAM that we really are, the ego has no power, the functioning of the identity and ego is in the back seat without power until we return to functioning as the identity.
Tim you are functioning as the fictitious identity that you created for this play called life. You are the actor, all of your action is coming from the actor, what is behind this actor that sees it all, you need to spend more time from there observing the actor and your life will begin to change to make you a more secure, happy, joyful person.
The short of it is because you are functioning as the identity, if you want to grow all the time, spend more time as a being of consciousness.
Love is two lonely people seeking in another what they do not possess themselves and come together to make a play called love. A good relationship requires that you take the tools with you to the relationship in order for it to be meaningful. Most do not possess those tools and that is why they seek it in another, love is the tool in this case. One must be love, be able to function as love going into the relationship or it is going to fail. Many people who are in failed relationships refuse to leave it and move on, they are addicted and will endure a lot of misery and pain for years, and yes of course you can work at it, but what are you working with, do you even know, do you understand that neither of the two possess what is necessary to carry on a meaningful relationship with children. Many women end up with the children to raise by herself while the man goes on his merry way generally finding another one that will produce the same results. A self realized being does not require, love or a relationship to be happy and enjoy life, they are happiness and they enjoy life. If this is not you then you need to re-examine your ideas about self realization. Most seek a relationship out of loneliness, boredom, because they have been taught to get married and have kids, many reasons and generally they have no idea what is really lurking behind the mask of that other person. When people don't know and understand themselves, how will they know who and what that other person is, they wont, they cant. If you are love you should be able to recognize it in another, for real not just something to satisfy the identity and ego, and it should be a good relationship, whereby both grow together, but that is rare. The majority of people going into relationships are not ready for one.
My first question is are you really qualified to help those folks, what you said in your mail sound like the identity and ego speaking, and may do more harm than good. You said: I want to understand the nature of why we feel compelled to have an opinion and comment.. the answer to that is ego pure and simple unless you are doing it from the right state of being and for the right purpose and the right way. How can you expect them to understand where you are coming from, are you expecting more from them than they are able to give? Are you setting the right example of living before them to see? Forcing your opinions on others wont help them to grow, it will only cause resentment and division. You said: I did I feel it so important to comment on there shitty relationship, is it really important for you see your sisters relationship as shitty, and point that out to her in a way that hurts her rather then helps her, and expecting her to be something that she isnt and may can not be at this time. Do you think hurting people will wake them up or help them? it wont trust me, i learned it the hard way. What you did was create more problems, now if you want to help, help yourself first, then with the right attitude and intention you may be able to help your sister, that is if she needs your help at all, i have yet to hear her side of the story. Can you hear what im saying to you. I'm hoping you can see the reality of this message to you because its important to your own personal growth.
Happiness is a state of being, not a goal to seek to satisfy the identity and ego. Self realization is happiness, joy, peace, reality, and your understanding of who and what you are, and reasons for being here, living without regrets, living the now and not the past and future, experiencing the moment of now in a conscious, aware, present state of being. Unhappiness and misery do not and cannot exist in this space of being.
the answer to your question is not really that difficult, yes i think there are people who cannot self realize where they are, at their level of programing and belief, however in time, and considering the consequences of their actions rooted within their consciousness, it leaves the door open for change at some point in time. From my own experience, consciousness calls us, some refuse to look, consider, contemplate that which comes, so you could say they are in a process of hardening their resistance to their higher self, becoming more disassociated from consciousness and reinforcing their identity and ego more and more. In time the consequences that come because of those actions may cause them to reconsider, and then again we dont know for sure that the consciousness will continue to strive at this forever, newageism teaches it goes on forever but I dont know that and there is no proof. So it is in ones best interest be open to what is given you through consciousness, if you can, without destroying its meaning and intention with your programing and belief, but i suspect that cant be avoided by those programed with false belief systems, at least until enough consequences have been endured to cause them to reconsider their position in life and begin to learn more about who and what they really are, and even that could be an impossibility. So in the end analysis, if you have an interest and desire to know more about who and what you are and what life and reality of life is about, consider yourself fortunate, and pursue it, contemplate it, listening to those who have self realized can help you to a large degree, but you have to know the difference those who are just wannabe guru's and those who have self realized. The only solution i have for all of this, is this, turn toward your own consciousness, spend as much time with it being still and quiet as possible, consciousness will speak to you, if you can hear. Begin to drop your beliefs, begin to examine your own programing. As you spend time with your consciousness in a conscious, present state of awareness, a cleansing will begin to take place of the programing and false belief automatically, just stay out of the way and let it happen, and by that i mean the identity and ego are in the back seat and your programing and belief isnt trying to tell you what it means. This process gets very confusing to those who have no idea what you are talking about when you talk about these things, but that cannot be helped, there seems to always be one or two or a small few who have the ability to stop, consider, ponder what you are saying with real interest, these are ready for change, those are the ones i cherish and give my time too primarily any more. You can only help those who are ready and willing to change.
