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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. Change it up. Trip in your room with the lights out and tune in. Or, trip outside and connect and receive wisdom from plants. Think both ways have there own goodies that come with them. 

    In my experience 5meo out in nature is the gnarliest thing I've probably have experienced, second to God. When i came back from the trip (smoked) I could sense that the plants around me were watching me highly closely and intimately. It was quite the shock.. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Jed Vassallo said:

    But my biggest fear of doing it, is that, like Ayauasca, after doing it nothing will have changed. It will be just another great experience.

    Yeah well you will be disappointed then. The 5 is just an another experience, true yes. It's not an immediate magic pill over night life change. It's got to be done dozens and hundreds of times for it to slowly permeate the changes in your Consciousness. You will come back to your consensus reality but there will be subtle changes. 

    If you want an immediate over night change i recommend rectal administration and a good high dose that you've been building up to. Becareful what you wish for. It'll rock your world. :)

  3. Been getting into a little bit of rapé and it's uses for clearing out any blockages. Seems to really work with the third eye and crown chakras. Upon self administering, symmetrical movements similar to those of under any psychedelic especially 5meo, ensues. I can see that it may cause dependency, but currently just testing it out and being mindful in the process.

    Anyone have any experiences with rapé?


    Snuff is a smokeless tobacco made from ground or pulverised tobacco leaves.[1] It is inhaled or "snuffed" into the nasal cavity, delivering a swift hit of nicotine and a lasting flavoured scent (especially if flavouring has been blended with the tobacco).[1]Traditionally, it is sniffed or inhaled lightly after a pinch of snuff is either placed onto the back surface of the hand, held pinched between thumb and index finger, or held by a specially made "snuffing" device.


  4. 14 hours ago, archi said:

    In 2 weeks I go for 5-MeO trip one day and ayahuasca the following one ... 

    Any advice what would be the best prep for it?


    @archi I've tried this once and it was the gnarliest psychedelic experience I've had to date. Prepare for the possibility of an 8 hour long 5-MeO-DMT experience.

  5. @CreamCat He mentions it's his most authentic voice or energetic expression. Kinda like a sex demigod lol. He's got some other stories in his other videos where upon his awakening phase he would move (like in the video above/ fractal yoga) sometimes randomly in public. Also, he wondered how he would fake or mask his "Martin" voice when he is teaching his college students. 

    @Artaemis Yes it's legit! 


  6. I met him in person twice now. Seems like a normal dude...haha not! 

    He's probably done over a couple thousand 5meo sessions too. For 6 years he did it something like 3 times a week. 

    Currently reading his Entheogenic Evolution, all about his guides/methods from what he learned within those 6 years. 

    Be entertained if you haven't watched this. In 25min he shows his "true" self.