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Everything posted by charlie2dogs

  1. if you were existing and functioning in the moment of life this nonsense that is running through you head wouldnt be there.
  2. and in this world today, the way it is moving, your relatives may be right, often young people are very naive about things, they think things wont affect them, older people have already traveled the road you will have to tread, and it is far more dangerous today than it ever has been at least here in this country for young women and even boys, and even older people, a lot of young people think they know, and haven't even begun to learn. many young people could have saved themselves a lot of pain by listening to those who endured the pain before them, but it doesn't mean a lot until you touch that hot stove, then you understand.
  3. evolution of your consciousness is the permanent cure, living in the moment, staying out of the past and the future will help. start looking at what got you this way.
  4. what does being an outrageous person, and using petty words got to do with self awareness,
  5. human beings need self development, a few achieve enlightenment.
  6. the most meaningful purpose of meditation for those that need it, is to connect you with the real part of you that is giving your body life, thereby allowing for liberation from the identity body and all its limitations. humans use meditation for a variety of reasons and that is ok as the human identity needs all the help it can get to deal with life as the human identity.
  7. how do you let go of something that is deeply rooted in your consciousness, and how much stuff is rooted in there that needs to be let go of. this stuff could have been accumulating for ages in your consciousness, do you think you have enough time to work through every issue rooted in your consciousness that may be affecting this physical life for you as the human identity. have you ever wondered how a few yogi's, masters, sages liberate themselves from all that nonsense that allows for a state of liberation. the answer to all of this is not to struggle with each little piece rooted within your consciousness but to liberate yourself from it by becoming a self realized being, where you no longer have to deal with those issues, those issues are holding you because you as a human identity are holding them. spend more time with that part of you that gives your body life, the answer to all these things is there, its not out here in the physical world.
  8. mantras are programing, anything that is repeated over and over and over is programing. the human identity is already programed, programing over programing is ok for the human identity, it needs to do everything it can to help itself. but programing isnt the answer to becoming a liberated being. liberation is about cleansing the consciousness of the programing and false belief system not trying to cover it up or reprogram it. having said that it could help a human being overcome issues, or to move in a different direction.
  9. what do you hope to gain from doing it if i may ask,
  10. dont worry you wont become a cow, so what did you learn from the video.
  11. you become enlightened by being the core of your being, functioning as the core of your being. i have several times talked about 2 key things that will allow your consciousness to expand, one is to be still and quiet, and experience the life source within you, and two practice being in the moment in a complete state of present awareness within the moment within your core being. These two things will get you closer than anything else you can do. there is another but this work has to come first. it is not something you visit occasionally, you wear it as a permanent state of being.
  12. when you dont know, you have to figure why you dont know and what do you do to know, or you keep running in circles with all the levels, paths, journeys, teachings, religions, philosophies, doctrines, practices, and still may never know.
  13. when you said i do not know was the right answer, i give you credit for that
  14. these ideas are fine for human beings working on self improvement. did you ever consider that personal growth may never lead you to enlightenment? a self realized being does not have to address all these issues of personal growth, do you know why?
  15. what is the difference in a human being and a self realized being
  16. these kind of comments are totally uncalled for,
  17. stay with it a little while, let me know how it is going from time to time. it would be best to not label the core in any way, just experience it, i may have a practice for you but i want you to work with what you are doing right now.
  18. hey bud, its because most of what most people are doing has nothing to do with becoming enlightened. its only about personal growth, and personal growth is fine, but that dont mean it will lead to enlightenment
  19. you could become enlightened in a moment without any books without any meditation, you have this idea about how you have to do all these things to become enlightened., they are only a distraction and they get boring , dont they? ever wonder why?
  20. all the books in the world wont make you enlightened, meditation does little for most other than is a form of relaxation, when you say you will focus on enlightenment what does that me, explain it to me.
  21. when things take root in your consciousness, it creates a problem for you, in the past i have experienced this. It can get so bad that you cant sleep, it will invade everything you are doing. The only way i have found to rid yourself of it is you have to focus on something else and you have to do it every time it comes up, the best way is to record something that is enjoyable, whether it be music or a speaker, but you have to take a few days to work with this, when you let go, it will let go, but as long as you hold on to it, it is going to hold on to you.
  22. jevin, you are functioning as the human identity, and i understand that you can only see things a certain way. Yes you can go about flaunting your ego, as the human identity and in doing that you will create a lot of consequences for yourself and others. in doing that you will accumulate more quantum memory that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. and there will be a point where you wont say ( if you are wounded so be it) because it aint only about you being wounded, you will wound others in the process. You are not going to systematically destruct the ego, that is a bad dream, the human identity has no power over the ego, nor will it ever. at this point you have no choice to do anything other than what you are doing, the only question left is will there come a time when you actually begin to awaken from the dream in a way that will bring change to your life, your thinking process, your actions, your speech, change to everything. as the human identity you have to power to awaken yourself, and many will say, well whats the use of me doing anything, which is another sign that they are not ready awaken. you are looking in the wrong place like 99.999 percent of human beings. I understand, been there done it. how is that monster business working out
  23. you dont deal with them, you dont make them a part of your life, and you do have a choice, you are just not making it for whatever reason.