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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. @Monkey-man Good feelings is where the journey starts. Kundalini will help open any blocked chakras especially the heart. Once the navel, heart, and crown are cleared I can get about 6 hours of persistent nondual awareness. It’s beautiful but it doesn’t happen everyday. 

    If you have an active kundalini you will get spontaneous kriyas. This lady knows what’s up. It can sometimes look like this for me. And no it doesn’t hurt, it feels great. It’s like the devil (I) is leaving the body. The more you let go and let it do its thing the better. 

    Mute the sound

    Here is a video of my energetic releases. This was recorded after a huge purge so it doesn’t look as intense. I’m kinda hesitant on filming the real deal haha. But this lady in the video above is what a full purge or opening of chakras can look like for some people. 


  2. @Monkey-man Yes it’s kundalini. Mine awakened when I was horniest I have ever been in the middle of a 10 day meditation retreat. It happened in a dark meditation cell where my fantasy went full blown and I was consumed by sexual energy. I nearly physicaly ejaculated without touching anything. You just got to hold it in and feel it in.

    @Shin If it made your body feel good than that’s a god sign. Kundalini to me is all about tuning into the good feelings in your body. With a spark it will slowly build and build.

  3. @LiakosN Yes! It's not some New Age hippie dippie BS. For me it's fusing the feminine and masculine energy within me. Merging them together, or better yet making love to myself without actually physically touching anything during meditation. Breathe deeply into the sexual energy in the hips, let it completely consume you without resistance. Then you will know when the time is right when to breathe it up, up your back and out the top of your head. 

    How would you describe it @LiakosN ?

  4. @Leo Gura Yes so true. Be prepared for some heavy ego-backlash! anicca...Aniccaa...ANICCAAA! 

    I seriously think Vipassana is one of the best ways to awaken ones kundalini, but the trick is to focus on the good sensations (opposite of vipassana technique) + semen retention. Sexual energy + quiet concentrated mind awakened my kundalini in the pagoda at a vipassana retreat, and I've read others awakening there's too during a retreat. 


  5. Even though you can't watch it from your position in "consciousness" as the "rider", the "elephant" dominant part of the brain will be working steadily and continuously, on re-configuring to align more with this understanding in the "non/sub/un-consciousness".  

    This is a strong validation for your practices which are all about letting go/surrender, whether they are self-inquiry, or letting go of attachments, etc.  In the end it is all about surrendering everything to Universal Consciousness/She, and totally letting go of any sense of "doership", or "achievement", or "control" or "free will". 

    i found that the more i let go, the more i was held and supported, to my great surprise...when i totally surrendered everything, without reservation or exception, then i was totally held. 

    Wonderful progress is happening...just surrender into it.


    - Gary Weber

  6. @Shin LOL make sure you make love to yourself on the way (shooting it up the spine of course :))

    @pluto yeah mine popped in the middle of a vipassana retreat. I was so lost in desire during meditation I said screw it I’m gonna me love to my feminine side right here and right now. Once the desire fell it instantly supercharged my sits. That root chakra though, it still needs work haha