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Everything posted by charlie2dogs

  1. mystic, there was a time when i went through the same experiences, after awakening to the reality of who and what i am, all things change, i began to speak and act from a different place of being, and then i could do what i did, and speak from a place within with passion. Now i have no problem speaking or doing what i do, it is very liberating to experience life this way. The solution is within yourself, seek it there.
  2. most people have moments of oneness with the self, then its back to the identity, enlightenment or self realization is the ability to function as a being of consciousness not the identity. Maintaining that state of being is out of thequestion for those who function as the identity, because their programing, beliefs, ego, desires of the flesh, wont allow it.
  3. true reality can't be agreed upon, it is, the question is, can it be seen, and by who is doing the seeing, is it the identity, which is totally trapped in its false belief system or is it a being of consciousness. Even the experience of human identities means nothing because is based on a warped perception of everything. reality can only be experienced outside of the identity, programing and false belief, and it only occurs in the moment of life, and to those who are experiencing that moment in a conscious, aware, present state of being functioning as a being of consciousness, not a human being.
  4. As the life source (consciousness) within you awakens more and more from the dream, these things will pass, dont focus on giving up things, it isnt about giving up things, it about becoming whole again without the identity, ego, desires of the flesh. creating consequences. Spend time with and contemplate the source of life within yourself, it will expand and everything will change for you, you will adjust, it will feel like you are home after a long journey. Relax, enjoy the ride, you already are what you are seeking, the body will pass but the Iam that you are will continue on, in stillness feel the presence of the life source within you, experience it more and more, deeper and deeper until that is who you are, not the identity you think you are.
  5. human beings are trying to understand the realities of life, the world, and the universe around them, that is impossible, reality only exist in one place, and it isnt in the human mind, programed responses and their false belief system. Most humans have no idea how they got here, how their body was created, how the universe was created, but they have answers based on belief, belief is nothing real, it is merely an assumption of knowledge nothing more.
  6. Leo's life purpose course is for those whose consciousness has begun to awaken and has some desire to regain its original state of being as consciousness. To the rest it is only confusion in their minds as they apply their programed beliefs to everything. As long as you are the human identity you are functioning from programing and belief, and a warped perception of life, the world and universe around you.
  7. as a human being identity you have no free will, no choice, all choices and will is controlled by programing, false belief systems, and the warped perception that most hold of life. Having said that, the self realized being has a choice and can exercise will as a being of consciousness, however, a self realized being desires to stay in liberation so their choices keep them in the space of liberation as a being of consciousness and not the human identity.
  8. it is confusing to you because you function as a human identity, ego, desires of the flesh, rather than the being of consciousness that is your true state of being.
  9. do you really think its going to work out that way?
  10. another thing i want to add is this, men lack the ability to love, women are more loving by nature, but men have a lot of reasons for seeking a woman, and for the man often it is just infatuation or wanting sex, a lot of women get hurt because men are like that. A lot of women end up alone with children to raise by themselves or with the help of another man. Men by nature generally dont have real love to take to the relationship. I hope you will take the time to take a real good look at the nature of the man you become involved with, so that you wont be hurt in the process like many others. You have your whole life ahead of you look deeper inside of yourself, your help and guidance can come from there and it wont lead you astray, just take your time, often things will reveal themselves to you if given a little time , good luck
  11. it appears that the problem is not yours but his, you wanted it to be more, and he isnt responding . If he has been on line and did not respond to you it says a lot. He may be involved with someone else, or even more than one other. If his ego and confidence has no respect for you, its time for you to pull back and take a long look at things, You need to understand and know more about this guy because there is a problem for him to do you this way, in reality he may only be using you until he figures out what he wants and some men like several women. You dont sound naive, but it is easy for younger women to be very naive in relationships. If he isnt giving you love and respect, communication, there is something else going on. Detach from it and see where it goes. A word of advice if the man you want to be with dont respect you, openly show you love, communicate with you on all levels of your being, he is going to hurt you. You are better off by yourself at peace than be in a disturbing unfulfilling relationship.
  12. why would an awakened being want to debate with belief systems, they dont. when you have living experience of your core being, there is nothing to debate.
  13. When consciousness awakens to the point that it realizes that it has attached itself to the identity to the degree, that it has gotten lost on the identity, it will provide the motivation needed to move forward toward liberation from the identity to function as the consciousness that it is. To motivate the identity is a cat of a different color, motivating the identity requires a great deal of desire on the part of the human identity to see change, but that is an indication that consciousness is still lost or deeply attached to the identity, rather than the consciousness that it is.
  14. Jevin would you like to elaborate on those kinky things for us, so we can understand what you really mean
  15. Most all people are programed with a false belief system, them realizing these things for many is an impossibility when these things are occurring in their lives, the question one should ask is, what makes the human being begin to question these actions, what is it that enables the human being to begin to change. when these two things are fully understood the change will have already occurred and you will have the experience and understanding of it which is real knowledge.
