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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. You are on the right track. Although it may be on the surface level of things, you can always dig a little deeper. When you just hold that concentration of whatever you're contemplating for long enough, you may get a feeling of leverage where you can leap up from and then from there you get grounded and eventually leap up from that as well. Keep going and don't be discouraged with plateaus. 

  2. @Laisa A year ago dark psy just didn't feel right but now since getting more into self inquiry and contemplation it totally feels right. I used to listen to only progressive, uplifting, and full on so I can relate. 

    Great article! Would like to go to Boom one day, and many other still on my list. 

    Ohh yeah that feeling of total energetic state of dance, bare feet on the dirt ground, others around you sharing the same feeling that you just can't put together into words but they know exactly what you're trying to say through dance. Let's meet! 

    I'm not sure if Martin will be there but I follow him on FB so I'll keep you updated on that. Would love to meet him in person. 

    If you haven't watched this of his ceremony days already, you've got to: Long but juicyyy :)


    Some of his music I'd like to share with you: 

    Beautiful stuff :') Enjoy.

  3. Oregon Eclipse happening August, which I'll be attending. The Organization NonDuality and Science will be attending which I'm excited the most for. 

    Been to Burning Man a couple times and it seems nowadays diluted with everyone on happy drugs. Slowly becoming mainstream and I feel is losing it's original essence.

    Tribal Gathering is great. 18 day festival in Panama where dozens of different indigenous tribes get to come and share their culture and also their plant medicine. Ayahuasca, iboga, mescaline, etc

  4. Practice , practice, practice.. :)







                                                                                                                                                                                                  ...practice, practice....



  5. @Life Coach If you want a sleep paralysis/OBE try this. It gets me most of the time. 

    During mid day take a nap (20-45min), and try to go to bed normally as usual. But, when trying to go to bed feel that it's usually difficult to fall into deep sleep because of the nap earlier that day. Just lay there quietly and peacefully as possible until within sometime you fall asleep...and BAM! 

    It's 3AM here in LA and I just woke up nearly shit my pants to an old lady that I encountered that just wouldn't stop following me, and it looked like to appear in a clothing store. She was practically forcing her body against mine and screaming.. Oh Jeeez the goosebumps. 

    After that a few crazy enlightening experiences were felt as if I literally became inside out and dissolved into white light while also feeling as if cold water was being dumped onto my whole being. Had this multiple times tonight. It felt very similar to my 5MEO experience earlier last year. Maybe this was induced because I was reading "Tryptamine Palace" tonight before bed when all this happened and the toad decided to say hello once again. There are some relatable things in that book that convulsively make my body shake with charged energy. Anyway thanks for reading, I'm going to try to go to bed again. 

  6. @Hanski I can totally relate. This happened after a couple years of daily meditation and just a few weeks after a strong dose of psilocybin. I've noticed that it was highly due to the fact that I stopped meditating, taking more breaks/shortening my sit times for each day after. I fell into an endless loop of all hopelessness, fear, depression, and a feeling that even suicide wouldn't even make a difference. As soon as I read more about this "Dark Night of the Soul" I became more aware. Check out "End Of Your World" By Adyashanti (about post awakening and how to deal with life) I found it very relatable and helpful. 

    I see it as a process of 'ego confusion' as if the ego realized it's own emptiness/essenseless and it's kinda thinking twice about things. 

    As soon as I picked up my meditation practice, micro-dosed every few days, took ashwagandha here and there, most if not all have cleared away! 

    I am confident in saying that after this "hurdle" life will become clairvoyant and evermore magical! :) Keep your head up and be aware. 

  7. Intense weeping triggered by an opening up of electricity to complete surrender. Usually with some pause of breathing, open mouth, and face scrunching. Completely dropping the weights of having to keep up many of my strong roles that I play. Just being able to be actively and invitingly aware of all intense emotional feelings has been eye opening.

    What are some of your experiences with being emotionally open to a point of awe surrender?

  8. From Martin Ball:

    "It was fun while it lasted, but it looks as though an unprecedented (for me) run of book sales is starting to wind down. A few months ago an interview with me was released by Leo Gura and as a result, book sales were the best they've ever been for me in the 10 years I've had books on the market. Very grateful to have gotten 3 good months of the Leo Gura bump! Never underestimate the power of a well-placed interview to generate a little interest in your work. :)"