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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. Isn't trying to reach enlightenment actually taking you further from it? Like coming in full circles, only to realize that there was no one to be enlightened in the first place. (Passing through the gateless gate) . Meditating to reach someplace or to achieve or gain is only reinforcing the illusion that "I" exist, no? Presupposing a non-existing thing? 

    I do believe it is important to meditate or seek to find out what you are not, but then after that,....? Beliefs of that you are Absolute Awareness doesn't really cut it because you still feel as though you are stuck in a body at some moments. 


    A bit confused, some advises would clarify, feel free. 


  2. I've read and have experienced myself that if I add too much fruit, the initial high is great, but the crash in upon me. Therefore, I've been only adding half a slice of apple and the rest greens. But it may be the different case here since I'm juicing and not blending cause blending still has all the fibers which gives it time for your body to digest and not like juicing where it gets absorbed within 10 mins. 

  3. On 5/9/2016 at 5:56 AM, SaynotoKlaus said:

    I just realized why choosing a life purpose doesn't motivate me almost at all , and i always tend to go back to my addictions.

    I was thinking about something that i don't remember anymore , and at some point i reached the conclusion that i like being addicted. "Why do i like being addicted?" i asked myself - "Because it gives me purpose". The more i think about it , the more convinced i am this is true. When i am obsessed with whatever , even though i have this persistent shitty feeling that i am powerless , i also feel secure in a way. It's like i always have something there for me , i am never wandering aimlessly.

    The easy answer to this is that i should find the greatest goal i can think of , and set that to be my purpose. But the problem with this is that thinking of an ideal is a very abstract thing , and because of this it doesn't motivate me that much. For example when i think of an addiction i have tons of images and good feelings associated with it. Actually i don't even have to think of it , thoughts related to it pop up all the time in my mind. They are also very accessible , i can start doing these addicting  things right now , if i want to. They sure feel very real , hard to ignore.

    A noble purpose doesn't feel real. All i can come up with is some abstract images in my head. For example if i think of me being rich , i just see myself dressed well , living in some cool house and having big numbers in my bank account. If i think of enlightenment , i just imagine myself sitting and meditating , while i'm content with everything. And that's it.

    I can come up with the best ideas of what i can do with my life , but it doesn't help me that much. I have no idea how these things that i want feel , all i have are some blurry , short dreams. I can't even keep them in my mind until the next day.

    How can some people come up with these big goals that they hang on to and use them to achieve great things?

    How can you make a powerful visualization of something that you don't even know how it really is?

    Life purpose is something you feel from the inside. When one gets the bigger picture after doing some soul searching. 

    How about helping others relief some degree of suffering in their lives? 

    What motivates me is that I want to defend the bigger picture. To live up to my values.  That we are all essentially One, and that the only thing separating us are beliefs, egos, and fears. I "choose" to be an example of the light force, whatever that means to me. 

    I recommend watching this video from Leo:

    Also a really cool concept that I love:


  4. @Psychonaut That's quite of a leap there, but there's nothing really wrong with that. Try to add 10 min increments every week or every other week. Most importantly, feel if your meditation sessions are being taking seriously. Quality over quantity is true. Stay focused my brother and don't expect results to come too quick as that's just a projection of the mind. *Aim for quality focused meditation sessions (try strong determination sittings) while accepting the present moment as it is, good or bad whatever that means to you. Being grateful and slow progression is the way :) 


    "Practice diligently and persistently" as Goenka (Vipassana teacher) would say. 

  5. On 5/9/2016 at 4:17 PM, Marcin said:

    Yesterday I had my first attempt. I failed after 12 minutes. I stopped because I felt quite strong pain in my lower back and I was afraid that I can hurt myself (I guess because chair's back support was hard and straight - not fitting S-shape of backbone)

    Today I tried it again on more comfortable chair very similar to this one: https://cdn3.mebelkart.com/220-thickbox/computer-workstation-chair-medium-back.jpg

    I managed to sit for whole 60 minutes. Anyway I am disappointed because this activity wasn't very demanding and I don't feel like I did something big or make some progress.

    I had some itches here and there, some pain in my chest which were lasting for different periods of time (from few seconds to few minutest). But they were average and not forcing me to stop.

    I felt more emotional torture (boredom) than physical. After I finished meditation I didn't feel any different than before meditation. I was disappointed because of this.

    Here are things that I think I could do wrong:

    I wasn't moving except: blinking, deeper breaths, swallowing saliva.

    From time to time I was doing deep breaths (my chest and shoulders were moving)

    During swallowing saliva very often my jaw and tongue were moving.


    Do you think I did something wrong or my expectations are too high?


    Well remember that it takes progress in order to really feel that conscious traction. This is I'm guessing your first strong determination sitting. 

    The moment you are EXTREMELY bored out of your mind is the MOMENT that you make the biggest shifts in awareness. Stick with it and remember that you won't die. Everything will pass; boredom, pain, and pleasure will all eventually pass. "Anitcha" as Buddhists call it, The Law of Impermanence as everything changes like nature intends. 

    If you want to accelerate your progression, try doing 30mins with back support and 30min without. In this you will built stronger equanimity and tolerance to pain. Basically, the more shitstorm gets thrown at you without you reacting to it, the more you progress. 