  16. most of what is talked about concerning these things are being spoken from the identity and ego. Trying to rationalized matters of self realization from identity is a complete failure from the start for the most part because it is generally based on programing, beliefs, and assumptions. The solution is to fully understand what self realization is, and that cannot be done by the identity, however that being said, if the consciousness is beginning to awaken in the human being, it may observe what a self realized being is doing or trying to show him or her as the identity, or through some new realization, often though the consciousness is so programed with nonsense that has taken root in the identity of the human being that what is attempting to be taught is over rode by programing and false beliefs, however if the consciousness has begun to awaken, it will have an affect that may in time cause more awakening to the point that consciousness desires complete liberation from the identity and ego, programing and belief. When that happens and self realization is attained by consciousness, it will seem like there has been a sort of disconnect from the identity whereby consciousness functions as the being that it truly is without the influence of the identity and ego. There are many misconceptions about self realization, love, meditation and what is real personal growth, these things generally are rationalized as the identity and its ego and the desires of the identity. Love is a state of being, not an act performed, and that state of being is the self realized being, the identity will always seek to satisfy its desires and ego. meditation is used primarily as a relaxation by most, and they arent even aware of it. The highest reward of meditation is that it enables one to move from the identity functioning unconsciously in life to a being of consciousness, functioning in a conscious, present, aware being functioning in the moments of life, the only place that life can be lived and the only place that reality can be seen, and the only place where there is any choice, and even that choice as a self realized being is very limited as the consciousness at that point want to be in a state of liberation therefore any choices made will be made so as to remain in a space of liberation. Personal growth is the identity going through changes, it is not self realization, self realization is consciousness awakening unto itself and detaching from the identity to a large degree so that it can function as a self realized being. Understanding these things will make a huge difference, but they will not be understood by the identity because the identity cannot experience them. It has to be experienced from another place, and that is of your core being which is consciousness. There is much much more to this than is generally seen, however if your consciousness is awakening to any degree and having some new realization, while it is fresh, embrace it, contemplate it if at all possible and it will grow and expand within consciousness. Be still, be quiet, and be with the life force within, just simply experience it, forget about stilling the mind you are never going to do that, you have too much rooted in your consciousness, forget about everything just experience your core being, it will do the rest of the work when it becomes your home once again rather than the identity. In this space of being you are home, it is an all powerful, all knowing, being that created your identity, physical body, the little world around you and even your universe that you observe as a human identity, as a being of consciousness you are the universe.
  17. Happy birthday Leo,
  18. science is a framework it has its limitations, scientist are human beings with egos and desires just like anyone else, scientist is not some group of self realized beings, much of science is old, outdated thinking. Quantum physic is bringing more reality to those who are open minded. For years i couldnt understand the experiences that i was going through, then i got into the study of quantum physics and then i began to understand what has really happened to me. If you want to move ahead in your own growth, drop the belief system, examine your programing, and consider that everything you have ever known is coming from a warped perception of yourself and the world around you, the identity with its ego will never experience reality. Reality is only seen by those who have transitioned from a human being to a being of consciousness, there are no exceptions to this rule and yes it is an absolute, but it can only be understood as such after the transition, until then its only beliefs and assumptions of knowledge.
  19. the short answer is, discover the real you, the rest will take care of itself
  20. My first question always is why are you meditating? What are you trying to accomplish? What does meditation really mean? And lastly has meditation really done you any good outside of a relaxation exercise?
  21. there is a huge misconception about relationships. Most who enter a relationship are not ready for one. Most do not have the necessary tools to take to the relationship to make it work. So what we have is two people out of their own loneliness coming together to make a play called love. When love isnt taken to the relationship, it has failed already its just a matter of when. What is love? is it just some emotional feeling? I submit that Love is a state of being, and that state of being is not possessed by the identity and its ego when functioning in an unconscious manner in life. Most humans beings dont qualify for a relationship. Most people think love is some emotional act that you perform to show that you love. Love is not an act performed, it is a state of being, that requires some degree of self realization. It is only possible to be love when you function as a being of consciousness in an conscious, present state of awareness. The identity will never achieve that, it will only continue to create more failed relationships. And when you experience the realness of your own being you no longer have this feeling of loneliness that drives you to these relationships. You actually discover that love is not something that you need, and that means you wont be acting out of a place of loneliness or desperation but rather from a place of choice. Most will say that everyone needs love, that is not true, it is only a thought that comes from the identity because of the desires of the flesh, a self realized being does not need to be loved, because they are love.
  22. this is very good advice for any young person or even an older person.
  23. seems the desires of the identity has captured your attention
  24. I agree with philip you need help and from outside this forum, you need professional help, and the sooner the better