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Everything posted by charlie2dogs
charlie2dogs replied to Parki's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you said: How can you speed up the learning process as much as humanly possible without teaching me anything? Find the real part of yourself and experience it as much as you can. -
your body needs certain things to function properly, and constructively. You need a certain amount of good food, a certain amount of exercise and a certain amount of rest or sleep, if you are going to function in a constructive way with some degree of clarity. Is your job important, do you want to do a good job at what you are doing, then you need to meet the requirements above. Your project can use the spare time, if there is any, and if not then take care of what is important first because if you dont take care of what is important you are going to make a mess.
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the only real thing about you is consciousness, there is no sub conscious, what you have is things that became rooted within your consciousness, including desires of the identity and ego, some that you can recall some that you cant. Many of these things arise in the waking process. If you are experiencing that real part of you in a real way, when these things arise before you, simply observe, nothing more, dont give a great deal of attention to it or grasp on to it, just look. Some things that you have done in your past cannot be changed, but you can see the reality of what happened and why. In the process you may learn that it created consequences for you. The thing to do now is to learn from it , see the reality of it and let it go. If it is something that is affecting your life now, then spend some time looking and contemplating it, embrace it and make the change necessary to liberate yourself from it. This has to be done from within consciousness, not the identity body and ego. When we make changes to move us toward liberation, in affect we have forgiven ourself for those things that created problems and consequences for us and it allows for the cleansing of our consciousness. The most important thing in all of this is to function as the being of consciousness that you truly are , and not the identity with its ego, then you will see all things clearly, and consciousness itself will do the cleansing and liberating. and by functioning as a being of consciousness , you can pass through these things in a state of peace
Enjoy the space of this, be patient, something will arise, that will draw your attention to it, just enjoy the space of your own beingness until it does. There is no supposed to be, the real you inside will take good care of you, allow it to live you instead of the identity. i dont call myself and atheist , but what i say is im not a believer, that means i dont believe anything, it is either living experience or its belief, belief has nothing to do with experience, understanding or knowledge. The source of life is within you.
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Hating your boss, isnt something to brag about, you were given a job. If you didnt like the job or the boss why not simply give a weeks notice and leave quietly and peacefully, rather than doing this in a pretty impulsive way without any plan. It would have been much better, for everyone concerned, and there is a possibility that one day you may want a job some place and little things like this can come back to bite you in the azz. You did not free yourself you just blew off some steam from what i gathered from what you said, and ran away. I understand that you are a young person and you have to learn but when you put it out there for others to responsd some of us will respond and tell you that you screwed up and that it was childish.
this is not about giving up things, its about becoming a different kind of being other than a human identity that lies and deceives, when you function from your true state of being, these things dont happen, so the objective isnt to give up everything its to become a new kind of being, hopefully one that is self realized.
yes, look at several vids, find one that you feel comfortable with, and dont try to go too fast, don't over exert yourself and you will be fine
what controls your life is what you have allowed to take root within your consciousness, its called quantum memory or karma, the body is a replication of consciousness, sickness and disease starts in consciousness and is reproduced in the physical body
there is no subconscious, it is called that because most have had no real experience with their consciousness, it is only consciousness, it may seem like a sub conscious but in reality it doesnt exist, and when you have a deep enough experience with consciousness this understanding will be there.