  6. Name: Justin Song
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    Occupation: Currently work part-time delivering disgusting food (Postmates). Personal Development Full Time
    Marital Status: Single
    Kids: No
    Hobbies: Personal Development, Enlightenment, Meditation, Spouting Seeds, Gardening, Nature, and Meeting Like Minded Folks, Plant Medicine, Raw Food Eating, 

    I spent 4 years studying Civil Engineering at a Uni when one day I had a quarter life crisis realizing that this career had nothing to do with my life purpose but of my peers. I paused the program and dove full on into personal development and getting my own issues straight before starting out anything in my life. Had a past of horrible anxiety and panic attacks due to severe acne in highschool. I was assisted out of that hole with the assist of magic mushrooms (as it reminded me to love and accept myself fully and unconditionally), from there I have been some sort of self help addict and I'm quite in Love with Life. Being able to feel more free as I get more into enlightenment and nonduality is a feeling like no other. Fears of death, failure, and disappointing anybody on this planet is not an issue to even consider anymore (as there are no selves and never were). 

    Personal challenges I've overcome:

    Reducing heavy social anxiety and awkwardness 

    Juicing every morning 

    Healthier diet (almost Raw and Vegetarian) 

    More exercise

    Hesitating taking this path (Now full on and excited :D)

    Deeper connection with other individuals with ease

    To Live up to my values

    Meditating everyday for an hour

    To Be more and Do less

    What I'm working on now:

    Mastering awareness and more self inquiry

    Applying to a Life Coaching Program

    Learn more about business and entrepreneurship

    To Work Smarter and not Harder

  7. @Nic I had the opportunity to go to an event called GeoParadise Tribal Gathering in Panama this February. It was an 18 day gathering that included 13 days of ceremonies and the last 5 days of music. This event welcomes dozens of indigenous tribes mainly from South America where they can reintroduce and share a little bit of their culture to us, whether it being through their music, food, shamanism (plant medicine), and philosophy. My main interest being in shamanism, the location had a couple of designated areas for ceremonies to take place. Had the opportunity to experience multiple plant medicine offerings with shamans that dedicate their life to this path. There was a shaman in Peru that was 97 years old, and this dude had a full set of hair lol. Anyway, I would recommend you checking out this event next year if shamanism is what you're into and want to be exposed to multiple tribes at one location. 


    Watching the documentary now and wow at 24:30 talks about how our mind perceives less than 10% of the actual reality itself and 90% of mind's labels, judgments, behaviors, and habits. haha and I just watched Leo's video on How The Mind Distorts Reality. Too perfect. 

  8. I just finished watching... wow

    "If you perceive reality as it is you will discover that there are no problems in reality. Every problem that you have is a fabrication of your mind" 

    Ex. Parents get cancer and dies and whatever meaning I assign to their death that also a mental projection. Trying to find that dream BF/GF and whatever feelings I have towards this person, positive or negative, or how you see them fitting in your life is also part of your EgoSmog. All emotional triggers are also creations of the mind whether physical or verbal abuse. 

    Deep deep stuff. 


    ^even my judgments, values, and usefulness I found in this video are also projections of the mind. Time to observe the way I label objects more carefully..

  9. Believe it or not my friend but try out a enema or a colonic. The wide variety of suggestions above are excellent and should take in consideration especially the diet, however, it is important to first cleanse out your large intestinal walls that most likely still has years of build up of hard fecal matter. With this in mind, some of your essential nutrients and water don't get a chance to get absorbed. It is great to detox your body, but first you must change it's oil. Cleansing from the inside out, then it will show on the outside. Here's a quick tutorial: How and Why to do an enema This is great for energy, skin, and overall health.


    I used to have severe acne in highschool and I found this method online called the Caveman method. It is basically not having contact with water on your face for 1month straight. In this way, your natural oils (that I stripped away by using many different products) can flourish and cleanse the skin itself. Skin just can't heal as quickly if sitting in moist conditions. I gave it a shot and it worked. Breakouts and acne naturally gone and now I wash my face with less harsh chemicals and once every other day. You might first want to do your own research on this though.. haha 


  10. @DakotaBaba This is from Leo's video on Free Will Vs. Determinism: 

    "Just because there is no self and you're enlightened you can sit around and do nothing. Enlightened people are the most productive people out there. When they want to, and they have an authentic desire, they will have a force of nature. When you have the kind of faith and surrender to life you are unstoppable because nothing can scare you. Yes we are giving up our egotistical power but we will gain complete oneness and unity with life, peace of mind, unconditional happiness, and we get a lot of power by unifying ourselves with the force of nature by allying ourselves with it. We will have the strengths of a waterfall, an avalanche, gravity. These will be impersonal forces, not ego, only act. No pretense in their actions. Very direct like nature."

    Great video I would recommend watching again. Whatever choice you make in life, just remember that "you" were not the one making it, but that doesn't necessarily mean to sit on the coach, but to use the illusion of freewill to do good for the betterment of humanity. 

  11. We are like waves on the ocean, looking for the ocean, longing to be part of it?

    Yes. That’s a great metaphor. You are like a wave in the ocean experiencing itself as separate from the ocean. The wave asks, ‘When and where will I find the ocean? Who can give the ocean to me?’ But the wave was always the ocean, from the very beginning, even in its seeking! It’s the ocean looking for itself. Even within the ocean’s failure to find itself it is still the ocean; every wave is one hundred per cent water. As all the authentic spiritual teachers have been telling us for hundreds and thousands of years, you are what you seek.

    Although ‘non-duality’ is just a word, what it points to is the possibility that you are not who you think you are. It’s the possibility that what you are is not this seeker, broken or incomplete. What you are is simply this open space of awareness (consciousness, awakeness, Being) in which absolutely everything seems to come and go, and that space is already at rest; it’s already Home.

    - Jeff Foster


    The full read is in the link above^

    Great introduction to anyone new to the word Non-Duality and what it points to. Also Paul Hedderman is great on explaining this topic on his FB page. https://www.facebook.com/tinkerzen?fref=ts

    Does anyone else know of any good lectures or spokesmen of this subject, as I know this topic can be quite tricky? :)