I would agree that hypnosis will help those who are and function as the identity body. The physical body is a reflection of our energy body/consciousness, which means that what ever is created and has taken root in our consciousness will show up in the physical body as a consequence or reward of your actions. Many people become so attached to the pain body that their illness or disease completely destroys their physical body. They generally try every gimmick and gadget they can afford to try and heal symptoms of a problem, never touching the root cause which lies within their consciousness. I went to a lady's house yesterday who said she was disabled, i won't go into her problems but i was trying to help her understand some things about herself that would help her begin to heal. She is standing there with that light in the deer's eyes look and fidgeting with a bottle, and she looks up at me and says, I trust in the lord to take care of me, I said I used to be religious once myself, she says oh i'm not religious, i said i have to run, good luck to you and left. When you trust in things that aren't real, or things that you don't have the living evidence of, you are really making a fool out of yourself, and causing yourself great harm. When you believe nonsense that anyone tells you, you see on tv, you read in a book without having and real reason to accept it, you are creating a prison for yourself. The root cause of all humans problems and pain lies in their own consciousness. At this point i won't even talk to religious people, they have a belief system that you cannot penetrate, its a waste of your life, and i can already hear what many are thinking about this and want to say, I was a religious fanatic and nothing nor anyone could penetrate my false belief system, however no one had anything to do with my awakening, i had no one to teach me about awakening, or the aspects of awakening, the only thing i had was a desire to know more about myself and the world around me, but thankfully when my own consciousness would speak to me i didn't brush it off and cling to my beliefs, i pondered, contemplated what was given to me by my own consciousness, and it expanded and as time passed, more i learned from consciousness about myself and the world around me, once i got it, learning and personal growth began to speed up and began dropping as much of what i had learned as programing and belief as i could and as time passed dropping more and more. Your belief is never real, it is an assumption of knowledge, nothing more, and you will never awaken fully until you can embrace this, because it will imprison you in a place you wont be able to get out of for a very long time. So once again, the answers and solutions to our problems lies within our consciousness, and only those who make the shift from the identity to the being of consciousness will achieve self realization and liberation. I have been involved in talking in 2 or 3 chat rooms online for several years, generally 25-50 people, from that only a handful would or could hear what i was trying to define for them, most remained in a state of denial and confusion because of their own belief system. There are many that want to save the world but they never realized that they have to save or liberate themselves before they can really help anyone else. Opinions and beliefs mean absolutely nothing when confronted by reality, but then few ever touch reality or even have the opportunity to see it because of the mess they have created from their perception of things based on their programing and false belief. Excuses for failure will never bring liberation.
I would start off by being quiet, and turn toward your consciousness, and simply be quiet. forget all the rules, forget all the practices, just simply be quiet and experience your consciousness, spend some time with it, moment by moment, being conscious, aware and present in each moment with it, there is something there for you, if you are faithful to it and you stay with it, it will find you. What is progress in life, what are we trying to progress to, it seems that most see progress as achieving more and more wealth, gadgets, more things, better higher paying jobs, more toys, It seems like that most of the learning is nothing more than information gathering, that ends up creating programing and then programing becomes beliefs, and then the human being become stuck. Once you awaken, you begin to forget much of the nonsense you learned. The most important things for me was who am i really, what is this life inside of this body, how did i get here, did i exist before i took this body, what happens to the real me when my body dies, did i have something to do with the creation of my own body. how do you know when what you think you know is real, how do i justify my existence on this earth. There was a time i couldn't answer any of those things, now i can answer them all. Should not liberation from what has bound you in this world be the most important progress that one could make. When i leave this body i want to leave it in a conscious, aware, present state of being, free of the programing, false belief, and the fictitious identity that i created to exist here in and the desires of the flesh, unfulfilled desires is what will bring you back here again. To me the goal of progress is about self realization and liberation now, it wont happen after you leave the body and what you are you will take with you, so if you are still programed with a false belief system that controls you now, it will control you after you leave the body just as much as it has here, and it will bring you back here again because its still rooted in consciousness, some call it quantum memory but seems to me they are the same. All those questions that i ask myself, i suspect when you can answer them for yourself you will be well on the way to liberation. I hope there is something in there that can help you. OH and keep watching Leo's videos, if you do you will know when you are making that progress. If you dont understand them give it a little time, contemplate them, and wait, dont reject because you believe something else.