There is only one way to provide for the future, if there is one. What does future mean, it speaks of something that doesn't exist. The evolution of human consciousness has only evolved up to this moment that i strike these keys. However 95% of humans spend 95% of their lives living in that time that doesn't exist or memories of the past, and neither exist. Yes and they tell us we learn from the past, but do we really, what are we learning that is causing an authentic evolution of human consciousness. Why is there so few in every generation that becomes self realized. If there is no future and the only thing that exists is the moment of NOW, then the moment of now is the creator for the next moment of NOW if one should arise. How we function in the NOW will dictate what follows when and if the next moment comes, whether it will be joy, happiness, wellness, or sickness, pain, misery and consequences. All sickness and disease is self created. Before sickness and disease can grip the body, it first is created in consciousness, and then the physical body replicates what is in consciousness. When one goes to the doctor to heal a sickness and disease, the doctor and the patient are dealing with symptoms of a greater problem, not the root causes. When the root cause isn't healed it will become a symptom somewhere else in the body. Cleansing must begin in consciousness in order for wholeness. The thought process of most is simply a system of programing and false belief that they gathered from others, tv, books, video's which in turn creates a warped perception of life and the world around the individual, so they become stuck in the holographic world of the identity body, with a warped thinking process. The only real part of you cannot be seen, will not be seen leaving the body by others, but it is the creator of all you know and see including your physical body. You are the product of the evolution of your consciousness up to this moment. Functioning as the holographic identity body with its desires of the flesh and ego, will create a world of problems, pain and misery for yourself and others, and just because things seem to be going well doesn't mean that it isn't a true statement. Your works will find you out. Your thought process can set you free or imprison you. Choose your thoughts well, the mind is a garden, tend and cultivate it well, or it will produce thorns and weeds, and all of this will depend on your own ability to understand these things and apply them in your own life. There are no accidents in life, it is all created, either with intention as an aware being of consciousness, or functioning as an unconscious human being in life. Rationalizing these things as the identity won't produce what liberates, it requires the living experience of these things from the real part of you, consciousness. I know many of you understand these things, but most young people have not understood these things nor are able to live in a way to bring about wholeness, joy, peace, happiness in life. You don't start out in life with all the answers, your answers will change as you live life and function as the identity. It is only when one awakens to the reality of who and what they are, and what that means in relation to this worldly existence that peace and harmony can be achieved. There is nothing like knowing, not thinking that you are the creator of everything around you and you hold the power within yourself to be a happy, secure, peaceful, loving, productive being. Success in this physical world is measured by money, material possessions for the most part, but what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and never enter the kingdom of his own being, living with love, peace, joy, and happiness, liberated from fictitious identity and its holographic world of consequences?
At 16 years old, your understanding and ability to grasp new ideas is limited by the level of your own consciousness, but if the desire is there and you can pursue it, your consciousness will expand more rapidly, it will awaken faster, and that is what this is all about, your own consciousness awakening to its true state of being. It is not normal for a 16 year old to have these interest, so by you having these interest is a very good sign. Czarkovsky mentioned Alan Watts, Watts is great to listen to, i remember years ago, i recorded Watts and would listen as i would hike for miles most days. you cant go wrong there, and there are others, the real objective here is to discover who and what you really are. At this point you may think you are the body but you are much more than the body and that is what you are seeking in becoming self realized is to realize your true nature and state of being versus being a human being with a body, and being able to function from the real you, rather than the body with its desires and ego. Spending time contemplating this one thing will cause your consciousness to expand much faster than many of those around you. Spend time with your inner core being, the real part of yourself, if the desire is there to awaken it will take you where you need to go. One thing i would caution you on, dont just become programed by other peoples ideas, thoughts, methods, practices, don't form beliefs about things, keep it real, beliefs are nothing more than building walls around you that might take ages to overcome. allow your core being to guide, educate you, and give you security, it can provide all you need to achieve self realization. Also there are many here on the site that can provide new ideas and help about things and issues that may arise.
Often it take years of experience, failures, pain, misery to understand the questions you are asking like (What are characteristics of a healthy and balanced relationship that enables growth in both partners) I am looking at what you have written and thinking this young person, has something that many young people dont have, If you are asking these questions now and you can arrive at the right answers to these questions, it may mean that you could have that great relationship that few have, if, the other party is ready for that same kind of relationship, the question is will you know if that party is ready. It would be easy enough for me to answer your questions, but given your line of thought here, you need to contemplate these things within yourself, examine yourself deeply, question whether you have the qualities within yourself that can provide a real, meaningful relationship with another. Do you have the ability to see the other on a level other than the physical level, any relationship will only last as long as the two can grow together, otherwise its only for a season and a reason and then they are gone. A real relationship takes place on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level of both parties beingness, with each having the ability to see the other on a deeper level. The answers you need are within yourself, but as you seek these answers keep and eye on the ego and desires of the flesh, that might hinder you arriving at the right answers for that relationship you speak about.
