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About charlie2dogs

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  1. i have never trolled on this site maybe the problem is with you
  2. you havent experienced self realization, there is no check list to tell you if you are self realized, self realization is not a feeling, yes it is permanent, who told you that all you have to do is go with the flow of things and be in the present moment to be enlightened or self realized? the human identity hasnt experienced the present moment. when you are talking about self actualization you are not talking about enlightenment or self realization, there is no connection between them. the only thing that might connect them would be some newage thinking.
  3. if you want to have higher energy during the day, eat smaller meals more often, like eat something every couple hours, doesnt have to be a lot, it will help maintain the energy and be sure to eat the right foods in the process
  4. can i ask just what is it that you are accepting about yourself?
  5. let me see if i get this right, you dont want to get an education, or work, you just want to spend time on a blog online, and you want to live a truly tribal simple lifestyle, i think you are very young and foolish at this point.
  6. this post shows your lack of maturity, maybe the consequences you create with your nonsense and time will help you and then again maybe nothing will.
  7. fix your own life and let others fix their own, its not your job, sounds like you want to impose your ego over someone else's
  8. im going to help you now by telling you that your expectation are wrong, and will be wrong. Let me put your mind at ease, when you self realize you wont miss it, you will know, you wont have to question it, or try to rationalize it, you will know. It will be like going from darkness to daylight.
  9. suffering doesnt exist for the self realized, you suffer because you are and function as the human identity being.
  10. mal the ego is programing and false belief, the matrix is the collective consciousness of planet earth, and most everything is controlled by that collective consciousness or matrix through programing and false belief. and yes most all human interaction is programing, and yes it is possible for the human being to exist and not live under programing and false belief, but it has to be cleansed from consciousness in order to do that. the human identity cant cleanse the consciousness, but the awakened consciousness will cleanse itself without hard work or struggle , it simply dissolves and flows away from consciousness once awakened. As i have said before we can help this process, instead of being caught up in all the nonsense, we can give time to contemplating things of importance, like you are doing now, that kind of work and seeking out the life force within will cause consciousness to awaken much faster, and it will create change in you as the human identity, preparing you for the self realization of your consciousness which will bring change to you as the human identity, but the human identity will be the secondary carrying out the will of the awakened consciousness or being of consciousness. functioning has then shifted from the identity being to the being of consciousness.
  11. suffering is created from the nonsense that has taken root in your consciousness, the consequences of that and your actions, your resistance to what is. and functioning as the unconscious human identity.
  12. what do you do when you look for enlightenment for a year? what do you expect it to be like if you ever find it?
  13. you have never seen reality as the human identity, all this stuff you talked about you accepted as programing then made a belief system out of it, now you are trapped, and you can't find your way out of the trap, you are running in circles trying this, trying that, trying to make sense of things, trying this teaching or that teaching or practice hoping for results but you havent found the escape hatch out of the matrix, you had the answer all along but you can't see it because of the programing and false belief.
  14. if he was enlightened, he would have said this: when you as consciousness evolve to complete self realization you will experience what is called enlightenment, now what are you doing to cause this greater awakening, are you playing some religious or newage game of practices, meditations, philosophies, trying all these paths and trying out all the newage teachers and gurus on the net? but going no place, but getting more frustrated because no one seems to understand enlightenment or how to get there. you are looking in the wrong place for the wrong thing.