It depends on the inner nature of the man, for some few they will forgive and forget, but that is not the norm, many do hold resentment and never forget and will throw it up in your face when it suits their purpose. Men change as they age, but at any age it will all hinge on his true nature and state of being, some men never grow up. A man will reveal a lot to you in the way he speaks to you, how he acts toward and around you, by what is important to him, how he treats others, how he treats pets and animals, is he connecting with you on the emotional, mental, and physical levels of your being, is his communication something that he is really into or just some talk, you just have to be wise enough to read the signs. Most young people never see these things because they are just experiencing infatuation, young people dont have the experience, knowledge, and insight into these things to be able to have a fruitful relationship early on, The first thing you should understand is, what is real love, how does it behave, and does both parties have the necessary tools to take to the relationship to make it work or is it just going to be a play of love coming from two lonely people who feel they need someone in their life. Relationships that come from a deeper level of being, require no forgiveness, require no words, the connection between the two is so strong that all communication can happen through the eyes, touch and energy of each other, in this there is oneness, and what is a relationship without oneness?
take some time, be patient, in the space of your true beingness , there is no stress, no pain, no sorrow , just peace.
I appreciate your response Henri, and yes surrendering, i think is the final step. I agree on the one goal many ways.
it is apparent by your statements here that you didnt understand much, if anything i said, at least on a level that will contribute to personal growth. If and when you understand it, the answers you want from me you will find in what i said for yourself. What i wrote is not subject to debate, Your whole post is nothing more than a criticism of something you couldnt even understand that i wrote, so it would be fruitless, to give you another piece to do the same with. Your text was not about understanding or learning something, it was just purely a criticism, I don't and won't play games with human identities and ego and i dont want to participate in nonsense on the site, if what i wrote is of no value to you, simply ignore it and move on with your own life. you said: there are people that come to this site genuinely seeking help and I don't want them wasting their time or hurting themselves because of unbalanced views and advice. and who are you to decide this for yourself, i will take note of how many have your attitude, so far no one other than you has had a problem with what i wrote, maybe because some of them are awakening, learning and growing and looking for answers and help. If you are concerned about unbalanced views and advice you should spend some time with your response. Now please dont waste your time, mine or the forums with more nonsense.
ok ty for the reply
you didnt provide enough choices, i cast my vote for this: life isnt about changing, its about your core being living life, not the identity.
what a breath of fresh air, revives ones inner being
honestly you are putting too much into this. you are thinking too much, you are putting limitations on this process, its not about seeking its about being, simply experiencing the core of your being, which is the most important thing you will ever do in this lifetime, to begin to apply all that you have learned so far, only takes away from the experience i am trying to show you. If you can let those things go for a while and just experience your core being without ideas and thoughts, the thoughts will come but you dont have to entertain them, let them pass and stay with the experience of your core being, i hope this helps .
i just started a new topic, check it out, it is ( are you serious about self realization) I ask the question to see where you are in your growth.
Emilio the shortest, most direct way of achieving self realization, which will bring peace, joy, and happiness to your life is this. Meditation far as i am concerned is outdated, misused, and accomplishes little except for relaxation for the individual. I learned the hard way on my own about self realization for the most part, so i will give you what worked for me and it will work for you, but it hinges on you. Instead of practicing meditation, in the beginning, just spend a short period of time 10-20 minutes, being still, being quiet, and in that space connect with your core being, the source of life within yourself. Experience it, feel it, become one with it as much as possible. that is all you need to do, nothing more, do this often, dont try to spend hours doing it , that isnt constructive, 10 minutes of oneness with your core being is worth more than hours of meditation practice. As time passes this will grow on you and you will feel this presence more and more until you will be able to experience that state of being as you live your daily life, be open, to its guidance, knowledge, it has everything you need to achieve liberation. If i can be of help let me know.
you are most welcome, mystic, yogi is great for you, stay with it, in your meditation, try this, have no purpose for the meditation, don't try to still the mind as that isn't going to happen like you may have been told, but just sit quietly, and still in the beginning, and be with the life force that is in and around your body, just be one with it and that's it. There will be no stress there. Don't try to do it for long periods of time, just a few minutes but really be one with the source of your being. As time passes something will happen within yourself, and after a while you can experience this place of being as you go about your daily activities, for now anytime you sense a feeling of stress, take 2 minutes, 5 what ever you have and do the same. When stress arises in the body, it is because you are giving your attention to something that is creating stress. Immediately upon sensing the beginning of the stress, start training yourself to move your attention to something pleasant, something beautiful and peaceful. You can do that by being still with your core being or even by putting your attention on something in your life that you really love or something that means a great deal to you, The stress will immediately begin to subside and go away, it is only there because you are giving something attention that is stressing your body. I have helped several people with stress by this way of doing things it will work for you. I will do some work for you also, just be open to it, and work with what i gave you here, you will overcome i promise you.
can i ask you why you are meditating, what is the purpose of it
may i ask where you got this from